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Chapter 888 I am innocent


I was pressed on the big bed, Yuchen leaned down and pressed his cold and soft lips against mine.

I only have one stick of incense, I have to go back quickly.

I was not killed by Liu Yunxiu, but I missed the time to go back because I was with him.

Then my death would be unjust!

I raised my hand and pushed him.

Yuchen seemed to think I was going to resist, so he grabbed my hands, pushed me directly onto the bed, and then kissed me more domineeringly.

My mouth is full of his vindictive aggression, as if on purpose, he opened his mouth and bit the corners of my lips and my tongue, and he didn't let go of me until I groaned in pain.

The bloody smell of rust filled his mouth. He looked down at me from above and said in a hoarse voice, "Lin Xi, you can only be mine for the rest of your life.

If you dare to run away with another man, I will kill you!"

Was he stimulated by Yun Ling?

Whether he is or not, I have to go now.

I said, "Let me go first..."

"Aren't you going to kill me? If I die on you, does it count as your death?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuchen penetrated fiercely.

My body instantly felt like it was torn from the middle. It had never been so painful.

I screamed and curled up, breathing heavily, hoping to relieve the pain in my body.

It hurts too much.

"You...get out..." Without tears, I just howled, "I'm hurting so much, please get out..."

"Be good," Yuchen hugged me. He sat on the bed, held my waist firmly with one hand and fixed my body, and gently stroked my back with the other hand, as if to comfort me, but he said

When he came out, he didn't show any sympathy, "Relax.


Only ghosts can relax!

It almost hurts me. Muscle tightness is a normal reaction!

I looked at him aggrievedly, "Didn't you say you like me? You're lying. If you liked me, you wouldn't let me hurt like this... Yuchen, I beg you, please get out..."

Yuchen kissed the corners of my eyes softly and looked at me with a pair of black eyes, "I like you, so your body and your soul must be mine.


His eyes were as deep as a bottomless cold pool, as if they could suck a person's soul in.

The tip of my heart was stirred, and I felt lingering love. At the same time, I was still a little unbelievable, "Do you really like me? Before that..." When I confessed before, why did I reject it?

As if he had seen through my doubts, Yuchen lightly raised the corners of his lips and said with a wicked smile, "If you take good care of me, I will tell you everything.


As soon as he finished speaking, he turned over and pressed me under him again.

I was like a small boat floating in the vast ocean, being tossed high by the waves and then pushed into the bottom of the sea by the huge waves. The extreme feeling made my mind go blank, and finally my vision went dark and I lost consciousness.

It wasn't until a voice kept calling me that I regained consciousness again.

I opened my eyes and found that I was in darkness. It was pitch black all around. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't tell the direction, and I didn't know where I was.

I was a little panicked, and then the voice came from above my head again, "Lin Xi.


It’s Liu Yunxiu!

I quickly looked up and saw that the top of my head was also black, like a piece of black cloth.

But in this darkness, a green snake with a faint green light was lying in the air.

As if she saw that I was afraid of her, Liu Yunxiu said again, "Lin Xi, we are in your dream, you don't have to be afraid, I am dead and will not hurt you again.


Her tone was calm, revealing the indifference of life and death.

She said that she was about to disappear into ashes. Before she disappeared, she came to me to apologize to me.

She became a demon because of the hatred in her heart. The demonic nature is difficult to tame. She couldn't control herself, so she did something to hurt me.

She hoped that I could forgive her, and she also begged me to spare Liu Yunxiang's life when I meet her sister Liu Yunxiang in the future.

This is the purpose of her coming to me, to plead for Liu Yunxiang.

Liu Yunxiang took away my father's soul. If Yuchen hadn't set up a magic circle to help my father survive, my father would have died at that time.

I said, "She killed my dad.


"But I have already paid a life for a life," Liu Yunxiu said, "Lin Xi, it is not easy to cultivate as an animal immortal. My thousand-year cultivation was killed by your grandma. Isn't this worth your father's life?"

It's true that my family has been sorry for her. She is now in a state of despair, and the only person she can't worry about is her sister.

I looked at her and said, "I promise you, in the future, as long as Liu Yunxiang doesn't harm me anymore, I will never trouble her.


"With Third Master protecting you, how dare Yunxiang come to harm you.

Liu Yunxiu chuckled lightly, and then said, "Little Fairy Girl, do you want to know what happened between me and the Third Master? I still have some time, so I can tell you about it."


I suddenly became interested and said, "I want to hear it."


Liu Yunxiu said, "The first time I met the third master, I was betrothed to him by the hall master, Qiao.

He was seriously injured at the time and was being hunted by his enemies. He needed an identity to help him cover up. The uncle asked me if I would marry him? I said yes.

In your human terms, I should have fallen in love with him at first sight..."

Liu Yunxiu said that she thought that after marrying Yuchen, she and Yuchen would become a fairy couple.

Even if Yuchen didn't like her at the time, if the two of them stayed together for a long time, Yuchen would one day like her and they would become a real couple.

But later, she realized how naive her idea was.

After they got married, the hall master adopted Yuchen as his godbrother. After that, Yuchen went to the mountains to practice.

Liu Yunxiu went to see him countless times, but Yuchen never saw her.

In order to force Yuchen to see her, and to prove that Yuchen still cared about her, Liu Yunxiu did many ridiculous things to Qiao Duo.

The two most ridiculous things are: one is having fun with others and getting pregnant with a child.

The other thing is knowing that it is against heaven's rules, but still doing things like helping people change their lives.

I was shocked.

Grandma said that when Third Grandma was beheaded, she was still pregnant with Yuchen’s child.

As a result, the child was not Yuchen’s!

"Does Yuchen know?" Does he know that he is wearing such a big cuckold?

Liu Yunxiu smiled bitterly, "Of course he knows! I do these ridiculous things just to know if he cares about me at all.

After I found out I was pregnant, I ran to find him in the mountains and told him personally that I was in love with another man.

But he still didn't see me. He only said to me that if my status was inconvenient, he could give me a divorce note and give me my freedom.


"I don't believe he would be so heartless towards me. If he didn't like me, why would he marry me? I loved him so much at that time that I had long forgotten that when we got married, he was just looking for shelter.

I just felt that the trouble I caused wasn't big enough, so he didn't care about me.

So later on, there was the matter of helping the boy's life in exchange for his life.


"Little Fairy Girl, until I was beheaded by Shangxian Xian, he didn't even come out of the mountain to see me.

Tell me, why is this man so cruel?"

I feel some sympathy for Liu Yunxiu.

A mistake at first sight leads to a lifetime.

Her life was completely changed by Yuchen.

If Liu Yunxiu had not met Yuchen back then, she would have practiced cultivation for thousands of years, and even if she had not achieved enlightenment now, she would still be a great immortal.

How could he end up in a state of despair?

"Xiao Xiangu, I can see that he treats you differently.

Third Master felt guilty towards me, and I was kind to him, so he protected me in every possible way.

I deliberately had an affair with him in front of you, and he let me go.

He has only one request for me, and he must never hurt you.

You are his bottom line. Even if I am his benefactor, I cannot harm you.

Are you touched? But little fairy girl, don’t be stupid. You can’t love this man. He just treats you differently.


"I found out from my uncle that he had married a wife before me. He loved his wife very much. He was seriously injured and was hunted down all because of his wife.

His heart is full of his ex-wife, and he can't tolerate anyone else.

Little Fairy Girl, you must not follow in my footsteps.

Falling in love with him is so painful.


"Have you found out who his ex-wife is?" I asked quickly.

Liu Yunxiu nodded, "His ex-wife is..."

"Lin Xi? Lin Xi!"

Someone called me.

I closed my eyes tightly.

I don’t want to wake up! Let me sleep for one more minute and let me listen to the most critical part!

At this moment, a furry animal suddenly jumped on top of me, making me breathless for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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