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As soon as these words were spoken, the scene fell silent, falling into a strange silence.

Not only Yuchen and I were shocked, but even Jiufeng Emperor Ji herself was stunned.

She blinked, her face full of disbelief.

Then she raised her hand, picked out her ears, and then looked down at the old god who was kneeling in front of her, begging her to take over the position of Emperor of Heaven.

"That's you," Jiufeng Diji pointed at the old god, "say what you just said again, I didn't understand a bit.


The old immortal was dressed in white clothes, with white hair and beard, and he looked like an immortal.

He kowtowed respectfully to Jiu Feng Emperor Ji again, and then said, "Ms. Emperor Ji, you are an ancient god. Your status and status are beyond our reach, and your magical power is boundless, and your cultivation is even more extraordinary.

Far above us.

Looking across the entire heaven, there is no one more suitable to sit in this seat than you.

We are convinced that you will succeed to the throne of Emperor of Heaven.

The previous Heavenly Emperor suddenly disappeared without leaving a single word about the arrangements for the Heavenly Emperor's position. If a person who is subservient to the public is not elected, the Heavenly Realm may not be able to achieve peace.


Li Nangeng's death is like an emperor suddenly dying suddenly without leaving a succession letter. Then the emperor's sons will definitely conflict over the throne and kill each other, leading to political instability.

Since Li Nangeng has no son, the situation in the heaven will only become more complicated. All capable people will feel that they have a chance. These people will have conflicts, form gangs, and even start wars because of this.

The war between the New God Sect and the Ancient God Sect has just ended, and the follow-up finishing work has not yet been completed. There can no longer be war in the heaven.

The old god recommended Jiufeng Diji to take over the throne for the sake of the stability of the heaven. Jiufeng Diji has a noble status and strong cultivation. With her in charge, no one dares to mess around.

The old god's starting point was good, but there was one thing he failed to consider, and that was Jiu Feng Di Ji's character.

Jiu Feng Di Ji is a naughty child. If she really becomes the Emperor of Heaven, I'm afraid the fate in the heaven will not be any better than another big melee.

This time Jiufeng Diji understood what the old god meant, her eyes shone with interest, "Old guy... no, no, what do you call me?"

The old immortal was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied, "Junior is the little god in charge of feng shui in the world, and his name is Jin Yuan Shangxian.

Lady Di Ji, please just call me Jin Yuan.


"Oh," Jiu Feng Di Ji nodded, she looked at Jin Yuan Immortal, as if she thought of something, she smiled and said, "It turns out to be a Feng Shui beast.

Feng Shui beast is also called the eternal spirit, which is immortal and exists forever.

According to the different luck they control, Feng Shui beasts are divided into Tianyun and Tiansha.

Tianyun is a creation that absorbs the air of the earth and nourishes all things with its air.

Tiansha sucks the turbid air from heaven and earth to breed disasters.

When I first got the order to control monsters, I searched for monsters in the world and encountered a pair of small feng shui beasts. I took Tiansha away, but Tianyun escaped.

Jin Yuan, aren’t you the little Tianyun from back then?”

Immortal Jin Yuan's expression froze for a moment, "Lord Di Ji, Xiao Xian is indeed the Feng Shui beast of the past.

But Xiaoxian has already cultivated to Zhengguo for many years, and has never hated Lady Di Ji for what happened back then.

Although Tianyun and Tiansha have the same roots, one is good and the other is evil, and their relationship is inherently hostile.

I also ask Lady Di Ji to clearly understand that Xiaoxian has no hostility towards Lady Di Ji.

Xiaoxian proposed that Lady Di Ji succeed to the throne of Heavenly Emperor, and she had no selfish motives at all. Xiaoxian just wanted the balance of heaven to be balanced.


Jin Yuan Shangxian seemed to be afraid that Jiu Feng Emperor would misunderstand him, so he explained anxiously.

But his sincere explanation deceived Jiufeng Emperor Ji.

Jiufeng Diji frowned, "Who said you have evil intentions towards me? Don't say you don't hold a grudge against me. Even if you do, I'm not afraid of you, and you can't beat me.

The reason why I mentioned what happened back then is because..."

Speaking of this, Jiu Feng Emperor raised her lips and smiled expectantly.

Seeing her expression, I knew that Jiu Feng Di Ji was going to become a monster.

Sure enough, the next second I heard Jiufeng Emperor Ji say, "Xiao Jinyuan, do you miss your Tiansha brothers? Do you want me to take you into the Demon Control Order and reunite you two brothers?"


When she said these words, Jiu Feng Di Ji was smiling, and her expression looked like that of a villain.

Immortal Jin Yuan's face turned pale with fright. He looked at Jiu Feng Emperor blankly, his lips moved for a long time, but he couldn't utter a single word.

A little immortal kneeling next to Jin Yuan Shangxian couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his head and said to Jiu Feng Emperor Ji, "Ms. Emperor Ji, your status is indeed more valuable than all of us here, but so what?"

How about that? We are all immortals who ascended after going through many tribulations. We have the status of gods. We are not monsters in the mountains. We cannot be collected by you and imprisoned by you."

Xiaoxian's words resonated with some immortals. Their true bodies are various spirits. If Jinyuan Immortal is taken into the Demon Control Order without any reason, then who can guarantee that they will not be raped by Jiufeng in the future?

Di Ji treats her like this.

Seeing the restless crowd, Jiu Feng Emperor clicked her tongue impatiently and said unreasonably, "The Demon Control Order in my hand can command all the monsters in the world. I can take in all the monsters I am interested in."

In the demon order.

I have this ability, do you have any opinions about it?!"

As soon as he said this, the discussion in the Xian family suddenly became louder.

I looked at the arrogant Jiu Feng Di Ji and thought to myself that this is great. We don’t even need to stop her. Jiu Feng Di Ji has already killed herself and cut off her chance to take over as the Emperor of Heaven.

Jiu Feng Di Ji did not feel that there was anything wrong with her at all. She glanced at everyone and said, "Whoever is not convinced should stand up now.

When I take over the position of Emperor of Heaven, I will be the first to deal with you!"

As soon as these words came out, Immortal Jin Yuan's face turned green, and his intestines were probably blue with regret.

Jiu Feng Di Ji is just an aunt, she can only support her from a high position and cannot take on any important responsibilities.

It's just that it's easier to ask the gods than to send them away. The words to ask Jiufeng Diji to take over as the Emperor of Heaven have already been said. Jin Yuan Shangxian really doesn't know how to change his words and make Jiufeng Emperor Ji give up the idea of ​​​​the Emperor of Heaven.

The old god frowned and looked at us with a sad face, his eyes pleading.

Yuchen ignored the look from Immortal Jin Yuan, but changed the topic and suddenly asked, "Immortal Jin Yuan, you are a Feng Shui beast, so you must know the world's Feng Shui very well.

I would like to ask, where should these two divine sarcophagi be buried according to Feng Shui?"

Immortal Jin Yuan glanced at the two huge sarcophagi floating in the air, then he raised his hands, closed his eyes and began to count quickly.

After a while, Immortal Jin Yuan opened his eyes and replied, "One of the gods is a demon and the other is a ghost.

Only by being buried in the dragon veins with abundant spiritual power can the two people's cultivation be restrained and they will never be able to escape from the divine seal.


Hearing this, Yuchen nodded and said, "In other words, if you bury them in a place that nourishes them, the effect of the divine seal will be weakened.


Master Jin Yuan obviously did not expect that Yu Chen would trick him out of such information. He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly waved his hand, "Fellow Taoist, I didn't say that.

The divine seal is the supreme seal, and those sealed inside are all treacherous and evil people. Unlocking the divine seal is an act against nature and will be punished by heaven.

I am a god in heaven, and I will not tell you how to unblock the gods.


Jin Yuan Shangxian expressed his position with a serious face.

Yuchen ignored him, but turned to look at the many immortal families and said, "I believe that there must be people among you who are good at breaking curses. Breaking the divine seal is against nature. You all have the status of gods.

There is no way you can do this, and I won't make it difficult for you.

All you have to do is teach me the methods and spells to unblock the gods. In return, I will take Jiufeng Emperor away.


"Who wants to go with you!" Jiufeng Diji glared and said with an unhappy face, "I want to stay to serve as the Emperor of Heaven! The entire Heaven Realm must listen to me. They are all my subordinates. With such a

It’s fun, I won’t leave!”

Hearing Yuchen's words, the immortals were hesitant. The reason why the divine seal is called divine seal is because this seal represents the will of God.

They are also gods. If they break their own seals by themselves, doesn't it mean they are slapping themselves in the face? Besides, this divine seal was sealed by the previous Emperor of Heaven. This is like the late emperor's edict. Who would be so full that they want to violate it?

But then upon hearing Jiufeng Diji's words, the faces of the group changed instantly.

Good guy, this aunt wants to play with Heaven and them as a toy. Compared with a slap in the face, the second situation is definitely more unacceptable.

Soon someone in the crowd stood up and said to Yuchen, "Fellow Taoist, please come with me, I know how to unblock you.


This chapter has been completed!
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