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Chapter 916 Ancient Gods Are Illiterate


After all, in my understanding, only subordinates protect their superiors, and there is no reason for superiors to make sacrifices for their subordinates.

Yun Ling was startled. Later, he stretched out his hand to hold my chin, lowered his head and came close to my lips, "You can't say what I like to hear with this little mouth of yours. I might as well seal it for you!"

His lips were getting closer and closer to mine, and I could even feel his breath on my face.

I ducked back nervously.

At this time, a big hand suddenly grabbed Yun Ling's back collar, and the next second, Yun Ling was thrown away.

Yuchen stood in front of me. He moved his neck and looked at Yun Ling with a pair of cold eyes, a chill spreading all over his body. "Do you want to die?"

Yun Ling turned around beautifully in mid-air and landed safely.

He raised his chin defiantly, without any fear, "Yuchen, this is your attitude towards your savior? You should kneel down and kowtow to thank me now.


Yuchen squinted his eyes, and the chill around him became even stronger.

Seeing the two of them starting to fight, I quickly said, "Yuchen, I have already collected Yun Ling at the entrance of the hall.


Can't we all live on the same page and live in peace?

Hearing this, Yuchen's eyes turned cold and he looked at me.

I thought he would scold me angrily, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned around and returned to the bedroom.

He didn't scold me, but I started to panic.

I chased him to enter the room, but Yun Ling grabbed me.

He had a bad smile on his face and said loudly on purpose, "Xiao Lin Xi, this snake demon has a bad temper. You can't spoil him like this. Look at his stinky face just now..."

I shook off Yun Ling's hand, told him to stop talking, and ran into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Yuchen was changing clothes.

He took off his dirty clothes and put on a new shirt.

Her fair and slender fingers fastened the buttons of her shirt one by one.

This guy is good-looking, and he looks good no matter what he does.

For example, now, Yuchen simply puts on some clothes, which makes him look ascetic.

I was tickled by the temptation and said with a smile, "My husband is so good-looking.


Yuchen glanced at me coolly and said nothing.

"Are you really angry with me?" I leaned over and looked up at him, "I took Yun Ling into the hall to save you, wasn't it?"

"I need you to save me?!"

When I heard Yuchen's words, I exploded.

This feeling is like when you try your best to help someone, and after you finish, that person says you, I didn’t ask you to help, it was all of your own free will.

Suddenly you will feel that you are nosy and mean.

"Yes, I'm full. I have nothing to do. Just cause trouble for yourself. That's it!" After shouting to Yuchen, I turned around and left the bedroom.

In the living room, Yun Ling has disappeared. Gu Han is standing in front of the formation diagram, holding a pen and notebook and drawing according to the diagram.

Seeing me coming out, Gu Han took the time to raise his head and look at me, "What's wrong? Did you have a fight with the Third Master?"

I sat on the sofa and angrily repeated to Gu Han what Yuchen said just now.

"He really said that!" Gu Han had a bad temper and immediately stopped drawing the formation diagram. He came over and pulled me up from the sofa, "Let's go to the third master and ask Qing Xiao. Let's save him and return him." Rescue gone wrong?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yuchen walked out of the bedroom.

Yuchen glanced at the formation in the living room, then waved his hand, and the formation diagram disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Gu Han didn't care about making trouble for Yuchen. Now she just wanted to hug Yuchen's thigh, "Third Master, please be merciful, I haven't finished copying yet!"

Yuchen ignored her, turned around and walked out.

I was a little worried about his health. After all, he had just woken up from a drowsy state, and I wanted to ask him where he was going.

But when the words came to my mouth, I suddenly realized that I was really a bitch.

Have I been asked to mind my own business?

I took a deep breath and ignored him.

After Yuchen left, Gu Han said, "Don't be angry, I will take you to make money, do you want to go?"

I spent all the money I had on buying jewelry, turning me into a real pauper with no food to eat. Besides, school is about to start in a week, and I still haven’t received my tuition fees and living expenses.

I asked, "Where can I make money?"

"I took a business from the Internet, you see.

"Gu Han took out his cell phone and showed it to me.

It is a very popular supernatural forum. There are stories about supernatural beings in the forum, there are masters who explain the mystery, and there are also people who post requests for help.

I don't know if I should call Gu Han naive.

"Gu Han, most of the stories written in forums like this are fake and deceptive.


"I have already contacted the victim. I don't think it is fake. Please take a look first before talking.


I turned to look at the phone again.

In the post asking for help, the poster said that he is 20 years old and is a sophomore at the Liaocheng Academy of Fine Arts. He made a girlfriend right after he entered college, and he and his girlfriend are very affectionate. They even believe that the other person is with him hand in hand.

People who have been together for a lifetime are ready to get married when they reach the age.

But, more than a month ago, my girlfriend suddenly broke up with me.

At that time, school was already on summer vacation. In order to win back his girlfriend, he even chased her to her hometown.

After the two met, no matter how hard he begged, his girlfriend was determined to separate from him.

The poster thought his girlfriend had changed her mind, but soon he discovered that things were not that simple.

Every morning, my girlfriend would send a text message to the poster. At first, she only sent some incomprehensible symbols or numbers. Until one day, my girlfriend sent a text message.

Here is a voice message. In the voice message, my girlfriend is crying and saying, "Save her."

At this time, the host finally realized something was wrong with his girlfriend.

He went to his girlfriend's hometown again and started stalking her.

This tracking made him discover that his girlfriend would go up the mountain every day to worship in a ruined temple.

My girlfriend stayed in the temple all day, and it wasn't until dark that she came down the mountain and went home.

One day, he plucked up the courage and went to the ruined temple after his girlfriend left.

As soon as he entered the ruined temple, he felt as if he had entered the underworld. There was a dark wind blowing all around and the temperature was as cold as winter.

He didn't dare to stay longer and ran out immediately.

He felt that his girlfriend must have been caught up in something dirty, but he was just a student and he didn't know where to turn for help, so he posted on the forum in the hope that someone could help him.

At the bottom of the post, I also left my phone number and WeChat ID.

Gu Han said, "Four to five o'clock in the morning is when the cock crows.

The crow of the rooster indicates the rising of the sun, the rise of Yang Qi, and the decline of Yin Qi. At this time, evil spirits are weak.

He wrote the time in his post, so I thought he wasn't lying.

Moreover, he is in Liaocheng, the same city as us, and it is just a meeting. It is very convenient.


I nodded.

Gu Han had already made an appointment with the other party at a meeting place, which was a Sichuan restaurant.

When we arrived at the store, Gu Han patted me and said, "That table.


I turned around and looked over. Sitting on the seat by the window was a big boy who looked very clean and sunny.

The boy also saw me and stood up immediately.

"why you!"

"why you!"

The man and I exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

Gu Han looked at the boy and then at me, "You two know each other?"

I nodded, "My high school classmate, Zhao Sijie.


Zhao Sijie is the school idol of our high school. I once had a crush on him, and I planned to confess my love when I entered college. But as soon as I entered college, he got a girlfriend.

The world is so small.

Seeing that it was me who was the fairy, Zhao Sijie was no longer so nervous. He smiled and said to me, "Lin Xi, why did you become the fairy? When you were in high school, I didn't find that you had any talent in this area.


"Immortal fate is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. If ordinary people can see the clues, it won't be called fairy fate.

"Gu Han sat down carelessly, flipping through the menu, and said, "We are all here, so tell us everything that is not written in the post.


"Actually, I wrote most of them in the post, but I didn't write about some private matters.

I don't know if it has anything to do with this.


I said, "You can tell me anything you think is strange.


Zhao Sijie looked at me with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "That is, one day, my girlfriend came out of the temple. I followed her down the mountain and she found me. She seduced me. I couldn't help it. We were on the mountain... My daughter

My friend is a very conservative person, and she would never do such a thing, so I felt that the person I was with at that time was definitely not her.

Lin Xi, I love my girlfriend very much. You must help me and save my girlfriend.


You love your girlfriend, but you still have sex with her when you know she's not her? Haha, man!

I asked, "Where is your girlfriend's hometown?"

"Miao territory.


As soon as I heard about this place, I didn't want to go.

Gu Han's eyes shone with excitement, "We'll take your single job.

But you have to pay us for the round-trip air tickets. You are Xiao Xi’s friend, so we won’t cheat you. After the matter is resolved, we will give you a red envelope of 30,000 yuan.


This chapter has been completed!
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