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Chapter 918 Spirit Summoning Formation


Zhao Sijie hugged his head and fell to the ground rolling in pain.

I was frightened and ran over to help him, "Zhao Sijie, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Han also ran over. She took out a yellow charm and patted it on Zhao Sijie's forehead.

Zhao Sijie suddenly became quiet, his eyes closed and his breathing was steady, as if he was asleep.

"This is a calming charm, it can make him calm down temporarily," Gu Han picked up Zhao Sijie's wrist, checked for pulse for a while, frowned and said, "The pulse is stable, it doesn't look like he is sick. He was stimulated by something just now.


I shook my head and asked Gu Han, "Can you still take your pulse?"

"I was bored in the Taoist temple and learned a little from my master.

"As she spoke, she leaned closer to Zhao Sijie, her lips getting closer and closer to Zhao Sijie.

My eyes widened as I watched the two of them kiss.

Although Zhao Sijie is handsome, it's not a good idea to take advantage of others while they are unconscious, right?

I was just about to stop Gu Han when I suddenly heard a woman screaming from the gate, "Let him go! What are you going to do to him!"

Following the shouting, a girl in national costume who looked to be in her twenties ran in.

She pushed Gu Han away, then leaned over from my arms and hugged Zhao Sijie. Her big bright eyes stared at me and Gu Han with hostility, "Who are you and what are you doing in our village!"

Gu Han was unprepared and was pushed to the ground. She got up and shouted angrily, "Who are you? Do you know that I am saving him! I am checking whether there is any evil in him!"

The girl seemed to be frightened by Gu Han's toughness and froze in place.

I looked at her and said, "Are you Zhao Sijie's girlfriend?" I only heard that Zhao Sijie had a girlfriend, but I hadn't officially met her yet.

The girl looked at me and said, "Ex-girlfriend, we broke up.


As she spoke, she put Zhao Sijie back into my arms, stood up and wanted to leave, but as if she thought of something, she turned back to me and said, "Sijie likes me very much. In order to save me, he told many lies."

I don't know how he told you that we broke up.

But I know those words are absolutely false.

I broke up with him because my parents didn't allow me to fall in love. Moreover, the distance between my family and Citrix's family was too far, and my parents didn't agree with me marrying so far away in the future.


"I know he posted on the forum that I broke up with him because he was possessed by an evil spirit, but do you think I look like a man who is delirious and possessed by an evil spirit?" The girl smiled calmly and said very rationally, "

He and I just broke up naturally like all couples in the world who break up, without any evil intentions.

Therefore, you can't help at all. There will be a convoy entering the city passing the stockade early tomorrow morning. You can go.


After saying that, the girl left, and the whole process was extremely normal.

I suddenly felt embarrassed. If what the girl said was true, then what Gu Han and I did here would be ridiculous.

Gu Han took off the yellow charm from Zhao Sijie's forehead and slapped him awake.

Zhao Sijie looked like he had just woken up, "What's wrong with me? Who overturned the dining table, are you two injured?"

He had no memory of what had just happened.

I looked at him and said, "Zhao Sijie, tell me the truth, why did you and your girlfriend break up?"

Zhao Sijie repeated the strange behavior of his girlfriend. Finally, fearing that I would not believe it, he raised his hands and swore to God that everything he said was true.

Return to the room.

Gu Han asked me, can you tell who is lying?

"We'll know tomorrow.


In Zhao Sijie's description, his girlfriend would go up the mountain to ruin the temple every morning.

Tomorrow morning, we will follow up to see if what Zhao Sijie said is true.

Before going to bed, Gu Han put yellow symbols on all the doors and windows of the room.

Because I was so tired, I almost fell asleep on the pillow.

When I woke up again, I was awakened by Zhao Sijie's knock on the door.

I got out of bed and walked over to open the door.

"Lin Xi, you finally got up," Zhao Sijie said anxiously, "Xiaoya has already gone up the mountain, let's chase her quickly.


Hearing this, I immediately became energetic.

Gu Han also quickly packed himself up. In order to catch up with Xiaoya as soon as possible, Gu Han and I didn't even eat breakfast. We took bread from the bag, one each, and ate it while walking up the mountain.

The mountain is not steep, surrounded by greenery, and covered with wild flowers. From time to time, birds fly overhead and hear a crisp chirp.

In this environment, some people believe that it is a place where gods live.

“Feng Shui says that when Yin is strong, everything will be weak.

"Gu Han said, "Lin Xi, look at the environment here. The sun is shining brightly and everything is growing. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like a place where evil spirits are born.


Although I don't understand Feng Shui, I can feel that there is plenty of Yang energy here, and there is not a trace of evil energy.

It seems that the liar is Zhao Sijie.

I looked at Zhao Sijie who was leading the way, "Zhao Sijie, we've been walking for so long, why haven't we caught up with Xiaoya yet?"

Zhao Sijie said without looking back, "Xiaoya left early, and by now, she might have arrived at the ruined temple.


"When we arrive at the ruined temple, what if Xiaoya isn't there?"

Zhao Sijie seemed to have never thought about this problem, he smiled and said, "How could she not be here? I watched her enter the ruined temple with my own eyes.


"You have been with us all this time. When did you see Xiaoya enter the ruined temple?" I asked.

Zhao Sijie was stunned. He obviously couldn't fill the loopholes in these two sentences.

I saw him frowning in pain, and suddenly I couldn't bear it.

This good boy fell in love and drove himself crazy.

"Zhao Sijie..."

"Ah!" He suddenly shouted, covering his head in pain, his eyes gleaming with madness, and he stared at me, "Lin Xi, run! You will die, run quickly..."

Those words again.

I was just about to ask him why he died.

I heard Xiaoya's voice suddenly coming from behind me.

"Don't go up the mountain!" Xiaoya's voice was urgent, "Come down quickly.


I turned around and looked over, and saw Xiaoya standing in the distance, shouting at us hard.

Seeing Xiaoya, I was even more sure that Zhao Sijie was lying.

But I don’t understand why he wanted to trick us into going up the mountain.

Just as I was thinking about it, I felt a cool breeze blowing behind me.

Gu Han's eyes widened in horror, "Lin Xi!"

She rushed towards me.

But before she could reach out and grab me, I was pulled to the sky by a strong force.


This is much more exciting than a roller coaster. At least there is a place to grab onto the mountain.

And now, I am thrown into the air, and all I can catch are tree leaves.

So, I grabbed a handful of leaves and was dragged into the ruined temple by this force.

After entering the ruined temple, I was thrown to the ground.

When I landed from mid-air, I felt like all my internal organs had been thrown out of place. It hurt so much that I burst into tears.

I endured the pain, got up from the ground, and bravely looked around.

The ruined temple was very dirty, with a thick layer of ash piled up on the altar table. I don’t know how long it had been since no one came to clean it and worship.

Behind the altar table stood a faded statue.

The statue has a human body and a snake's tail, and is a woman. The woman covers her eyes with her hands, revealing her small nose and smiling red lips.

I have never seen such a statue, and I don’t know if it is a local god enshrined in Miao territory.

But now, I don't care about any of this. I just want to leave the ruined temple.

I turned around and ran out. As soon as I reached the temple gate, I heard a woman's sobbing voice coming from behind me.

"You want to leave again? Are you going to leave me alone here again?"

I stopped walking and didn't dare to move.

There was a rustling sound behind me, like the sound of a snake swimming away, and then a cold and soft body pressed against my back, "Mr. Lang, please stay and accompany me, okay?"

She can’t even figure out Xiao’s gender!

I felt relieved. Being so blind, I should have a chance to escape.

But the next second, I saw a green snake's tail wrapped around my legs, and the snake's tail penetrated into my shirt, "Mr. Sir, let me undress you... You are a woman! You are not my husband."

,Who are you!"

The woman was furious, and the snake's tail rolled up and wrapped around my neck.

She lifted me up and faced me with her head raised, "Where is my husband? Where did you hide my husband!"

"I..." I pulled hard on the snake's tail wrapped around my neck and said with difficulty, "I... I am your husband's maid, and your husband sent me to find you..."

"Really?" the woman let go of me and asked happily, "What did he say?"

Breathing air again, I coughed and said, "He said he misses you very much and loves you very much..." There are only a few words that women like to hear.

I saw the woman smile with satisfaction.

I worked harder to please you, "He said, he will come to see you soon, and he will marry you..."

"You lied to me!" I don't know what the woman thought of, and suddenly said angrily, "He has a wife, he will not marry me!"


I didn't know your relationship could be so complicated!

"You are not his maid, you lied to me! You deserve to die!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised the snake's tail and stabbed me.

I also want to run, but I am just an ordinary person, and no matter how fast I am, I can't be faster than her.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp snake's tail was in front of me.

I closed my eyes and felt like I was dead.

At this moment, a cold embrace suddenly hugged me head-on.

This chapter has been completed!
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