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Previously, in Fenggu, Wan Zhu and Fu Ming's words to expose the identity of the false god of the Tauren tribe came into play at this time.

More and more people suspect that this group of gods who take the initiative to appear in front of them are fake.

In the eyes of the world, gods are compassionate, mysterious and have no desires or desires.

But these gods ask humans to worship them. This behavior is very strange and does not conform to human understanding of gods.

Natural disasters continue to occur all over the world, but every time there is a natural disaster, gods appear.

Gods will use their divine power to save most humans and reduce human casualties.

The Tauren seem to think that by doing this, they can gain the trust of the saved humans.

But they miscalculated. Not only did their actions not receive tribute, but they also aroused more suspicion from humans.

Someone posted on the Internet asking God to ask ten questions.

The post went viral, attracting hundreds of millions of reposts.

Among them, the most controversial questions are: First, with the continuous natural disasters, do these natural disasters have anything to do with these gods?

Second, every time a disaster occurs, the gods can arrive in time to save people, so do they know in advance where the disaster will occur? If they know in advance, why not give humans a warning.

Third, we have Mazu, the goddess in charge of maritime shipping.

There is the god of grains - Houji.

There is the mother of the earth—Nuwa.

There are gods of the four seasons - Jumang, the spring god, Zhurong, the summer god, Lushao, the autumn god, and Xuanming, the winter god.

But when the Yangshi faced problems such as typhoons, insect plagues, plagues, earthquakes, abnormal seasonal changes in some areas, etc., why did none of these corresponding gods appear?

Fourth, gods have only recently begun to appear frequently, and natural disasters have only recently begun to appear frequently.

Can it be considered that the two are related?

The gods require offerings from humans, and only if they receive offerings will they be willing to protect humans from natural disasters.

Does this mean that natural disasters are just a way for gods to gain worship from humans?

Clear organization and sharp language.

This post caused a storm of public opinion. More and more people believe that gods are fake and that mankind is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Humanity is threatened by gods!

Some radical people even broke into the newly built temple, messed with the statues and insulted the gods.

And all of these people died unexpectedly.

Human beings' doubts about gods were pushed to the next level by the deaths of these people.

Human beings began to protest, go on strike, and demonstrate in the streets, holding up slogans, "Human beings are not pets kept in captivity by gods, and even gods have no right to influence the beliefs in human hearts."

At this time, officials stood up.

Regardless of whether gods are real or not, humans have to live.

And one thing that humans must admit is that humans are now incapable of confronting gods.

In order to ensure the normal order of human society and to protect the lives of the people parading in the streets, officials once again approached the master and implored him to communicate with the gods.

This time the ceremony of inviting gods was not made public. The official only gave the final result. Temples will be built in various parts of the world. The official will organize people to worship in the temples to ensure that the temples are full of incense.

At the same time, the gods will do their best to protect the world.

After the proclamation was issued, the natural disasters in Yangshi gradually decreased until peace was completely restored.

After a while, temples in various places were built one after another and opened to the outside world.

Local officials take a large number of people to the temple to worship every day.

But the Tauren still failed to gain the trust of humans as they wished.

Because belief must first be believed with sincerity and sincerity. It is what the human heart desires and is not restricted by any situation. It is human belief.

Therefore, humans are very obedient. They built temples and worshiped every day. In terms of their actions, the Tauren could not find a single fault, but they could not receive the power of faith that they so much wanted to believe.

"Although human beings are weak, they are smart, so why don't they just fool the Minotaur tribe now?" After reading today's news, Wan Zhu turned to me and gloated.

Under the sun, I sat cross-legged on a rock and meditated, doing exercises with my eyes closed, feeling the flow of pure spiritual power between heaven and earth, ignoring Wanzhu.

After my physical constitution changed, my sense of strength became more and more sensitive.

As long as I want, I can even control the flow of spiritual power in the air.

This is the talent of the Son of Heaven!

That night when he escaped from Fenggu, Wan Shangyu made a decision. He said that the time has not yet come. If we want to defeat the Minotaur tribe, we must hide first and wait for the situation to develop.

No one questioned Wan Shangyu's decision, so that night our group fled into the mountains and hid, where we have been until now.

During this period of time, Wan Zhu was training with me every day. Before the time Wan Shangyu said came, I had to learn how to awaken the real three emperors.

Fu Ming took Ruchen and the Four-Eyed Demon Boy to find all the animal immortals that could be found nearby. Some animal immortals had just become enlightened and could even be said to be just animals, and they were still taken under Fu Ming's command.

Fu Ming trains this army every day.

Not only me, but also Liao Ruchen felt that Fu Ming was ill and sought medical treatment.

After all, the cultivation level of this group of animal immortals is too low. Such a miscellaneous army cannot have any effect at all. There is no need for Fu Ming to waste his efforts and time on these animal immortals.

Facing our doubts, Fu Ming did not explain, but Wan Zhu told us with full confidence that we must believe in Fu Ming, he is the high priest of the ancient god, and he has never shown his true strength in front of us.

When the time comes, this motley crew will scare us.

Qilin's injuries were almost healed. When he came out, he learned that Yun Ling and Qing Luan were both dead.

The boy seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and the lively Qilin began to become silent.

He trained with Fu Ming every day and became the general of this motley army.

Liao Ruchen took the four-eyed demon boy to collect medicinal herbs and frantically refined various elixirs.

Wan Shangyu plays with his daughter Lucky every day.

Today, Wan Shangyu has become more cheerful. He has calculated the outcome more than a hundred times. No one can change it, and he fully accepts it.

On this day, I went back to practice.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, he heard Qilin ask Wan Shangyu, "Wan Shangyu, when will the time come? Human beings seem to be obedient, but in fact they are rebellious.

Their behavior has angered the Minotaurs. The Minotaurs are cruel. If we don't take action, I'm worried that the Minotaurs will attack humans, and humans will die in large numbers.


While Wan Shangyu was teaching little Lucky to walk, he answered Qilin, "The Minotaurs are cruel, but they are not stupid. What they want is the trust of humans, not their lives.

Killing people will only make humans fear them and surrender to them, but they will never willingly believe in them.

They will find other ways to deceive human beings into trusting them.

When the tauren take action again, we will show up.


Qilin thought for a while and then asked in confusion, "What else can the Tauren do? Humans already suspect that they are false gods. Can they brainwash all humans and make them forget this memory?"

I'm curious too.

Trust is like a piece of white paper. After it is crumpled, even if it is fully unfolded, it will be covered with wrinkles.

The same goes for trust. Once you have doubts, it is difficult to trust wholeheartedly again.

The Tauren have ruined their reputation, how can they make up for it?

The answer to this question was answered by the Tauren a month later.

Seeing the Minotaur tribe's response, all of us except Wan Shangyu were shocked.

Wanzhu jumped up and cursed, "These shameless beasts, how could they do such a thing!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book:.

Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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