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Chapter 1210 An unprecedented occasion

It was only then that Mu Yunxiu discovered that Tang Miaoxin's previous methods towards him were definitely gentle.

Tang Miaoxin looked at him and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Mu Yunxiu nodded: "It's okay, because His Highness has settled these matters."

"What I want to do now is probably go home and pack up my belongings, and then follow Your Highness to Jade City."

Tang Miaoxin laughed and said to Mu Yunxiu: "Then you can go to the palace again by the way. I have found a new state shepherd to come over."

"He is not familiar with Rongzhou yet, and Lu Xianchen doesn't know much about Rongzhou's general affairs, so you still need to make a handover with him."

This handover would take several days anyway. She was afraid that Tang Jiuge would talk about it when she went back, and she wanted to stay here in Rongzhou for a few more days.

Yu Han seemed to know what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "The Lord knows that His Highness will definitely be short of manpower here, so he asked me to bring a few officials here this time."

"They will assist Tangzhou Mu in handling the affairs of Rongzhou. Your Highness does not need to worry."

When Tang Miaoxin asked Tang Yishen to come to Rongzhou, he sent an official document to Tang Jiuge in advance.

Tang Jiuge recognized Tang Yishen's ability, so he directly asked Tang Yishen to come to Rongzhou from the Ministry of Husbandry.

He also knew that with the way Tang Miaoxin did things, he would probably cause some trouble in Rongzhou, so he temporarily transferred a few people to Rongzhou with Yu Han.

Tang Miaoxin laughed when she heard this: "My father knows me best."

Yu Han also smiled: "Your Highness is the crown princess who has returned to Qian. Now she has taken charge of the government. Your Highness can decide on the transfer, appointment and dismissal of officials in the court."

"The King has great trust in His Highness' abilities. As long as His Highness wants to use someone, the King will support him."

Mu Yunxiu listened to their conversation and felt extremely complicated.

After he knew how Tang Miaoxin acted, he felt that Tang Jiuge was really brave.

Does this mean that the whole Gui Qian is to be handed over to Tang Miaoxin and left to her to do whatever she wants?

Mu Yunxiu does not doubt Tang Miaoxin's ability, but he has a big question mark on the way she acts.

She acted too casually, and if Gui Qian was handed over to her like this, wouldn't Tang Jiuge turn Gui Qian upside down?

Tang Miaoxin curled her lips slightly and said, "My father really took great pains to let me go home as soon as possible."

Yu Han chuckled lightly and did not answer her words.

He is just an errand boy, he just needs to convey the message, and he will not interfere with other matters.

The people transferred by Tang Jiuge are all very capable.

After they came to greet Tang Miaoxin, they followed Mu Yunxiu to handle official business.

Tang Yishen was originally worried that no one would use it, but when he learned that Tang Jiuge had sent several people over, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He is an out-and-out official fanatic. He has never had the opportunity to be an official before. Now that he has such an opportunity, he will naturally work hard.

So he completely failed to understand Tang Miaoxin's intention to delay returning to Yucheng, and only said: "Leave Rongzhou to me, Your Highness, don't worry."

Tang Miaoxin curled her lips slightly when she saw him like this and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Early the next morning, the group of them set off back to Yucheng.

Tang Yishen and Lu Xianchen were so busy that they both came to see her off.

But when Tang Miaoxin's car arrived at the gate of the city, everyone was shocked.

Because I don't know when many people came outside the city gate, the black land stretched to ten miles away.

Looking from the city gate, everywhere you look, there are people!

Just by looking at their clothes, you can tell that these people are ordinary people.

Just because of the large number of people, Ning Guzhou didn't know their intentions and protected Tang Miaoxin behind him.

An old man with a white beard in the crowd shouted: "Bye!"

When he said this, everyone bowed down to Tang Miaoxin.

They were obviously not trained. They worshiped in various postures, and their movements were not uniform at all. They were in front and back.

And because there were too many people, the white-bearded old man's voice was not loud, and only the people in the nearby area could be heard.

But after the people in front prostrate themselves, the people behind also prostrate themselves to the ground.

For a moment, the crowd was like a wave, and they all slowly knelt down and kowtowed to Tang Miaoxin.

This battle shocked everyone.

Shuxiu's eyes widened.

Qi Jianlan likes to show off, and every time she goes out, people will arrange to see her.

However, for her safety, Feiyunqi could only arrange for a few hundred people to come to see her.

But looking at the number of people who came to see Tang Miaoxin off at this time, they were feared to number in the tens of thousands.

The old man with a white beard said loudly: "After your highness comes to Rongzhou, you will be exempted from taxes, retire your soldiers, return fertile land, redress grievances, and give us a new life!"

"We have nothing to repay, so we can only kowtow to His Highness here and send His Highness back to Jade City!"

After he finished speaking, two strong men behind him carried a big umbrella.

The white-bearded old man added: "This is the Ten Thousand People Umbrella we made ourselves, with our names on it."

"The umbrella is not valuable, but it is our sincere wish. Please accept it, Your Highness!"

Mo Li went over and took the umbrella. The umbrella was densely covered with names.

Some of the characters in those names are very ugly, and they were obviously written stroke by stroke following the instructions of others.

He knew that when many officials left office, local squires would organize people to send them umbrellas, which meant that those officials had protected them.

It's just that this kind of umbrella is often just a formality, and there aren't many signatures on it.

It is extremely rare for people to spontaneously make such a big umbrella like Tang Miaoxin, no matter which country in the history of the Six Kingdoms.

Tang Miaoxin came to Rongzhou because she was actually forced to come here by Tang Jiuge.

After wiping out Dingbei Wang and his wife, many of the policies she enacted were made step by step.

When she did these things, she did it more casually, without thinking about gaining fame for herself or getting anything in return.

She just felt that her status as the Crown Princess of Gui Qian should not be in vain. She could do something for the people to live up to her status.

She originally thought that it was a big deal for the people to build a shrine for her, but she didn't expect that they would spontaneously make an umbrella for her and send it to her.

The common people's wishes are simple and simple. Whoever treats them well will be treated well.

She stretched out her hand and helped the old man with the white beard up: "My husband, please get up quickly!"

The old man with the white beard was a great scholar in Rongzhou and had high prestige in the local area. King Dingbei wanted to invite him to come out, but he avoided seeing him.

This time Tang Miaoxin left Beijing, but he spontaneously organized people to come and see him off.

Of course, it was Lu Xianchen who revealed the news that Tang Miaoxin was leaving Rongzhou.

The old man stood up slowly and said: "Gui Qian is lucky to have a prince like His Highness!"

Tang Miaoxin felt a little embarrassed when she heard this. She felt that she was not qualified as a prince because she was too lazy.

This chapter has been completed!
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