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Chapter 1644 You have to be willing if you don't want to

Ning Guzhou originally wanted to say a few soft words to her, Tang Miaoxin, to protect her and live a good life with her.

When he heard her words, he was so angry that he didn't want to say a word.

He was attracted to her, but she never thought about being with him!

Tang Miaoxin felt comfortable now, sleepiness began to rise, and she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Ning Guzhou couldn't laugh or cry when he saw her heartless look.

Based on his past temper, he would have thrown her out long ago.

But when he looked at her cute sleeping face, not to mention throwing her out, he held her in his arms and was unwilling to let go.

Ning Guzhou sighed almost inaudibly, vaguely feeling that he might fall into her hands in this life.

He lowered his head slightly, kissed her gently on her smooth forehead, and hugged her tighter.

This was the best night Tang Miaoxin had ever slept during her menstrual cramps.

When she woke up in the morning, she saw Ning Guzhou's handsome face, and her heart felt warm, as if a feather had gently brushed against her heart.

Although this man's words were unpleasant, if you think about it carefully, he didn't seem to have done anything excessive to her.

He was such a cold person, yet he would do such a considerate thing as holding her belly.

No matter what his motives were, she got this love.

She felt a little uncomfortable, and when she touched it with her hand, sure enough...

She quickly got up, and when she was about to get out of bed, she discovered that Ning Guzhou's snow-white middle coat was also dyed red.

Tang Miaoxin was extremely embarrassed. She knew that most men would think this thing was dirty.

Not to mention Ning Guzhou's bad temper, she strongly doubted that he would twist her head when he woke up and discovered this.

Tang Miao wanted to help him change his pants while he was still awake, but there was a high chance of waking him up...

When she was at a loss, she saw a pair of scissors in the sewing basket next to her, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

She decisively picked up the scissors and planned to cut off the dirty piece.

But she was only halfway through cutting when she heard Ning Guzhou's voice: "What are you doing?"

Tang Miaoxin was startled, and with a shake of her hand, the scissors pierced his lower abdomen.

He grabbed her hand with quick eyes and quick hands, his face was ashen.

She was extremely embarrassed: "I...I...I soiled your pants and wanted to...cut them off and wash them for you!"

Although this reason was very bad, it was still a reason. She repeated: "Yes, I just want to wash your pants!"

Ning Guzhou also saw the red color on his pants and vaguely knew what she wanted to do.

He reached out and gently opened her fingers and took off the scissors.

He looked at her slightly red face and said slowly: "If you had stabbed me just now, I'm afraid it would take you the rest of your life to pay for it."

Tang Miaoxin smiled apologetically: "It's not broken!"

Ning Guzhou looked at her deeply: "If you want to wash my pants for me, I will give you this opportunity."

He put the scissors on the small table beside him: "From now on, I will wash all your pants for you."

Tang Miaoxin: "..."

She felt that this completely exceeded her expectations!

She wanted to resist, but he stood up slowly, and his torn pants dangled in front of her eyes.

She vaguely saw the scene under the hole, and she was speechless at the words that came to her lips.

She adjusted her gaze slightly and saw his attractive mermaid line again.

She felt that the mermaid line was too eye-catching, so she continued to look up and saw his eight-pack abs.

Ning Guzhou asked with a half-smile, "Does it look good?"

Tang Miaoxin nodded first, then realized something was wrong, and quickly shook her head. Then she felt that shaking her head was wrong, so she nodded again.

It was rare for Ning Guzhou to see her look silly, and he felt a little funny in his heart: "Does that look good or bad?"

Tang Miaoxin broke the pot and said: "Of course the prince's body is very beautiful, but I am very dirty now and I can't show it to the prince!"

After she finished speaking, she jumped out of bed and quickly got into the clean room.

Ning Guzhou found it funny again when he saw her running away.

He looked at his pants with a big hole in them and remembered what she had just done. He felt that she was particularly cute this morning.

After Tang Miaoxin went to the clean room to clean herself, she reached out and patted her face.

She must have been in pain last night to do such a stupid thing this morning!

She wants to cry but has no tears!

Because of this matter, she had been avoiding Ning Guzhou all day long.

Ning Guzhou used to think that she was thick-skinned than a city wall, but now he realized that she was actually just a teenage girl, with a wild temper but still cute.

He was originally frustrated that she didn't like him, but now he has some confidence again.

At worst, if he puts more thought into her in the future, he won't believe that he can't open her heart.

Tang Miaoxin felt weak all day today because she was feeling unwell. Su Letian came over and asked, "Were you punished by King Qin when you went back last night?"

Tang Miaoxin rolled her eyes at him: "Can't you hope for me to be better? I just have a small day and am not feeling well."

Su Letian was stunned at first, and then his face turned red. How could she tell him such a thing!

Tang Miaoxin was overjoyed when she saw his appearance. She held her head with one hand and looked at him: "Brother, we promised to share the blessings and the joys. When will your little day come?"

Su Letian: "..."

He was drinking water from a cup just now to cover up his embarrassment, and her words made him spit out all the water.

Tang Miaoxin laughed unkindly and ran away holding the cup.

After he left, Tang Miaoxin discovered something. She was extremely embarrassed when she said these things in front of Ning Guzhou, but she felt nothing at all in front of Su Letian.

She grinned slightly, something seemed wrong.

What was wrong, she couldn't figure out for a while.

Jiang Huatong came over and asked, "What did you say to Su Letian just now? His face turned red like that?"

Tang Miaoxin smiled and felt that Jiang Huatong was a young lady, so it seemed a little inappropriate to tell her this.

She said: "It's nothing, I just teased him."

Jiang Huatong stopped asking and just said: "A big event happened in Beijing last night. Someone demolished the wall of Huitong Gambling House. Have you heard about this?"

Tang Miao wanted to say that not only had she heard about it, but she led Ning Changping and Su Letian to do it.

She was afraid of scaring Jiang Huatong, so she smiled: "Of course I've heard about such a big thing, I'm just a little curious about who is so powerful, I admire you so much!"

Jiang Huatong also laughed: "I admire them too. It is said that the guards of the capital turned the capital upside down last night but could not find those three people."

The corner of Tang Miaoxin's mouth twitched. Others would probably think that the three of them were a gang, but they didn't know that they were actually a makeshift team.

Ning Zhiyuan didn't suspect her even when he saw her last night, so how could he possibly find them.

This chapter has been completed!
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