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Chapter 1567 I hate you

Song Shiyan took a deep breath again and said, "I hate you!"

Tang Miaoxin laughed loudly: "Why do I smell the irritation in these words?"

"My sexual orientation is normal and I will never like women. Please don't try to influence me."

Song Shiyan: "..."

She turned her head away and didn't want to pay attention to Tang Miaoxin.

Tang Miaoxin had no time to pay attention to her, because they still had a tough battle to fight next:

To destroy Linyuan, the problem must be solved fundamentally.

It is obviously not enough to destroy the royal family of Linyuan, because they were originally a country formed by the gathering of various tribes.

Therefore, we must break their bones, destroy their beliefs, and cut off all their escape routes.

So after Tang Miaoxin bandaged Song Shiyan's wounds, he immediately set out to harvest Linyuan's heads with his troops.

This war is not too difficult for them, because to a certain extent, they are reaping the benefits:

After the Linyuan people finished fighting on their own, they would start again.

Their five thousand soldiers and horses basically completed this task perfectly without much damage:

Linyuan's royal family was completely wiped out, and the remaining tribes either surrendered to Qinzhou, or took their people into hiding in the more remote, icy wastelands and snow-capped mountains.

Tang Miaoxin finished all these things, and it was almost the one-month deadline agreed between her and Ning Guzhou.

She asked Ning Changping and Sang Yan to gather their troops and ride back to Qinzhou.

The black land last time was the only way for Tang Miaoxin to return to Qinzhou. She was also worried about the scene there, so she decided to go and have a look.

But when she arrived, she saw from a distance that the place was full of people cultivating wasteland, and she was stunned.

Ning Changping also asked curiously: "Why are there so many people here?"

Sang Yan looked at it carefully and said, "It seems like many of them are from Linyuan."

When Tang Miaoxin attacked the tribes in Linyuan and put out slogans asking them to come to Qinzhou, she guessed that some people would come, but she didn't expect that so many people would come!

She remembered that Linyuan people had always been very hard-boned, and she felt that her slogans could at most coax three to five thousand people to come.

But looking at it now, the number has to be over 10,000 words.

When Tang Miaoxin came with his troops, he also attracted the attention of the patrolling guard.

When they saw Tang Miaoxin's team, they immediately reported the matter to Ruan Sizhui.

Ruan Sizhui knew she was coming and immediately brought someone over to greet her.

As soon as he saw Tang Miaoxin, he smiled and said: "The princess is back!"

Tang Miaoxin asked: "Why are there so many people?"

When she came in, she found that although there were many people farming here, they were managed by Ruan Sizhui in an orderly manner and looked very standardized.

Ruan Sizhui smiled and said: "It's wrong for the princess to ask me like this. Aren't these people sent by the princess?"

During this time, more people came to Linyuan, and he heard more about what Tang Miaoxin was doing in Linyuan from their mouths.

That way of doing things made him feel that although it was a bit underhanded, it was actually very effective.

Because it worked, Ruan Sizhui felt that she was right to do it.

Tang Miaoxin raised her eyebrows and said, "Can you cultivate the amount of land I asked you to cultivate before?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ruan Sizhui replied: "Not only yes, the number will only be greater."

"Although these Linyuan people have never farmed before, they are all very capable, both men and women."

"After they learn how to use a hoe after working for a few hours, they can work very quickly."

"The elderly and children who had little energy helped sow seeds and remove weeds, and they cooperated very well."

"They work very seriously just for a bite to eat."

"The most important thing is that the princess took great pains to invite Mr. Qiao from Qinzhou. He is very good at mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm and improving the efficiency of farming."

Tang Miaoxin felt that it was normal and relieved to hear the previous words.

But when she heard the last sentence, she was stunned for a moment: "What Mr. Qiao?"

Ruan Sizhui smiled: "Princess, you are such a noble person and you forget things so much. She actually forgot all about Mr. Qiao."

"Hey, speaking of Mr. Qiao, Mr. Qiao is here!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Qiao Siqi, who was holding a bag of seeds next to him, and said, "Mr. Qiao, come here."

Tang Miaoxin was stunned for a moment when she saw Qiao Siqi. Isn't this guy in Qinzhou? How did he get here?

When Qiao Siqi saw her, he stiffened for a moment, his expression a little embarrassed, and he subconsciously wanted to run away.

But Ruan Sizhui and Tang Miaoxin were watching there, so he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

He had no choice but to walk up to the two of them and say hello to them: "Hello, Mr. Ruan, and hello, Princess."

Tang Miaoxin looked at Qiao Siqi and said, "So it turns out that the Mr. Qiao Mr. Ruan talks about is you!"

Qiao Siqi forced a smile, nodded and said, "It's me."

Tang Miaoxin saw that he looked much darker than before, and his whole body seemed to have lost weight.

It's just that his eyes look obviously brighter than before, and his temperament is also different from before.

He used to be a pampered and pampered dude, exuding an air of decadence.

Now that those auras had completely dispersed, it made him feel a little more capable.

Ruan Sizhui said from the side: "Master Qiao has a lively mind and is very good at doing things. He helped me a lot this time."

"The princess is still thoughtful and does things very thoughtfully and perfectly."

Tang Miaoxin glanced at Qiao Siqi meaningfully, smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ruan."

"I am Princess Qin. As long as it is good for Qinzhou, I am willing to do it."

It happened that someone came to invite Ruan Sizhui at this time, and there was something that needed to be handled by him personally.

Tang Miaoxin saw that he was in a bit of a dilemma and said, "Master Ruan, go and do your work. Mr. Qiao is enough here."

Ruan Sizhui was very busy and was not polite to her at this time. He asked Qiao Siqi to entertain Tang Miaoxin and left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Tang Miaoxin asked Qiao Siqi: "Really, why are you here?"

Qiao Siqi coughed slightly and said: "Well... uh... I heard that the princess came to Linyuan and needed help here, so I came here to help."

Tang Miaoxin looked at him and said, "Why do your words sound so strange to me?"

"Even if we need help here, if we go to Prince Qin's Mansion to hire someone, it won't be your turn no matter what, right?"

It's not that she looks down on Qiao Siqi, it's that Qiao Siqi really means nothing in Qinzhou, where there are so many talents.

There must be other reasons why Qiao Siqi came here.

The expression on Qiao Siqi's face became even more embarrassed, but she said harshly: "I don't like hearing what the princess says anymore. What do you mean it's not my turn?"

"Since I got here, what have I not done well here?"

"Master Ruan has said that many of the ideas I gave him are of great use."

"It's all my fault that the Linyuan people here are so obedient now."

This chapter has been completed!
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