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Chapter 1619 Another surprise

Upon seeing this, Tang Miaoxin hurriedly took the opportunity to run to the injured Chang Sui, fed him a medicine, and helped him stop the bleeding.

She quickly injected a few more needles into the beard and stuffed a note into his arms: "After you are out of danger, follow this prescription and take the medicine, and your disease will be eradicated."

After she gave him the injection, Bearded Beard felt that the tightness in his chest had dissipated a lot.

Hearing Tang Miaoxin's words, he subconsciously put the note away.

Zuo Xingzhi was watching the farce inside by the window. Because there were too many people, and someone blocked Tang Miaoxin when she was trying to save people, he didn't notice her for a while.

Su Letian made much more noise when grabbing the knife than Tang Miaoxin, and Zuo Xingzhi quickly discovered Su Letian.

Zuo Xingzhi pointed at Su Letian and said, "Go and catch that man."

He could tell by looking at the figure that it was not Tang Miaoxin, but he knew that it must be Tang Miaoxin's accomplice.

As long as you catch Tang Miaoxin's accomplices and catch her again, it won't be difficult.

His subordinates heard what he said and immediately prepared to arrest Su Letian.

Just when he turned around, he felt the ground shaking, followed by a loud noise, making them unable to stand still.

Zuo Xingzhi's expression changed drastically, and he said loudly: "What's going on? What happened?"

An official came over in a hurry and said, "Young Master, it's not good, the Criminal Division was bombed!"

There was some disbelief in Zuo Xingzhi's eyes. He looked at the people in the prison. Could it be that Tang Miaoxin was not inside but still outside?

He ignored Su Letian at this time and strode outside.

The Criminal Division's Yamen was already in flames, and the main building was completely in a sea of ​​flames.

He asked: "Can you see clearly who did it?"

The guard on duty replied: "It's too dark and you can't see anything!"

"No one saw how it exploded, and no one saw anyone else coming."

Zuo Xingzhi turned blue with anger.

This time he was under tremendous pressure and locked down the entire city just to find Tang Miaoxin.

But after being so busy, he discovered that he might not have caught Tang Miaoxin yet.

After a city-wide manhunt, the Criminal Division was bombed, which will definitely make many officials dissatisfied.

Zuo Xingzhi took a deep breath and grinded his teeth bitterly: "Tang Miaoxin, where are you?"

As if in response to his words, a sharp arrow was shot towards him.

The arrow came so fast that he had no way to avoid it and could only turn his body slightly.

The next moment, the sharp arrow hit his shoulder, and the huge force drove his body back more than ten steps.

The guard shouted: "There are assassins, protect the young master!"

Zuo Xingzhi fell heavily to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The guards around him reacted very quickly, setting up their shields as quickly as possible to protect the group heading left.

There was also a group of guards who rushed towards the place where the sharp arrow had just been shot, intending to capture the daring assassin.

Ning Changping glanced at Zuo Xingzhi with some regret, but could not kill him with one arrow.

When the official came to the inn to arrest someone, Tang Miaoxin asked Ning Changping to stay outside and made a comprehensive plan for her.

Tang Miaoxin knew that Zuo Xingzhi was suspicious and that he was ruthless in his actions, and was afraid that he would make any unexpected moves.

So they agreed that if Tang Miaoxin and Su Letian were held in the cell for more than three hours, Ning Changping would take the explosives Tang Miaoxin had prepared and blow up the criminal department.

Although the whole city is now under martial law and there are officers and soldiers everywhere, after arresting the merchants in the inn, the security has been relaxed a little.

Ning Changping's martial arts skills were extremely high. If she were alone, it would not be difficult to avoid the sight of patrolling officers and soldiers.

Tang Miaoxin also told her that after she blew up the Criminal Division, with Zuo Xingzhi's temperament, she would probably come over to check on her.

So at this time, Ning Changping had a chance to kill Zuo Xingzhi.

Ning Changping cherished this opportunity very much, so he made preparations early.

It's just that the wind was strong tonight, and Ning Changping's arrow shot towards Zuo Xingzhi was slightly deflected by the wind.

It was this slight deviation that made her assassination disappointing.

The reaction of Zuo Xingzhi's guards gave her no chance to shoot a second arrow.

With her temperament, she just wanted to rush out and chop Zuo Xingzhi with a knife.

Tang Miaoxin also expected that she would have such thoughts, and specifically said: "It would be best if your arrow can kill Zuo Xingzhi."

"If you can't be shot, then run away immediately. Don't hit him with a knife, because there are many masters around Zuo Xingzhi."

"He has been very defensive against us recently. Those masters are by his side. Once you pass by, you will probably be ambushed by them and your life will be in danger."

Although Ning Changping felt a little pity, he still listened to Tang Miaoxin and left immediately.

The moment she left, she saw many agile black figures surrounding the place where she had been hiding.

She sighed in her heart, these things were really all within Tang Miaoxin's expectations.

If she hadn't listened to Tang Miaoxin's words just now, the consequences might have been unpredictable later in the evening.

Her sister-in-law is so awesome!

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, tonight was really exciting!

There was a scream behind her, and she knew it was the reaction of the guards after Tang Miaoxin asked her to leave the poison.

When Tang Miaoxin asked her to escape without a single attack, he also gave her a move.

Tang Miaoxin said: "We must retain our own strength to the greatest extent, and at the same time, we must deter Zuo Xingzhi to the greatest extent."

"So when you escape, open a little of this medicine and put it there. It should be able to poison Zuo Xingzhi and several of his guards."

Ning Changping looked back while he was busy, and sure enough, several guards were dead there.

At the same time, several guards noticed her presence and chased her.

Her skills were already good, and with the cover of night, the guards quickly lost track of her.

Ning Changping hid in the night and returned to the previous inn to take away the explosives placed on the beams and prepare to start the next wave of explosions.

Although she felt that doing something hidden in the dark was not as exciting as face-to-face with real swords and guns, it had a different flavor and was also fun.

So she carried the pile of explosives on her back, and on this supposedly peaceful night, she exploded here and there, having a great time.

Moreover, the location where she threw the explosives was what Tang Miaoxin had discussed with her before. They were the houses of officials in the city.

Those officials were originally dissatisfied with Zuo Xingzhi's strict investigation of the whole city, but they didn't have much to do with them, so they could tolerate it.

But at this time, my house was bombed and my family members were injured, so I couldn't bear it anymore.

So they all gathered around Zuo's old house and asked Zuo Xingzhi to give them an explanation.

For a while, Zuofu was as chaotic as a vegetable market.

This chapter has been completed!
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