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Chapter 1728 God will not destroy me!

Zhao Ye said coldly: "I underestimated you before, but it's not easy for you to kill me."

After he finished speaking, he led his guards back inside before Zhao Che launched the second round of mechanical attacks.

Zhao Che was not too surprised by his behavior and immediately pursued him with his troops.

They moved their hands several times in the tomb passage of the imperial mausoleum.

Zhao Che had participated in the design of the imperial mausoleum and knew everything about it, including where the mechanisms were located.

The first time Zhao Ye came in, although he knew the attack methods commonly used in the design of the Zhao family's imperial mausoleum, they were not complete after all.

While they were slashing like this, he lost the opportunity and could only watch the guards he brought in die.

He had no choice but to seal the door immediately after entering an ear room.

There was no open mechanism outside, so he temporarily blocked Zhao Che's men from outside.

This was the first time that Zhao Ye was forced into such a situation, and he felt real despair.

Zhao Che acted much more ruthlessly than he expected: in order to force him to come out, he captured and bled his bodyguards, filling his ear chambers with blood.

The guards who retreated into the ear room with Zhao Ye were all trembling with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

Their number is much smaller than Zhao Che's. In this case, once they open the door, they will definitely die.

And watching one's own blood flowing all over the room is also a huge torture.

Zhao Ye gritted his teeth and said: "Zhao Che, you must die a good death!"

When Zhao Che heard his words outside the door, he was very indifferent: "Your Highness, Prince Chen, there is no need to curse me like this."

"In the final analysis, I am just doing what the emperor has told me to do."

"His Royal Highness, Prince Chen, appears here only because of your own greed."

When Zhao Ye heard this, he didn't know how to refute it, because what Zhao Che said was true.

After Zhao Yan died, he looked worried on the surface, but he was happy on the inside.

Because he knew that as long as Zhao Yan died, he would be able to take over Zhao Yan's soldiers and horses, and he would be able to unify the Zhao country in the future.

Although he was wary of Zhao Che, because Zhao Che had always behaved quite well before, he really didn't expect that Zhao Che would use such a big trick to deal with him.

Zhao Ye looked at the blood seeping in from the outside at this time. He didn't know how long he could hold on.

Under such circumstances, he knew clearly that he would be dead if he went out.

And if he stays in this ear room all the time, as long as Zhao Che seals the door, he will starve to death here.

Zhao Che's voice came from outside: "It seems that His Highness Prince Chen is very destined to this ear room, so why not just stay in it!"

"I once promised the emperor that you would be buried for him. Since you are buried as a sacrifice, then naturally you must die a more miserable death."

"I think it would be a very good choice for His Highness Prince Chen to starve to death inside."

After he finished speaking, he asked people to carry stones, intending to block all the doors.

Although Zhao Ye was angry, he knew that such anger was of no use to him and would only make Zhao Che even more proud.

He didn't believe a word of what Zhao Che said just now.

Those words are more like Zhao Che using Zhao Yan as an excuse.

Zhao Ye took a deep breath to calm down and see if there was any other way out of the room.

After carefully looking around, he discovered that a stone brick made a different sound when knocked.

Zhao Ye called his guards over and asked them to work together to move the brick away.

The brick was moved away, and a dark passage appeared in front of him.

When he saw the passage, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said softly: "It's true that God will not kill me!"

This passage was most likely built by the craftsmen who built the imperial mausoleum in order to escape.

Killing the craftsmen who built the imperial mausoleum was a well-known secret among all the royal family, and those craftsmen also knew it.

So in order to survive, most of them will do one thing:

That is to build the imperial mausoleum while building an escape passage in a secret place.

Zhao Ye didn't say anything and directly led his remaining guards into the passage.

The passage is long and dark, and is very short, allowing only one person to bend forward and walk forward.

At the later stage, I couldn't even bend down anymore, so I could only crawl forward along the long black passage.

The passage was too narrow, so when they climbed through it, the dust on it fell down, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Zhao Ye has never been so embarrassed, but at this time, in order to survive, he no longer cares about anything.

He finally climbed out of the passage, only to find that the passage opened on the edge of the cliff on the other side.

From there, there is only a very narrow road. If you are not careful, you will fall and be shattered into pieces.

Zhao Ye took a deep breath. Although it was miserable here, it was still much better than death.

At least there is a glimmer of hope here!

As long as he climbs out from here and finds his troops, he will have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Zhao Ye was actually a little afraid of heights. He didn't dare to look to the side and just kept climbing along the extremely narrow path.

But when he was halfway up, he felt something and looked down, and saw that all the soldiers he had brought over before were killed at the foot of the cliff.

The veins on Zhao Ye's forehead popped out, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Zhao Che, I will definitely avenge you!"

By this time, he must also realize the fact that Zhao Che had already prepared, and the troops Zhao Che brought over were probably Zhao Yan's elite.

If he confronts Zhao Che again, he might be killed.

Zhao Ye didn't know where this trail would lead, but he knew that he couldn't always be under the cliff and had to find a way to survive.

But his luck may have run out when he discovered the tunnel:

When he climbed over the cliff with a few guards, he happened to meet Zhao Che's patrolling soldiers.

The two waves of men and horses only met once and started fighting immediately.

Zhao Ye only had five guards around him, so he was at a numerical disadvantage.

The five guards guarded him and escaped. After he escaped, he became the true commander-in-chief.

Zhao Ye felt a little helpless and simply went into the forest.

It was already winter and the weather was cold. After Zhao Ye got into the forest, he climbed directly to the tree.

He saw several waves of soldiers looking for him walking under the tree. The tree he was looking for was an evergreen camphor tree with very lush branches and leaves, so it was not discovered by the soldiers.

Tang Miaoxin and Ning Guzhou had already led their troops outside the valley.

Ning Guzhou took a look outside the valley, made a rough calculation, and said, "There are about two thousand people inside."

"The combat effectiveness of these people should not be very low. It will not be easy for us to kill them all."

Tang Miaoxin turned over the poisons she brought. They were almost used in the last battle and could not kill so many people.

This chapter has been completed!
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