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Chapter 700 Are you sure you don’t want to go on a date tonight?

The second prince led Ning Changping and Tang Miaoxin into a private room and said, "You guys have a rest first. I'll go see if the juggling team is ready."

After he left, Ning Changping immediately said: "Sister-in-law, the second brother is really bad!"

"He has hurt Chang Ping many times before, and he always bullies Chang Ping! You must not be deceived by him!"

Tang Miaoxin smiled slightly: "Do you think I am so easy to deceive?"

Ning Changping immediately became happy when he heard what she said: "So sister-in-law doesn't believe him?"

Tang Miaoxin nodded: "He came here today and made it clear that he had bad intentions, and he came here for me."

"If I don't come today, he will definitely find ways to trick me in the future. Why not take the initiative to come over today and see what he is going to do."

"Only after you understand his intentions can you take precautions, otherwise it will be easy to be plotted by him."

Ning Changping couldn't understand these complicated things, so he just said: "Anyway, if he dares to hurt his sister-in-law, Changping will beat him up! He will beat him until his mother even recognizes him!"

Tang Miaoxin praised Ning Changping: "Changping is great, but Changping must be careful. When people like him plot people, they may not be recognized by their relatives."

"It's not scary to do things openly, but it's the secret methods that are scary."

Ning Changping thought for a while and then said: "Changping doesn't understand this. As long as Changping remembers, no matter what happens, you will be right to follow your sister-in-law!"

Tang Miaoxin smiled and said: "That's right!"

As soon as the two of them finished talking, the maid came in bringing them snacks.

Those snacks were all made extremely delicately, and Ning Changping became greedy as soon as he saw them.

When she reached out to take it, she finally remembered the second prince's ill intentions and retracted her hand.

The maid smiled and said: "These snacks are specially prepared for the princess by Your Highness. Princess, please use them as you wish."

The more she said this, the less willing Ning Changping was to eat it.

Tang Miaoxin whispered a few words into Ning Changping's ear. Her eyes lit up and she immediately reached for a piece of snack, opened her mouth and took a bite.

When the maid saw Ning Changping eating snacks, she felt full of disdain. Idiots are indeed idiots. Just a piece of snack can make everyone happy.

She stepped back with a smile and reported the matter to the second prince.

The second prince smiled when he heard this: "Chang Ping has always had a bad mind. It is too easy to deal with her."

There was a very powerful ecstasy drug in the snacks. As long as Ning Changping took it, she would become paralyzed even if she could fight.

He knew that Ning Changping's martial arts was very powerful, so he had already made a series of preparations for her.

Even if she doesn't eat snacks, there are still things that can knock her out. Now that she has been tricked, it saves him a lot of trouble.

The maid flattered him: "Your Highness is wise and powerful. As long as Your Highness takes action, there is nothing that cannot be solved."

After she finished speaking, she said with some worry: "It is rumored that King Qin and Princess Qin are in a very good relationship."

"If King Qin knew what happened today, I'm afraid he wouldn't let it go."

The second prince said nonchalantly: "Other than being able to fight, the seventh child has no other abilities."

"As a prince, fighting is the most useless skill. With his brain, he will definitely not be able to discover the truth of the matter."

"He is determined to wear this cuckold today!"

Ning Guzhou has been isolated by the princes over the years. He is very lethal and the princes are not willing to provoke him.

But the second prince never took Ning Guzhou seriously. He was just an unpopular prince. If he was bullied, he would be bullied.

The maid thought the same thing: "No matter how cruel and easy-to-kill King Qin is, he will never dare to touch a hair on His Highness."

"After all, it is his own face that he would be embarrassed by saying such a thing. There is nothing he can do to His Highness."

The second prince chuckled lightly: "That's right, as long as we connect with the First City and get the support of the First City, even Ning Zhiyuan will not be my opponent!"

"With all the things Ning Zhiyuan has done over the years, if the time comes and we expose him, even if my father prefers him again, he will be deposed as the crown prince!"

He had wanted to win over Su Letian before, but Su Letian seemed indifferent, so he never found a chance.

Su Jue was the second city lord of the first city. He had a higher status than Su Letian and could do more things than Su Letian, so he took Su Jue's idea.

Although the results of his investigation showed that Su Jue was not that kind of lecherous person.

But the way Su Jue looked at Tang Miaoxin that day was very real to him!

He wouldn't believe a word that Su Jue was not interested in Tang Miaoxin. After all, men are lustful.

Su Jue is afraid that she has slept with many women secretly!

The maid said happily: "I am here to congratulate His Highness on inheriting the throne!"

The second prince likes to hear this kind of talk, but now that he has not even revealed his horoscope, he knows not to keep a high profile.

So he scolded: "Don't say such rebellious words again!"

After he finished speaking, he added: "Go and see if Chang Ping has fainted. If she faints, take her to the bottom cabin. Don't let her ruin my good deeds!"

Although he is not close to Ning Changping, his goal today is Tang Miaoxin.

So today he just wanted to knock Ning Changping out, but he had no intention of harming her.

When the maid passed by, not only Ning Changping fainted, but Tang Miaoxin also fainted, and the two of them lay crookedly on the chairs.

The maid immediately called for someone to come over and carry Ning Changping to the bottom cabin, and then put Tang Miaoxin into a very elegantly decorated room.

As soon as they left, Tang Miaoxin opened her eyes.

She took a look at the furnishings in the room, and then looked at the incense burning in the incense burner on the table, and she had a vague idea of ​​what the second prince wanted to do.

Tang Miaoxin wanted to laugh a little. She really didn't expect that there would be someone in this world who dared to take advantage of her!

Is this living impatiently?

Tang Miaoxin crossed Erlang's legs and supported her head with one hand, thinking about how she could teach the second prince an unforgettable lesson.

Su Jue originally didn't want to have anything to do with the second prince.

The last time we had dinner in the restaurant, Su Jue disliked the second prince very much.

He has read countless people, and he can tell with just one glance that the second prince's intentions are evil. It is difficult for such a person to become a great person.

Not to mention that the second prince disturbed his first meeting with Tang Miaoxin, preventing him from saying a few words to Tang Miaoxin.

He was very unhappy!

The second prince told him with a smile: "Princess Qin will also go to the lake today."

Su Jue agreed to come because of his words, because he saw the calculation in the eyes of the second prince, and he was afraid that something would happen to Tang Miaoxin.

No matter how powerful Su Letian spoke of Tang Miaoxin in front of him, in his eyes, she was just a delicate, cute and weak woman.

Su Jue agreed to travel to the lake because of these words. In the eyes of the second prince, it was a complete confirmation of his suspicion.

The second prince felt even more how wise his decision was!

This chapter has been completed!
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