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Chapter 728 An unexpected gain

Li took the opportunity to ask Wan Huhou to come forward and teach Tang Miaoxin a lesson, but he scolded Li with a stern face: "If you hadn't harmed her first, how could this happen!"

"You still have the nerve to talk to her, look at what you are doing!"

Li's face was extremely ugly: "How could Mr. Hou say that to me? It's obvious that Tang Miaoxin was unfilial first!"

"Besides, she is a lone star in the sky. Look at how many troubles have occurred in the family since she came home!"

Her words were such a cliche that Wan Huhou felt irritated and walked away.

Mrs. Li was so angry that her chest heaved, but she did not dare to lose her temper in front of Wan Huhou, so she could only curse in the room.

Tang Yishen watched the whole excitement, his eyes full of ridicule.

His previous goal was to own ten thousand households and become a new rich man in Beijing.

Now that he saw the way several people in Wanhu Houfu dealt with things, as well as their vision and abilities, he lost interest in being Wanhuhou.

With such a group of idiots at home, he would probably be held back by them after he gets the Marquis.

Not to mention, they have no idea that there is a sharp sword hanging over their heads, which can destroy the entire Wanhu Houfu at any time.

At this moment, Tang Yishen felt like everyone else was drunk and I was alone.

When he was about to leave, he heard Mrs. Li's frantic voice: "That bitch's daughter actually dares to harm my daughter! It's simply unreasonable!"

"I'm going to crush that bitch to ashes so that she can never be reincarnated!"

Tang Yishen frowned slightly when he heard this. From what Li said, it seemed that Tang Miaoxin was not her biological child.

If this is the case, it can explain why Mrs. Li left Tang Miaoxin in Zhuangzi and targeted her everywhere.

Mrs. Li gritted her teeth and said: "It's too easy to torture that bitch with the Blazing Sun Tree. I will lead people to dig her grave now!"

"Then grind her bones into powder and throw them into the pit!"

She immediately found some strong women to dig the grave of Tang Miaoxin's mother.

Tang Yishen's eyebrows pounded when he heard this. He only knew that Li was vicious before, but he didn't know that Li didn't even spare the dead!

Everyone in the capital believed that digging up human graves and destroying human remains was a very sinister thing.

As for grinding human bones into powder and throwing them into the latrine, it is to interrupt the person's reincarnation, stain their soul with dirt, and damage the luck of future generations.

Tang Yishen's eyes were filled with disgust. When he saw that Li had sent people to find hoes and other tools for digging graves, he immediately called his confidants and asked them to go to the Imperial College to report the news.

It was just after noon, and Tang Miaoxin was still in class at the Imperial College.

It was already three quarters of an hour later when Tang Yishen's confidant rode to the Imperial Academy.

In the Imperial College, people came to seek medical treatment every day because the mountain chief was rumored to be a ghost doctor in the past few days.

The gatekeeper is extremely strict and no one is allowed into the Imperial College, no matter what the reason.

Tang Yishen's confidant was clever. He couldn't get in through the gate, so he climbed over the wall.

But as soon as he turned over, the guard on duty caught him and wanted to throw him out.

He was extremely anxious: "I'm really not here to see the mountain leader, I'm here to see Tang Miaoxin!"

The guards didn't listen to his explanation and dragged him out. Li was passing by nearby and immediately informed Tang Miaoxin when they heard about it.

Tang Miaoxin was a little curious about who was so bold as to climb over the wall to find her, so she went over to have a look.

Tang Yishen's confidant was almost dragged to the gate. As soon as he saw her, he immediately shouted loudly: "Princess Qin, my young master is looking for you if there is something urgent!"

Tang Miaoxin went over to stop them. She has now replaced Li Zheng and Jin Shiquan as the most troublesome thorn in the Imperial College.

The nursing home had a headache just looking at her. In the past few days, when she had nothing to do, she took Ning Changping to the nursing home to pick up sacks. Many people had been beaten by them.

Everyone knew that they were responsible for this, but without any evidence, there was nothing that could be done against them.

At this time, it was confirmed that this person was really here to find her, and they were willing to sell her a favor in order to avoid being beaten.

Tang Miaoxin recognized Tang Yishen's confidant and asked, "What's the matter?"

He said hurriedly: "Young Master asked me to inform you that Mr. Li is going to lead people to dig up your mother's grave and crush her bones into ashes!"

Tang Miaoxin's expression changed instantly.

Damn it, Mr. Li is really promising!

You can actually do things like dig graves!

Li Zheng was listening with a puzzled look on his face: "Isn't Mrs. Li your mother? Isn't she still alive? How could she dig her own grave?"

Tang Miaoxin didn't have time to explain to him and asked him to call Ning Changping and Su Letian.

There is definitely no way to solve this matter today. How could Ning Changping be missing from the fight?

As for Su Letian, of course he cannot be left out in this matter.

Li Zheng ran very fast and called Ning Changping and Su Letian over in just a moment.

He had a lot of questions in his mind: "What is going on? Is there going to be a fight? Do you need my help?"

Tang Miaoxin glanced at him and said, "Don't ask about your business. If I hear any news about this in Guozi surveillance, I will castrate you."

Li Zheng: "..."

When he saw her murderous peach eyes, he knew that she was definitely not just talking about this, and he immediately felt his crotch getting cold.

He hurriedly said: "I promise, I won't say a word to anyone else!"

Tang Miaoxin was not in the mood to pay attention to him at this time, so she grabbed Ning Changping and Su Letian and jumped over the wall.

The nursing home not far away: "..."

They skipped class again!

The problem is that no one dares to stop them!

However, they had been specially taken care of by Cheng Lixue. If the three of them got together to climb over the wall, they must inform him.

So the Nursing Home immediately arranged for a person with quick legs and feet to notify Cheng Lixue.

Cheng Lixue frowned slightly after hearing the news that they had climbed over the wall again, couldn't Tang Miaoxin just calm down?

If this continues, I'm afraid she will poke a big hole in the capital!

For the first time, he regretted accepting her as his disciple. She was not just a disciple, she was clearly a troublemaker!

Tang Miaoxin asked Tang Yishen's confidants on the road for details.

He didn't know much. He only knew that Mrs. Li was in a particularly bad mood today and had killed a maid.

As soon as Tang Miaoxin heard this, she vaguely guessed that Tang Jiangxian's backlash was probably very serious.

With the temperament of Mrs. Li and Tang Jiangxian, everything that has nothing to do with her will be blamed on her, let alone that it has something to do with her.

These two people were probably mad, so they dug up her mother's grave.

When Su Letian knew that Mr. Li was going to dig up Su Ling'er's grave, his lungs almost exploded with anger.

This is simply not done by humans!

He said coldly: "Ms. Li is simply not human! He can do such a thing!"

Tang Miaoxin was calmer: "It's okay if she doesn't do this, but if she really does, I will make her regret it for the rest of her life!"

This chapter has been completed!
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