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Chapter 484 If you don’t accept it, beat it until you accept it.

Because the lotus viewing team was on the other side of the island, there was quite a distance between them.

There must be someone guarding the second prince outside the grove.

It is not difficult for them to sneak out on their own, but if they take the knocked out Second Prince out, it will be easy for them to be discovered by the Second Prince's people.

Although they were very disdainful of the second prince, he was a serious prince after all.

If this matter is really brought to light today, it will bring some trouble to the First City.

People in the First City are not afraid of getting into trouble, but it would be too embarrassing if the trouble caused by being caught in a prank spread back to the First City!

The two brothers looked at each other and saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Ning Changping looked at the two of them and asked, "What? Can't you do it?"

Before the two of them could answer, Ning Changping began to roll up his sleeves and raise his legs.

It seemed that as long as two people said no, she would beat them up.

Two brothers who have seen her violent side:

Su Wenbai: "..."

Su Xiaotian: "..."

Do you take action even if you disagree? This sister-in-law is a bit scary!

When Su Wenbai saw the tree broken by Ning Changping, his eyes lit up: "I have a way!"

Over there, Tang Miaoxin asked Su Letian: "Can third brother and fourth brother send people over?"

Su Letian nodded firmly: "Absolutely!"

Tang Miaoxin asked curiously: "Why?"

Su Letian smiled: "People who get into trouble usually have smarter minds than ordinary people, and they can always do some unexpected things."

"Coupled with Chang Ping's temper, if they can't think of a way, they will definitely be beaten by Chang Ping."

"Based on what I know about them, the more they are beaten, the brighter their minds become."

Tang Miaoxin: "..."

I bet they still need to use their fists to unleash their potential?

Su Letian said softly: "But you must also be mentally prepared. Your third and fourth brothers' brain circuits are a bit weird."

"They will definitely be able to send people here, but it will definitely not be a regular way."

Tang Miao's curiosity was aroused. How would they send the second prince here?

Teacher Sun came over and said to Tang Miaoxin: "The mountain chief asked you to host the next lotus appreciation activity."

Since the last Mingyue Tower incident, Cheng Lixue's attitude towards Tang Miaoxin has been known to everyone in the Imperial College.

In addition, Cheng Lixue had stated in front of others more than once that he would give up the position of mountain chief to Xian Zhishi. Many teachers and tutors in the Imperial College guessed that he would give up the position of mountain chief to Tang Miaoxin.

The Imperial College is a holy place in the hearts of scholars in Dayan, and its position as mountain chief is still important.

During this period, Guo Zi Lin looked calm on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

All forces are competing, and many people feel that Tang Miaoxin is not worthy of being the head of the Imperial Academy.

Sun Jiaoxi had always been very dissatisfied with Tang Miaoxin because she had a conflict with him when he first entered the Imperial College.

Today the second prince wants to kill Tang Miaoxin, so he will naturally cooperate with him fully.

Tang Miaoxin glanced at him and said, "Are you sure?"

Professor Sun had already arranged everything. He knew that she would be the one to host the lotus appreciation activities, and she couldn't make any trouble.

He said very calmly: "I'm sure, this is the arrangement of the mountain chief."

Tang Miaoxin immediately became happy: "Okay, then I will show you my excellent hosting skills today!"

Professor Sun rolled his eyes in his mind. All activities in the Imperial College were in accordance with procedures.

Cheng Lixue said that she was asked to host it, but in Professor Sun's opinion, she was just going through the motions.

It was only because of this incident that he discovered that Cheng Lixue really wanted Tang Miaoxin to be the head of the Imperial Academy.

He handed Tang Miaoxin a piece of paper expressionlessly: "Just follow this process."

"Just sit on the leader's boat and lead the students through it. You don't need to do anything..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Miaoxin tore the paper he handed over into pieces.

Professor Sun: “!!!!!”

Tang Miaoxin rolled her eyes at him and said, "Since the mountain chief has entrusted me with this matter, you have to do it in my way."

"It's annoying to death that you are talking so much here."

Professor Sun: “…”

He was so angry that the veins in his forehead jumped. Cheng Lixue usually spoke politely to him, but she was so nice that she called him long-winded as soon as he came!

Tang Miaoxin ignored him and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, I will lead and host the lotus appreciation this afternoon!"

"My rules are very simple. Everyone obeys my arrangements and commands. If anyone disobeys, I will beat him until he obeys!"

Professor Sun: “…”

Su Letian: "..."

Students: "..."

Tang Miaoxin saw everyone's appearance and asked with a smile: "Do you understand?"

Everyone had suffered losses at her hands before and replied: "I understand!"

Tang Miaoxin made a serious face: "Aren't you even full? Louder!"

It was those students who shouted at the top of their lungs: "I understand!"

Tang Miaoxin said with a smile: "That's right, come on, let's start enjoying the lotus!"

She was wondering in her mind when Ning Changping could send the second prince here. No matter what method they used to send the second prince here, as long as people came over.

Su Letian watched from the side as she greeted the students with a smile on her face to get on the boat and enjoy the lotus up close, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Although the several big devils are temporarily separated and not together, he always feels that they will reunite in an unexpected way soon.

He looked around and decided to find a way to save people if there was a fuss.

After all, it's autumn now and the water in the river is a little cold. Don't kill anyone for a while.

Cheng Lixue also returned to the boat to rest at this time. He saw the movement here in the cabin and clicked his teeth slightly: "What kind of monster is she going to do again?"

General Jin smiled and said: "Since you have decided that she will host the afternoon lotus appreciation, you can leave it up to her. You can't control her anyway."

Cheng Lixue sighed: "I know what you said is right, but I'm afraid she will kill these students!"

"These students are the future pillars of our Dayan!"

After all, Tang Miaoxin's methods of teasing people were hard to guard against, and he was afraid that she might kill someone.

General Jin was calmer than him: "I heard from Shiquan that she struggled to remain a student of the Imperial College last time in the woods."

"Although she charges fees, she does not abandon those poor students who cannot pay."

"This shows that her character is actually very good, so don't worry about her."

Cheng Lixue rolled her eyes at him: "You can't stand and talk without pain in your back. Your son is not in the student team today."

"Even if there are student casualties, it has nothing to do with you. I don't know who fought with her in the street and lost. She was so angry that she jumped up and down."

General Jin: "...can you please stop exposing your shortcomings?"

Cheng Lixue looked at him and said, "Just stay inside and don't come out. Just in case, I'll go over and take a look."

He was really afraid that Tang Miaoxin would kill all the students in the Imperial College!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for holding the reminder talisman of stars and the sun in my hand, "Yi Shu has you", "Meow" and Huahua with the tail number 0102.

This chapter has been completed!
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