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Chapter 491 Sister-in-law, launch!

Tang Miaoxin knew that since the two cousins ​​had been in trouble for many years, they must have the basic qualities of troublemakers - erasing traces and creating alibi.

As for Ning Changping, Tang Miaoxin didn't think the second prince would doubt her.

After all, Ning Changping was usually very timid in front of the second prince. Who would have thought that such a timid Ning Changping would dare to beat him?

She said quietly: "Second brother was flown with a kite. This matter must be investigated."

"But the second brother had better be polite and courteous. After all, the emperor has his will, and the Imperial College is a place independent of the imperial power."

"The students of the Imperial College are also very special. If you hurt them, Chief Cheng Shan will go to your father to complain."

Cheng Lixue came over after hearing the news: "..."

He inexplicably felt that Tang Miaoxin was pulling the tiger skin to make a banner. After all, he didn't want to see Emperor Cheng Ming at all now.

The second prince glanced at her coldly. Although he knew that the Imperial Academy had been heavily infiltrated over the years, Emperor Cheng Ming did have his will.

He lowered his face and turned to tell his subordinates: "Let all the men say, 'Sister-in-law, launch!'"

This sentence was the only sentence he heard after waking up and before being launched.

Immediately afterwards, his body was thrown into the sky, and his Tianling Cap was so excited that it almost flew up.

He fainted immediately, and when he woke up again he fell into the water. The huge impact almost made him go crazy.

Fortunately, it landed on the water. If it had landed elsewhere, he would have felt like he had been broken into two pieces!

He must avenge this!

There are not many people on the island today, and he was lured there by Jiang Huatong's letter.

The only people who knew about his plan to plot Jiang Huatong were the students of the Imperial College who were present today, so he felt that it must be a student of the Imperial College who did this.

Tang Miaoxin's mouth twitched when she heard his words, "Sister-in-law, launch!" What the hell is this?

She could basically deduce that it was Su Wenbai or Su Xiaotian who said this, but who was the sister-in-law?

Could it be Ning Changping?

She silently thought about their combination in her mind and felt that this possibility was very high.

Are Ning Changping and Su Letian privately engaged for life?

She looked at Su Letian, who had a confused look on his face. He was even more surprised than Tang Miaoxin's expression.

Tang Miaoxin immediately became happy. The development of today's matter seemed to be a bit beyond expectations, causing quite a lot of gossip.

After the second prince knew that this matter had nothing to do with Tang Miaoxin, he sent someone to find Jiang Huatong.

At this time, Ning Changping helped Jiang Huatong over.

The second prince didn't know if today's incident had anything to do with Jiang Huatong, so he had to investigate.

He asked Jiang Huatong in a deep voice: "Have you written to me today?"

Jiang Huatong's face turned red when he heard this. Although Dayan was not open-minded, it was somewhat ambiguous for a woman to write a letter to a man.

She said solemnly: "I know that Your Highness has a distinguished status, but you cannot destroy my reputation like this!"

"I swear to God, I have never written a letter to His Highness!"

The second prince's heart sank when he saw her expression. He looked at her and said, "Write a few words for me to see."

Although Jiang Huatong felt very aggrieved, he knew that this was the best way to prove that he had nothing to do with this matter.

She was about to pick up the pen to write when Tang Miaoxin said from the side: "Since the second brother said so, there must be a letter in his hand."

"We all know what second brother is thinking. If you insist on saying that they are the same after Hua Tong writes it, Hua Tong will be hard-pressed to argue."

"So please second brother, please take out the letter and let us have a look, so that we can compare whether it is Huatong's handwriting."

The second prince did have the thoughts that Tang Miaoxin mentioned just now. He thought that he had suffered so much today, so he had to marry Jiang Huatong home.

Unexpectedly, his thoughts were revealed by Tang Miaoxin, and he could only take out the letter.

He fell into the water today, and the handwriting on the letter took a lot of work, but you can still see that it is a delicate hairpin in small regular script.

Tang Miaoxin almost burst into tears when she saw this word.

She knew that the person who found out that the second prince wanted to deal with her was Su Xiaotian, and this letter was probably written by him.

She really didn't expect that her cousin could write such delicate hairpin regular script!

Sure enough, these two cousins ​​from the Su family have very good trouble-making skills and are worthy of being the trouble-making kings in the First City!

Jiang Huatong picked up the pen and paper and wrote a line of words carefully. The handwriting was completely different from the one on the letter.

The second prince's face looked very ugly.

He originally thought Jiang Huatong was interested in him, but he didn't expect that this matter had nothing to do with her.

This also means that from the beginning today, he was fooled around.

Tang Miaoxin kicked the second prince to the ground, but said with a smile: "Second brother, please apologize to Huatong! After all, you almost ruined her reputation just now!"

Second Prince: "..."

Tang Miaoxin actually dared to hit him!

He got up and was about to have a seizure when he saw Su Letian and a group of students from the Imperial College standing behind her.

He had the feeling of being a beaten dog.

He clenched his hands into fists and already understood the purpose of Tang Miaoxin's series of operations.

She wanted to step on him to establish his authority in front of the students in the Imperial College, and she also wanted to ruin his reputation.

But even if he knew her plan, he couldn't do anything to her at this time.

He gritted his teeth and glanced at Jiang Hua. He saw that her face was pale and she looked delicate and frail, but her eyes were staring at him coldly.

He still wanted to marry Jiang Huatong, but at this time he had to suppress his unhappiness and said: "I was reckless just now, please don't take it to heart, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Huatong said in a deep voice: "I'm really sorry. I have taken this matter to heart. After all, it is related to my reputation."

"I ask Your Highness, Second Highness, not to harass me again in the future. Although you have a noble status, but..."

She was not used to saying such things, so she mustered up the courage to say: "But I don't care, please stay away from me in the future!"

Second Prince: "..."

He only felt that Jiang Huatong's words were like a slap in the face, and his expression was a little distorted.

Tang Miaoxin applauded and said: "Well said! Forced marriage and robbery are the most undesirable things. Relationships must of course be consensual!"

She knew Jiang Huatong's character, and she was forced by the second prince several times today before she would say such a thing.

At this time, of course she had to support Jiang Huatong and give her courage.

The second prince felt that he had lost all his face today, so he turned around and asked the boys to shout, "Sister-in-law, launch!" He listened with a dark face.

All the boys shouted "Sister-in-law, shoot" in various ways.

After Tang Miaoxin listened to a dozen boys yelling like this, she gradually became a little crooked.

After the second prince and his people had gone away, she whispered to Su Letian: "Brother, what is going on between you and Chang Ping?"

This chapter has been completed!
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