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Chapter 501 I wish your dreams come true

Jiang Huatong took a deep breath and began to think about how she could change her current situation.

As soon as Tang Miaoxin walked out of Jiang Huatong's courtyard, she saw the steward standing outside waiting for her.

The steward looked at her with a somewhat complicated look, but said with a smile on his face: "Princess Qin, my master wants to see you."

Tang Miaoxin was not too surprised when she heard this. She smiled and said, "Please lead the way."

Before she came today, she had never thought about meeting Mrs. Jiang. What she really wanted to see was Prime Minister Jiang.

The commotion she made at the door today was, in the final analysis, just to show off to Prime Minister Jiang.

The steward was a little confused as to why Prime Minister Jiang met with Tang Miaoxin.

He led Tang Miaoxin all the way to the Jingsi Garden in the front yard. After he went over, the boy guarding the door said, "I'll just take Princess Qin in."

The steward glanced at the boy and knew that this was Prime Minister Jiang's order. He nodded lightly and turned to leave.

Jingsi Garden is the largest house in Jiang Mansion, and it is also where Jiang Xiang conducts official business. The buildings inside are relatively upright and somewhat rigid.

The boy led Tang Miaoxin to the small garden in the Jingsi Garden, where a middle-aged man was sitting at the stone table, playing the piano.

Tang Miaoxin had also seen Jiang Xiang from a distance several times, and now she recognized him at a glance.

She gave a junior salute very naturally: "Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Prime Minister Jiang said while playing the piano: "You are very brave, you dare to make trouble in Jiang Mansion."

Tang Miaoxin said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your compliment!"

Jiang Xiang pressed the strings and looked towards her: "Do you think I'm complimenting you?"

"Isn't it?" Tang Miaoxin clasped one hand behind her back: "If you didn't want to praise me, how could you meet me?"

Jiang Xiang chuckled softly: "I heard earlier that you have a thick face and a dark heart. When I saw you today, you really lived up to your reputation."

Tang Miaoxin sat down on the stone bench opposite him and said, "It's an honor, I'm just as good as average!"

"I came to Jiang Mansion today just to see a friend. I was also worried about my friend and was forced to do nothing, so I resorted to the last resort."

"Please Prime Minister, please don't argue with me, a junior like me."

Jiang Xiang's eyes were deep and cold, and he said slowly: "As expected of Tang Jiuge's daughter, her sophistry is exactly the same as his."

Tang Miaoxin was not too surprised when she heard this.

Jiang Xiang and Tang Jiuge were about the same age, and they were highly valued by Emperor Cheng Ming. It is estimated that when Tang Jiuge fought with Emperor Cheng Ming, they were rivals.

Tang Miaoxin smiled and said: "Sophistry also requires strength, and most people don't have this ability."

Jiang Xiang glanced at her: "You are much thicker-skinned than Tang Jiuge."

Tang Miaoxin chuckled: "You've given me the award!"

As a master of power manipulation, Jiang Xiang was speechless when he saw her like this.

He asked coldly: "What do you want from me?"

Tang Miaoxin was not surprised that he could see her plan at a glance. After all, this was also a real old fox.

Tang Miaoxin smiled and said, "I'm here today to relieve the Prime Minister's worries."

Jiang Xiang glanced at her: "Relieving my worries? What a shame! Do you have that ability?"

Tang Miaoxin smiled and said: "If I can relieve your worries, Mr. Xiang, can you give me a reward?"

"I don't want more, just ten thousand taels of silver."

Prime Minister Jiang: "..."

His eyes narrowed slightly: "I haven't seen someone as shameless as you in a long time."

Tang Miaoxin smiled very cutely: "To a certain extent, being cheeky also represents a kind of strength."

When she said this, she suppressed her smile and said very seriously: "I know that the prime minister does not want to marry Huatong to the sixth prince because he is not worthy."

It's not that the Sixth Prince is not worthy of Jiang Huatong, but that his ability is not worthy of Jiang Xiang's help.

Jiang Xiang's eyes moved slightly, and he understood her implication, but said: "He is the prince, and he saved Hua Tong."

"This is a great favor. Jiang Mansion always abides by the rules and etiquette, and will never fail to repay a favor."

As soon as Tang Miaoxin heard this, she knew that he really despised the Sixth Prince, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

But she didn't know how to say this clearly. She only said: "Repay the kindness of a drop of water with a spring of water. This is the way of a gentleman."

"But deliberately giving favors and then asking for repayment is more than a villain."

"The only woman of the right age in the prime minister's house is Hua Tong. I don't think the prime minister will marry her to a villain."

Prime Minister Jiang's voice was cold: "I am a gentleman, and what I seek is the way of a gentleman. Others are not important."

Tang Miaoxin's eyes narrowed slightly: "In that case, then I will help Prime Minister and Sixth Brother to become a gentleman."

When Jiang Xiang heard this, he just moved his eyebrows slightly: "Yeah, then I wish your dream will come true."

Tang Miaoxin looked at Jiang Xiang and said: "This matter is a bit difficult. Although I have a relationship with Hua Tong, Hua Tong is the daughter of the Prime Minister after all."

"The impact of her marrying Sixth Brother may be a bit big. This time, I am helping the Prime Minister. Do you really want to express your gratitude?"

Jiang Xiang looked at her, and she looked back at her with a smile on her lips.

Even though Jiang Xiang was exerting all the pressure from the superior at this time, there was no trace of timidity in Tang Miaoxin's eyes.

Jiang Xiang's eyes deepened and he said in a deep voice: "Here comes someone!"

The boy who sent Tang Miaoxin in just now walked up to her holding a box.

Tang Miaoxin opened the box and took a look. Inside was a box of large and shiny pearls. This box of pearls was extremely precious and could not be bought with ten thousand taels of silver.

She immediately beamed and said: "My Prime Minister is so generous, he is as blessed as the East Sea, and his life span is as long as the Southern Mountains!"

Prime Minister Jiang: "..."

He really didn't expect that she would say such words at this time.

He said coldly: "This is your reward for taking care of Huatong during this period. I, the Jiang Mansion, have always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges."

Tang Miaoxin's peach-blossom eyes turned into smiles: "I just like people like Mr. Xiang who can clearly distinguish between grudges and grudges."

"Hua and I sympathize with the same sister. From now on, her business will be my business."

She smiled and walked away holding the box of pearls.

The boy said softly: "Master Xiang, this Princess Qin's eyesight is too shallow! She is so shameless when she rushes to ask for money like this."

"Shut up." Jiang Xiang scolded lightly: "You can't arrange the members of the royal family. You can go to the torture chamber to receive your punishment."

The boy was stunned for a moment, then he stepped back after saying yes.

There was a bit of interest in Jiang Xiang's eyes.

He knew that it wasn't Tang Miaoxin who was thick-skinned, but she was just pretending.

If she could help the Sixth Prince give up the idea of ​​marrying Jiang Huatong, he would be willing to give up not only a box of pearls, but even ten boxes.

Not to mention that Tang Miaoxin is also a famous ghost doctor. Befriending her will be beneficial without any harm. After all, everyone will get sick if they are human.

To a certain extent, although he gave away a box of pearls, he could get more things, so why not?

Besides, if what Tang Miaoxin wants is money, that would be even better. Things that can be solved with money are the best ways to trade.

This chapter has been completed!
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