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Chapter 1609 The Leader of the Rebel Army

Tangjiangxian can also think of these things.

But she didn't take Tang Miaoxin seriously.

Even if Tang Miaoxin is a little clever, she grew up in Zhuangzi after all, and no one taught her.

Talent is something that not only requires powerful teachers, but is also extremely expensive.

Tang Miaoxin had no money and no good teachers to teach her. How could she be compared with her, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, who had been taught by famous teachers since she was a child?

Tang Jiangxian said gently: "Second sister, don't worry, you and I are sisters. Even if you lose to me, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Tang Miaoxin raised her eyebrows lightly and did not comment on her statement.

Mrs. Zhang lightly covered her lips and said, "I heard that Princess Qin can't even recognize her words. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Although she disliked Mrs. Li, if Tang Miaoxin wanted to beat her, she would of course help Tang Jiangxian to step on Tang Miaoxin.

Tangjiang Xian sighed: "Madam, please stop talking nonsense. Although my second sister grew up in Zhuangzi, she was taught by the Master."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Tang Miaoxin: "How about we compare our piano skills?"

Tang Miaoxin was tone-deaf and only played the piano with her when she had a brain twitch. She raised her lips and smiled: "Although the sound of the piano is elegant, as Princess Qin, if I want to listen to the piano, I can just find any piano player to play it.

I need to do it myself."

Tangjiangxian: "..."

She originally wanted to use her strongest piano skills to kill Tang Miaoxin instantly, but she didn't expect that she would not follow the rules.

The most frightening thing is that her statement is true, and her best thing is immediately classified as a musician.

She looked at Tang Miaoxin with deep eyes: "Then what do you want to compare with me?"

Tang Miaoxin glanced at Mrs. Zhang: "That lady said I don't know how to read, so let's compete in reading!"

Her words immediately caused everyone to chuckle. What's the analogy of knowing how to read? Which of the ladies and ladies present can't read?

Tang Jiangxian felt that Tang Miaoxin was so ignorant that he chose such a vulgar thing to compare with her!

Her chin raised slightly: "Okay, then let's learn how to read."

In order to show her magnanimity, she asked with a smile: "I wonder how the second sister wants to compete? I am your sister, and I should let you. No matter how you want to compete, I can do it."

"There are many people today, so let's just compete for one round, so as not to hurt the relationship between the sisters."

As soon as she finished saying this, she immediately received praise from everyone:

"This is the style of a lady!"

"Princess Qin really overestimates her abilities and dares to challenge Miss Tang! She is the most talented woman in the capital!"

"Miss Tang is not only beautiful, but also generous. Compared with her, Princess Qin is like a clown."

Tangjiangxian was very pleased with himself when he heard these words.

A bastard like Tang Miaoxin, who was born from a concubine, wants to compete with a noble daughter-in-law like her for the limelight. She is seeking death!

She was going to trample Tang Miaoxin under her feet in front of everyone today!

She looked at Tang Miaoxin with a smile: "Second sister, tell me the rules!"

Tang Miaoxin saw that Tang Jiangxian had stepped into her trap, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "My rules are very simple!"

"I write twenty-five characters, and if Miss Tang can recognize ten characters, I lose!"

The onlookers immediately pointed at her, what a loud tone!

The queen also glanced at Tang Miaoxin. This idiot who grew up in Zhuangzi thought that the ladies in the capital were as illiterate as the villagers in Zhuangzi. He knew a few words and dared to challenge others?

She was originally there to watch the fun, but now she saw Tang Miaoxin being so useless, and she was a little disappointed.

Tang Jiangxian smiled: "Okay, you can write it!"

The chamberlain had already prepared pen and ink, so Tang Miaoxin took up the pen and wrote:




灪爨Stupid 玎玎


After she finished writing, she smiled and said to Tang Jiangxian: "Please read the words you know out loud."

Tangjiangxian had a bad premonition in his heart from the moment Tang Miaoxin started writing.

Whether a person is literate or not can be seen by looking at the way she writes.

When Tang Miaoxin picks up the pen, he looks like an expert at first sight. When writing, his wrist is full of strength, and his strokes are like a swimming dragon, extremely smooth.

When she saw the words written by Tang Miaoxin, she felt despair.

Tangjiangxian saw the words and subconsciously read out the five words he knew: "I am a big idiot..."

Tang Miaoxin smiled: "Miss Tang is indeed self-aware!"

Tangjiangxian: "..."

After she finished reading, she realized that she had been deceived by Tang Miaoxin, and her face suddenly became ugly.

The queen originally felt that there was nothing left to see and was about to leave, but when she saw the first word of Tang Miaoxin's words as she was leaving, she stopped again.

When Tang Jiangxian read out "I am a big idiot", the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Tang Miaoxin actually gave her a surprise, not bad!

The queen asked Tang Jiangxian: "Jiang Xian, besides those five characters, do you know any other characters?"

Tang Jiangxian's face turned red. What she just said was too full, and now she felt like a hand slapped her hard.

She bit her lip lightly and said, "I don't know, but I think Miao Xin shouldn't know her either. She must have written those words blindly."

The Queen looked at Tang Miaoxin: "Can you mark the pronunciation of those characters?"

Tang Miaoxin replied: "Of course, after I finish marking, my mother can ask the bachelor to help check whether it is correct."

When Tang Miaoxin competed with her in reading, he really put his face in front of her and let her beat him!

If she didn't write a Martian novel for Tangjiang Xian, she would have let Tangjiang Xian go.

The queen nodded, and Tang Miaoxin quickly marked the pronunciation. There was a bachelor on duty in the palace.

The queen asked someone to send over the paper with the pronunciation marked, and the comments came quickly. Everyone craned their necks, waiting for the queen to read out the results.

These ladies and ladies are just like Tang Miaoxin. They only recognize the five characters in the middle and don't recognize any of the other characters!

The queen glanced at the annotations above and nodded lightly. All of Tang Miaoxin's pronunciations were correct.

The queen said with a smile: "Although Miao Xin grew up in Zhuangzi, she is diligent and studious. She can even recognize such rare words, which is very good!"

Tang Jiangxian's face suddenly felt extremely ugly. She knew that after what happened today, she might not be able to keep her reputation as the most talented woman in the capital.

She had to find a way to get back in the game, and immediately said: "I just competed with my second sister. You can't judge her and I's victory or defeat based on these words alone!"

Tang Miaoxin said quietly: "You said you are my sister, but you are afraid of hurting the relationship between sisters, so you will win or lose in one round."

"Now that you have lost, you have another argument. Miss Tang, wouldn't it be bad for you to have double standards like this?"

When she said this, she looked at Tang Jiangxian: "In your heart, is sisterhood more important, or winning me?"

Tangjiangxian: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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