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Chapter 11

After hearing my complaint, Wang shook his head and said: "Yunfeng, you are reckless this time. People in our industry must be careful and careful, lest someone follow the clue and catch you by the pigtails."

I apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'll pay attention next time."

Wang raised his head and blew the tea cup, frowning and said: "But you are my Wang Xiansheng's person after all, Yunfeng, what's the matter? Do you want to regain your position?"

I didn't hesitate and blurted out subconsciously, "I think, I feel like I'm at a disadvantage."

Wang raised his head and took a sip of tea. He put the lid on the tea and said, "We just established the base yesterday. Now we must keep a low profile. My personal advice to you is to be patient for now. When we finish this job and leave Shunde,

I said hello to a mole, and there was someone in her path."

I immediately nodded and said yes.

There were still several bags of green and white soil in the small warehouse of the hotel we rented. However, Wang Boutou did not ask me to disperse the soil. He arranged some specific work for me in the afternoon. Wang Boutou asked me to follow Boss Sun and help him deal with yesterday's work.

Batch bronzes.

When I walked to the warehouse, I suddenly smelled a strong smell of cumin seasoning. When I took a closer look, it turned out that someone had set up a charcoal barbecue grill at the door of the warehouse. Barbecue was being grilled on the grill, and a lot of paint was painted on it.

of seasonings.

Boss Sun is responsible for monetizing things. Of course, he must do a good job before monetizing.

"Brother Sun, I'm Yunfeng, please ask me to help you," I knocked on the warehouse door.

Boss Sun opened the door for me. He was wearing a white protective suit, leather gloves and plastic goggles.

Entering the warehouse, there were several bronze items placed on the floor, and a large white leather bucket was placed next to it. There was half a bucket of translucent liquid in the leather bucket, and the smell was very pungent.

He threw me a set of protective equipment and said: "Yunfeng, put it on."

Although I didn't understand it, I still put on protective equipment.

"Brother, what are you doing?" I asked suspiciously when I saw him throwing a red-spotted mercury-rusted bronze cup into a leather bucket.

As soon as the rusty bronze vessel touched the liquid in the leather bucket, it immediately began to bubble. The pungent smell just now became even stronger, a bit like the smell of urea.

Boss Sun pointed at the Bronze Jue soaked in liquid and said: "Yunfeng, in our industry, my current move is called Qingqing. The chemical formula ratio of this water is prepared by a master."

"Finished? What does that mean, brother?"

Boss Sun smiled and said: "The process of finishing is to remove the black skin. The mercury rust in the puddles is bone-penetrating, and this bone-penetrating rust covers a large area, and it will be very easy to cover up some font inscriptions. If that happens, we can

The loss is huge."

Boss Sun continued: "People on the road in the south call this work rust killing, but we call it killing rust in the north. Yunfeng, please remember that for bronzes from the Western Zhou and Warring States periods, square tripods are five times more expensive than round tripods, and those with inscriptions are more expensive than those without inscriptions.

The tomb is ten times more expensive. If there are more than five inscription characters, one more character costs 30,000 yuan more. This tomb is from the middle and early Western Zhou Dynasty. Looking at the standard layout of the initiation, so many bronzes can be buried in the ear chamber at one time. The owner of the tomb

At worst, he should be a small vassal king in the south." Boss Sun analyzed me in a clear-cut manner.

"If an inscription with the identity of the tomb owner comes out, and if we have better luck, this little prince will be named in the history books, then we will really find a big deal!"

After listening to Boss Sun's explanation, I suddenly realized that there were so many things to talk about here, as well as the barbecue stall outside the door just now. I now know that it was deliberately arranged by Boss Sun, just to cover up the final time.

This exciting taste.

Wear leather gloves because this kind of water is corrosive, and we do this to protect ourselves. If the water used to fix bronzes accidentally splashes into the eyes, it is much stronger than copper-nickel alloys, and can blind people!

Soak for more than 20 minutes, and then use a hard-bristled shoe brush to brush the rust. Don't brush too hard, and you can't brush off all the mercury rust. As long as you are sure that there is no inscription on the piece, you can stop brushing.

I held a shoe brush with gloves and brushed several pieces of bronze in succession. I looked very carefully, but I didn't see even a single inscription. This made me feel a little downcast.

When Boss Sun saw me like this, he brushed a piece of bronze and smiled and said: "Yunfeng, don't be so discouraged. This thing all depends on fate. When fate comes, it will happen. If fate is not in place, you can't force it."

At this time, I was brushing a small bronze bean. I used a shoe brush to rub the inner sole of the bronze bean a few times. I don't know if it was dazzling, but I seemed to see a little light golden strokes.

"Huh? What is this?" I raised the bronze bean and rubbed it hard twice.

"Brother! Brother, look! I drew the words! There are inscriptions inside this bronze bean! The strokes are very complicated! It's like a ghost drawing amulet," I shouted to Mr. Sun excitedly.

He took the bronze bean and looked at it twice.

Boss Sun looked at the several gilt inscriptions exposed on the surface of the bronze, frowned and said: "These inscriptions are not bird seal scripts, nor are they oracle bone inscriptions. They are ancient bronze inscriptions that are earlier than oracle bone inscriptions. How could the six-fold seal script appear in this place?"

On the bronzes of the Western Zhou Dynasty?" Mr. Sun's eyes were full of confusion.

Ancient bronze inscriptions are not from the Jin Dynasty. They are ancient inscriptions. Their origins may be before the oracle bone inscriptions, that is, before the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Boss Sun was well-informed and he concluded at a glance that the characters on the bronze beans were

It’s not bird seal script, but the six-fold seal script in ancient bronze inscriptions!

After frowning and getting excited, Boss Sun said: "Yunfeng, you continue to write the rest. This six-fold seal inscription in ancient bronze inscriptions is too rare. There are only a handful of people in the world who can translate this kind of writing. I

We must hurry up and find someone to help us, and find someone to help us translate what these inscriptions mean."

Boss Sun put the inscribed bronze vessel into a wooden box, and then he went out directly with the wooden box.

Later, until the cleaning was completed, I didn't come out with any bronzes with inscriptions, I just came out with this one.

We do this during the day, but we still have to do serious work at night, waiting for everyone to go to bed. We also go to the pit to rob graves at night, but Boss Sun ran out in a hurry in the afternoon and never came back. If Boss Sun doesn't come, there will be one less person to watch.

, this is very dangerous, and the boss does not dare to take this risk.

That night, Boss Sun came back just after 12 o'clock. He was panting and holding a wooden box in his hand. I knew that the box contained the bronze bean with the inscription.

Boss Sun didn't care to talk. He ran to the table, picked up the teapot, and drank half of the tea.

Wiping his mouth, Boss Sun looked at Wang Baotou and said: "Baotou, I found some connections with the Archaeological Research Institute and translated those six-fold seal inscriptions."

"Oh? What did you write?" Wang asked with his head raised.

Boss Sun opened the wooden box, touched the bronze beans inside, and said four words with a cold face.

"The mustard belt."

This chapter has been completed!
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