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Chapter 34

A cat that doesn't like to eat fish is not a good cat. Grave robbing is actually similar to all walks of life. Hard work can make you rich.

Regardless of whether they are from the south or the north, those who eat this bowl of rice pay attention to fast in and out. After seeing too many beautiful antiques and valuable cultural relics, it will just be like that. Just like a young couple getting married, it will become dull after a long time.

How could he not be tempted by sharing the money and tasting the sweetness like us? The last time we were close to Halahhot, but this time, we came prepared.

Aji was very good at talking, and he persuaded Uncle Hulu to take us to Blackwater City.

After resting for nearly two days, I exchanged opinions with Uncle Hulu and said it was time to set off.

It took three and a half days to return from Kujing last time, but it only took less than two and a half days to go there this time. When I got to that place, I noticed something was wrong at a glance.

Last time we buried the bones and piled a grave mound, but this time we couldn't even see it. The original location of the grave mound had become flat ground.

At this time, Uncle Hulu said a few words.

Aji translated: "Uncle said that this must be because of the strong winds a few days ago. The soil is very fluid because it is dry, and it was blown away by the strong winds."

He shook his head and said, "No, where are the bones we buried? Why can't you see any of them here? Even if the soil was blown away, the bones were blown away by the strong wind?"

Aji's expression changed after hearing this. He may have realized that this statement was untenable.

Aji asked Uncle Hulu again, but Uncle Hulu couldn't explain why.

Douyazai said: "This is really strange. Could it be carried away by wild wolves and wild dogs?"

I said Yazai, why don’t you have any common sense? Wild dogs won’t eat or smell those white bones that have been dead for hundreds of years.

Suddenly, Xiaoxuan shouted, "Look."

We kept talking about the bones and didn't even notice. Xiaoxuan was the first to notice that the dry well was covered with a bluestone slab.

We ran over and took a look, and found that the current bluestone slab was about the same size as the previous one, but the themes carved on the slab were different. The slab in front of us was carved with Buddhist sermons. Looking at the weathering degree of the cross-section of the stone slab,

Like new.

Where did this come from?

Who covered the well with a stone slab after we left?

Moreover, the carving technique and style of this stone carving board are also from Xixia, because the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas made in Xixia all have characteristics. Basically, the faces of the Buddha statues have low eyebrows, thick lips, and long ears. The marks of knife cuts are obvious at the corners of the eyes. If

The carved Buddha statues are full-body statues, and the collars of the Buddha statues are all U-shaped.

He turned his head and asked Uncle Hulu, is it possible that there is someone living nearby?

Uncle Hu Lu immediately shook his head and said something.

Aji translated at the same time and said: "Uncle said no one lives here. There is a small riverbed going down. There will be water during the rainy season in July and August. It is not the rainy season now, so there should be no water in the riverbed."

"That's really a damn thing," Dou Sprout shouted, "Where did the manhole cover come from when no one lives in it? This manhole cover can be sold for a lot of money. A normal person would be stupid to throw it here."

At this time, he raised his head and said: "Forget it, everyone, it's better to stop thinking about it. It's useless to think about it. This is still on the edge of Harahhot's territory. Let's take a look inside."

We decided to continue walking inside. Douyazai knew that the bluestone was worth some money, and in line with the principle of not walking empty, he tied the stone to his camel.

We also took a look at the underground conditions and found nothing unusual.

After walking for less than an hour, we saw the small river ditch that Uncle Hulu mentioned. Standing here, people holding the camels could smell a very strong odor, which was so bad that it hit our noses.

This season, after the rainy season, there is still water in the small river ditch, which means it is stagnant water. We saw that the water quality was dark and muddy, with some rotten grass roots and a few wild bird carcasses floating on the water. The stench came from here.

"Plop!" Dou Sprout threw a stone into the water, and then said: "The water is not deep, about a little more than one meter."

At this moment, our camel wanted to come over to drink water, but he couldn't hold it back even if he pulled the rope, and Xiaoxuan slid forward on the rope.

"Don't worry," Aji said, "let the camel drink."

I asked if this water is so dirty, can you drink it? Don’t let the camel have diarrhea after drinking it.

Aji explained: "It doesn't matter. Camels in the desert can drink any dirty water. As long as they don't drink it for a long time, they'll be fine."

Aji is from Hute and has rich experience in living in this area all year round. Since he said the camels were ready to drink, we didn’t say anything, so we let go of the reins and let them drink.

Camels can really drink. I feel that camels are the best drinkers among land animals. They kept drinking for more than half an hour, and it was estimated that one camel drank one to two hundred kilograms.

Seeing that the camels kept drinking so much dirty water, Aji said with some worry: "Camels are very sensitive to water sources. Now they drink so much, which means that there is no fresh water in a large part of the area. For safety reasons, everyone

Check the water source."

Dou Sprout checked each one and loudly said that the water was fine and enough for twenty days.

"Wait, don't leave yet," Aji realized something was going on. He suddenly pointed into the water and said, "Are those bones?"

I had already led the camel about ten meters away, but when I heard this, I hurriedly ran back to take a look.

The camel drank a lot of water, causing the water level to drop. I could only see some long white objects on the bottom of the water. The water was quite dark, so I couldn't see it unless I looked carefully.

When Aji said it looked like bones, our faces turned ugly.

Dou Sprout found a rotten branch, poked it in the water, and picked up a piece.

The yellowish white color is nothing but bones!

It's the bones of the dead!

"The damn coldness scared me," Dou Sprout cursed and picked up two more pieces with a branch.

I looked at my head and wondered, "Are these the ones we buried? Who threw them here?"

Xiaoxuan asked Aji if it was someone else in your tribe who did it after we left.

"No," Aji shook his head and said, "The cave dwellings we live in are all in the west, and the sheep are grazed near the Crescent Oasis. Normally, almost no one would go to the east, and it takes several days to walk."

Dou Sprout held his chin and said to himself: "That's strange. No one comes to the place where birds don't poop. Could it be that those bones move on their own?"

"Stop guessing, let's get out of here first." The sun was about to set, and he looked around and said, "It doesn't look like there is a city in the area around here. Let's go forward and find a sheltered place to eat and spend the night."

After saying that, he turned his head and asked Uncle Hulu where he should go.

The sun was about to set, and Uncle Hu Lu pointed at the dark red horizon in the distance and said a few words.

Aji listened and nodded: "Uncle said that more than an hour's walk ahead, there is a big stone with a very smooth surface. We can spend the night there."

Nod your head and say yes, and listen to Uncle Hulu's arrangements.

When we arrived at the place, we took a look and saw a large stone of seven or eight meters protruding from the desolate hard sand. It may have been blown by the wind, but the surface of the stone was very clean.

In the desert, there are usually only small stones except sand. It was strange to see such a big stone suddenly.

We hurried slowly and hurriedly, and finally put up tents and made a fire before dark. We ate dry food and drank water around the fire at night, and burned the hay and branches we picked up to make thunderbolts. No one said anything, everyone was enjoying Allah.

Enjoy this moment of tranquility in the desert.

Uncle Hu Lu was lying on the stone with his legs crossed, staring at the stars in the sky in a daze.

Suddenly, he turned his head and said a few words to Aji.

"What are you talking about, Aji?" I asked.

Aji said: "My uncle said that he remembered a friend of his when he was a child. At that time, they were just like now, lying on the rocks and watching the stars."

Douyazai shouted: "Friends from childhood? Male or female? If they are female, you came here two nights to look at the stars. There is a story."

Uncle Hu Lu looked at him and grinned, showing his big teeth.

This chapter has been completed!
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