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Chapter 241 The Hole in the Hole

This method of tomb robbing, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack, has a low shipment rate and an even lower chance of yielding high-quality goods. We set up camp here, gnawing dry food and carrying shovels every day, working from sunrise to sunset.

After working on it until the fourth day, Dou Sprout finally couldn't bear it anymore. He threw the shovel and complained: "What the hell are those things with hair in their mouths? There's not a single decent thing. Together they are not as valuable as the jade bear last time."

Stop working so hard and let’s change places. Maybe this used to be the slums of Blackwater City and there’s nothing valuable at all.”

He glanced around, shook his head and said, "Just work on it for the rest of the day. If you still can't afford the goods, then move to another place."

Dou Sprout was too embarrassed to say anything, so he had to pick up the shovel and continue working.

"Aji, where's Yunfeng?" He turned his head and asked me.

"Over there," I pointed to a black spot in the distance and said, "Aji ran far away."

I was also a little out of breath, seeing that the water and dry food I brought were decreasing day by day. This would be a huge blow to morale if I didn’t have something to cheer me up.

There is something to say.

There is always a way out.

Aji is our lucky star. He does the most work for the lowest salary, and he delivers the goods.

Seeing Aji waving in the distance, we trotted over to look for him.


"F*ck!" Dou Sprout was the first to arrive. He couldn't help but curse after seeing the thing clearly.

We saw that there were some copper flat pots scattered in the sand pit dug by Aji. At a glance, there were more than a dozen.

Dangxiang people are a horse nation, and this kind of copper flat kettle is hung on horseback. Because it has the style of the nomadic people in the northwest, a complete copper flat kettle can be sold for five to six thousand yuan. Of course, the price is

The price we ship to middlemen will definitely reach the hands of ordinary collectors, and the price will definitely exceed 10,000 yuan.

There are more than a dozen people in this pit, and there must be tens of thousands of them. We all praised Aji and said that he was very talented in tomb robbing.

A total of sixteen Xixia copper flat pots were finally cleared from this pit. One of the sixteen flat pots was handmade. On the front, a white horse was engraved with gold and silver and bas-relief technology. The white horse's front hooves were raised high, and the horse's head was carved.

Swing to the left, the muscle lines on the horse's body are vividly displayed, giving people a strong sense of movement when viewed directly.

The scientific name of this thing should be, "Xixia bas-relief copper flat kettle with staggered gold, silver and white horses for storing water."

It was only later that I learned that there is a copper flat kettle of this kind in the Ningxia Museum, and the size and craftsmanship are exactly the same as ours. Maybe they were both made by the same Xixia craftsman back then. The only difference may be that the one in the Ningxia Museum is not for sale.

We'll sell it, as long as you pay a good price.

However, the flat pot later caused trouble when it was sold and attracted the attention of some people. We will talk about this later.

If we didn't say that Aji was a lucky star, it wouldn't be the end of the story.

Because the flat pots have been buried under yellow sand all year round, the pots are basically filled with sand. Xiaoxuan is responsible for pouring the sand. When she poured one of the flat pots, she poured out more than thirty copper coins. The sand has good drying properties.

The copper coins are in very good condition. The leader and I both know that there are not many Xixia copper coins in the market outside and the prices are high. Before the Qing Dynasty, collectors did not know Xixia coins, and those scholars did not even know that Xixia was a country before.

They call this kind of money Sanskrit money, and Xixia money is classified as privately minted money of local ethnic minorities.

The dozens of coins we have are all small flat coins made of Guangding Yuanbao. The price at that time was about 500 yuan a piece. Now the price should have doubled.

With these goods, my work for several days was finally not in vain.

Now there is a thing called a treasure detector, which is very effective at detecting metal objects in the ground. This thing was not popular more than ten or twenty years ago. It would have been nice to have this thing at that time. (For those who want to try it, forget it, this place is covered.

protected area.)

After packing up, we left here on the sixth day and continued walking deeper.

On the way, I occasionally asked me to put down a few Luoyang shovels on my head. Kozlov had found three underground palaces near here. The quality of things in the underground palaces must be better than outside. I put down Luoyang shovels dozens of times, but it was a pity.

For several days, not a single underground palace was found.

The food and water we brought can probably last about a week. We can't live without water in the desert. After three and a half days of return journey, the remaining water can last about four days. Those camels' predictions were very accurate.

No wonder they drank so much dirty water at that time. It turned out that there really wasn't much water around here.

Tuotou paid attention to the overall situation. He judged when we should leave and when we should return. We all listened to him. Tuotou said that if we could not find a replenishing water source within three days, we would go back home.

We were camping that night. Everyone was tired from digging sand every day, so they all went to bed very early.

Not long after I lay down and fell asleep, I suddenly heard Dou Sprout calling softly from outside the tent: "Hey, Yunfeng, Yunfeng."

"What are you doing, Yazai, you just lay down."

Dou Sprout said: "I found another treasure somewhere. Get up quickly and let's go dig it."

I was a little sleepy, so I told Dou Sprout Zai, "Let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do. Have a good sleep in the middle of the night."

"Can you please get up quickly," Dou Sprout said in a quick voice, "I'm not going to lie to you, I'm really a tough guy. I lied to you that I was a puppy."

"Oh? What hard stuff did you find?" I became interested.

"Come out and I'll tell you."


I'm a little confused. Usually when Dou Sprout looks for me, he always sneaks in. Why does he have to let me out this time?

It was now past ten o'clock in the evening, and there was still a fire burning outside. The firelight illuminated the place, and I saw the long shadow of the bean sprouts on the tent.

"Yazi, what is the most important thing we have dug up in these two days?" I asked tentatively.

"How did I know this? I dug so many things and can't remember them."

I asked again in confusion: "Think about it again, have you forgotten? You still praised Aji when you saw that thing."

"Yunfeng, what you said is"

I had an idea and said, "I'm talking about that blue and white porcelain vase, from Yongzheng's underglaze red official kiln."

"Yes, yes, that porcelain bottle is fine, hehe," Dou Sprout laughed cheerfully outside the tent.

My face turned pale.

Where is the Yongzheng underglaze red porcelain vase! I'm just talking casually! We have been working here for so many days and haven't seen a single piece of porcelain!

"Yunfeng, come out quickly. If you don't come out, I'll go in!" Dou Sprout suddenly raised his voice.

There was a tearing sound, and I saw that the tent bag was cut open directly with a knife.

"Ya Zai! What are you doing!" I subconsciously moved back.

Dou Sprout's face turned pale and his eyes rolled up. He held up a knife in his hand and said with a smile: "My stomach hurts when you cut me! My stomach hurts when you cut me!" Dou Sprout's voice was sharp and turned into

A woman's voice!

He held up the knife with both hands and stabbed me in the stomach.

I yelled and sat up directly.

My whole back was soaked, and I couldn't help but gasp for air.

It turned out to be a dream.

This chapter has been completed!
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