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Chapter 47

Do you believe in the theory of dreams?

I believe.

Because sometimes when you wake up from a dream, it feels too real.

So much so that whenever I have a strange dream, the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is pick up my phone and search Duke Zhou’s Dream Interpretation to see if what I dreamed about last night was good or bad.

After burying the ashes that night, we drank in the air-raid shelter after we got back. A disposable paper cup cost less than three taels. I drank almost three cups and was drunk. The only thing I remembered was the shoes Xiaoxuan helped me take off.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I felt that I was floating lightly on a small road, surrounded by hazy white fog and a bit cold.

I walked forward along this path. As I was walking, a small black bird suddenly flew out of nowhere. The bird flapped its wings and landed on my shoulder.

"Congratulations on getting rich. Congratulations on getting rich."

I was delighted and turned to look over my left shoulder.

"Brother Lin!" This is the myna that Gangzi has raised for five years!

Brother Lin flapped his wings and flew up. It flew very low. I reached out to catch it and ran after it.

After running for a few minutes, Brother Lin disappeared in the sky. Looking forward, I saw Gangzi wearing clean white clothes with his big gold chain hanging around his neck. He was looking at me with a smile, and Brother Lin was already there.

fell on his shoulders.

Gangzi said: "Brother Lin came to see me. Yunfeng, don't blame yourself. Even if you go to feed it, it won't eat. Old Geng and Old Song have left. I stayed one more day just to see you one last time. From now on

From now on, you won’t dream about me again.”

"We died unexpectedly. We were originally wandering ghosts, and we couldn't get a road guide. Without a road guide, we can't pass through the gate of hell. Because there are eminent monks and masters who help us to be saved. Now it's better, we have it," Gangzi raised his hand.

I saw a red wooden sign in his hand. There were a few incomprehensible words written on the sign. There was also a red seal on the sign. Gangzi said that this was the road guide sign. With this thing, he could

Pass through the gates of hell.

"Yunfeng, you still have time, please give it to me."

I said yes, brother Gangzi, I will see you off. After saying that, I ran over and walked side by side with him.

Gangzi talked to me a lot along the way, and finally he took me to a small gate.

The small door in front of me is made of wood and painted with red paint. The color of the paint is as bright as blood. This door is very short, less than 1.7 meters high.

"Okay Yunfeng, we'll send it here. You can't follow this door." Brother Gangzi told me that after entering the door, you have to climb the Wangxiang Terrace, and after passing the Wangxiang Terrace, you have to go up to the Jinyin Bridge and get off.

To get to the bridge, we had to walk up Egouling Mountain to climb Jinji Mountain, then go to the Support Pavilion to rest and bathe. After bathing, we went to Naihe Bridge to drink soup. After drinking the soup, we went to Si Guo Ya to accept the assignment. Finally, we jumped down and reincarnated.

Gangzi said sheepishly: "I used to bully many honest people in society, and I have a bad karma. When I get to Jinji Mountain, pheasants will come and peck me. Yunfeng, when you go back, dig a hole in front of my grave, and then spread the seeds in the hole."

A handful of yellow millet, so that I can receive millet. If there are pheasants coming to peck at me when I pass Jinji Mountain, I will sprinkle some millet for the chickens to eat, so that they will not pester me."

"Oh, by the way, one last thing."

"She's my sister. If you can, take care of her. She's having a hard time. I will repay you my brother's love in my next life."

"I'm leaving bro."

Brother Gangzi swiped the wooden sign in his hand just like he entered the community and swiped the access card. Then the small door slowly opened. He waved his hand casually and said with a smile: "Brother Sayunara."

Then he disappeared through the door.

"Brother Gangzi!"

"Brother Gangzi!"

I sat up suddenly, sweating profusely, as if someone had been fished out of the water, and I couldn't help but gasp for air.

Xiaoxuan grabbed my hand with a nervous look on her face. She touched my forehead and said distressedly: "You had a fever last night. You kept talking in your sleep and talking nonsense about yellow millet. Fortunately, you should have a fever."


I wiped my sweat and looked at my phone. It was already 7:15 in the morning.

I dreamed that Brother Gangzi walked into the small door wearing a white suit. After I woke up, I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. When I think back to this strange dream, I still have lingering fears.

Last night I was defeated early, and the remaining few of them drank until dawn. When I went to ask sister-in-law Xiaoxia for millet, brother Zhiyuan was still sleeping. From the looks of it, I guess he would sleep until the afternoon.

I wrapped the millet in a plastic bag and went directly to the slope where the ashes were buried last night.

I dug a hole with my hands, opened the plastic bag and scattered all the yellow millet into the hole.

Regardless of whether it works or not, it makes me feel better.

After I went back, I saw a lot of hay in the yard, and Lao Ge was sitting on a pony, braiding straw ropes.

Seeing me coming, Lao Ge spit out the straw rope he was holding in his mouth and said, "Sorry, brother, I have to wait two days for the three hundred dollars I borrowed from you. I will sell the ten kilograms of straw rope after I've finished twisting it. I'll sell it."

The money is being paid back to you."

I didn't want that money, so I immediately waved my hand and said, "Don't panic, Lao Ge, let me ask you about a place. Do you know how many feed factories you have in Yinchuan?"

"Feed mill?"

"Let me think about it."

Lao Ge thought for a while and said: "I have raised a few cows before. I don't know how small the feed factory is. The big ones seem to be Xintong Feed, Sanyi Feed, and Jiachengfeng Feed." After finishing speaking, Lao Wen told

The approximate locations of my three large feed factories.

Based on Brother Gangzi's activities during his lifetime, I calculated that the Sanyi Feed Factory was the most likely location. The location of that factory was near Nanhuan Road and Nanhuan West Road.

Brother Yu had a drinking game with Brother Zhiyuan last night, and we were both still hungover, so I secretly went to Nanhuan West Road alone. Brother Gangzi has been dead for more than a month. I still dreamed about that myna bird last night.

Decided to go and see how the bird was doing.

I was afraid of being discovered by Jin Laoer's men on the way, so I made a simple disguise as usual. I took Brother Yu's baseball cap and put it on.

At that time, the South Ring Road in Yinchuan was full of bungalows and compounds, with not a single high-rise building. The Sanyi Feed Factory was located at No. 81, South Ring Road, and mainly produced chicken, duck and fish feed.

Brother Gangzi had a long-term job here during his lifetime. He was mainly responsible for delivering mealworm feed to pet markets in Lanzhou, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places. Because sometimes he returned very late after delivery, the factory manager left a small cabin for him to stay.

The starlings are kept in the house when they are resting, and Gangzi is taken with him in the car when we go out. The last time he rescued us on National Highway 107, Gangzi was going to Lanzhou to deliver mealworm feed.

There are more than a dozen employees in Sanyi. The boss is named Wang Junhua. I didn’t say that Gangzi had passed away. I just said that Gangzi had something to do in another place and couldn’t get through. He asked me to come and get something.

The boss, Wang Junhua, gave me the spare key without much thought.

Opening the door, I pushed it open and entered the house.

The curtains were drawn in the room, and no one had cleaned the room for more than a month, so there was some dust.

There were some simple furniture in the room, an electric kettle and lighter were on the table, and I saw a birdcage hanging above the bed.

When I walked in, I saw a small black bird lying in the birdcage.

Because no one fed or changed the water, it was already dead.

Recalling my dream last night, I stared blankly at the myna bird in the cage, with red eyes.

Things have changed, the master has left, and the myna bird, which can only say "good luck", has also followed his master.

Knowing that Brother Gangzi loved it when he was alive, I sniffed, opened the birdcage, took out the myna bird and wrapped it in cloth.

I plan to take the bird back and bury it with Gangzi's ashes.

Gangzi didn't have any relics. The clothes in the wardrobe were just a few work clothes that he wore interchangeably. I looked through them and found a wallet in one of the clothes.

In the wallet was an Agricultural Bank of China card, more than one hundred yuan in change, five and ten yuan, and a three-inch color photo.

The edges of the photo are slightly yellowed. In the photo, Gangzi looks very young with long hair. He is at most sixteen or seventeen years old. He is smiling and holding out his hand to hold a little girl.

The girl in the photo had a flushed face and a runny nose that almost ended up in her mouth.

I guess the little girl with the runny nose is Gangzi’s sister Fang Fang.

After looking at the photo for a long time, I made a decision.

I plan to leave some money to this Fang Fang.

This money should save her from suffering.

Finish college with peace of mind and graduate as an adult.

This chapter has been completed!
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