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Chapter 65 The Tomb

The next day.

The sun shines brightly in the sky in Tengger. The temperature difference between day and night is very big here. It freezes people to death at night, but at noon you can feel a hint of heat again.

"Fengzi, are you sure? There is really an ancient tomb here?"

Dou Sprout wiped his sweat and inserted the short-handled Luoyang shovel into the ground.

"I'm not sure. I'm guessing. It's possible." I said truthfully.

Brother Yu supported his lower back, twisted his waist and looked over and said, "It was too dark last night to see clearly. That man was just a brute force. If we met him again, I would definitely be able to knock him down."


I smiled and said yes, brother, no matter who you are, you can compete with Xie Qirong of Changchun Hui Pear Blossom Drum.

Brother Yu waved his hand, "Thank you, thank you, but you still have to be careful at night and keep someone on guard."

I said yes, I will listen to you.

At this time, I heard Douyazai complain: "Fengzi, I think you may have made a mistake." He pointed around: "Look at this place, it's a flat river, let alone a mound of earth, there's not even a bag of earth. I don't think it's possible at all.

There is a tomb."

"Quickly pull him down, you know shit."

"Except for the emperor's tomb during the Ming Dynasty, which tomb had a sealed mound? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. Quickly explore, move a hundred meters to the east, and explore the next point every ten meters."

"I know, you know more," Dou Sprout smiled and picked up the Luoyang shovel and walked a few dozen meters eastward.

The Luoyang shovel he used was picked up last night. It was originally broken into two pieces. I tied it with a cloth strip this morning. This short-handled Luoyang shovel is not suitable for exploring deep pits. For this reason, I will

Brother Yu's javelin was tied to the top and the shaft was lengthened.

It's not too strong, but it can be used if you pay a little attention.

I squatted on the ground, looking at the bean sprouts shoveling down soil in the distance, and fell into deep thought.

Not long after the time passed, I suddenly heard Dou Sprout shouting.

"Come on!"

"Come here quickly! There's a big discovery!"

I hurriedly ran over to take a look.

"Huh? This soil"

I looked carefully and saw that the bean sprouts had changed their positions this time, and the soil layer brought up by the Luoyang shovel had changed.

I grabbed a handful, spread it on the ground and looked at it.

The color is inconsistent with the surroundings, and the soil is soft, so it should be living soil.

The presence of live soil does not completely indicate that there is an ancient tomb underground, because the depth of Dou Sprout's shovel is not deep, only about two meters. At this depth, if crops or other things were planted here before, there may be live soil.

It's not just the living soil that makes me wonder.

There are also a few things from the living soil.

There is something in the form of a yellowish-brown fine powder mixed in the soil.

How to describe it.

It's a bit like rust, like the slag that falls off after iron rusts.

I have never seen this kind of interlayer soil before, and it was the first time I saw it, and I never heard it mentioned.

According to our past experience analysis, if the soil brought up by the Luoyang shovel is red and green, it is the red spots and green embroidery caused by the weathering of bronze fragments. If the soil brought up is black and dry, it is probably because the tomb has been on fire before.

There is also a foamy soil layer, which is formed after the white plaster mud dries.

So I said that this is the first time I have seen the rusty soil layer brought up by shovels in Luoyang. I have visually inspected it and found that the depth of the rusty soil is about two to two and a half meters underground.

I got up and walked less than ten meters along the hole. Then I stamped the ground and said, "Give me the shovel."

Taking the shovel handed over by Dou Sprout, I frowned, raised the Luoyang shovel high and lowered it heavily, and started digging into a new hole.

In less than forty minutes, the depth of the pit dropped to two meters.

"Look, look!"

"It's here again!" Dou Sprout shouted.

Indeed, I found that as soon as I reached this depth, I brought up the rusty soil.

It was like this once, and it was like this twice.

This can explain one thing, it is not accidental.

There is 100% something underground at this location!

Then I kept exploring the pit. I wanted to find where the boundary of the rusty soil was and see where I went, this kind of soil would disappear.

The results of the survey surprised me.

When the four corners of the pit I descended are connected, it happens to be a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is more than 400 meters and the width is nearly 60 meters!

When exploring outside this rectangular position, there is no rusty soil, and all the Luoyang shovel brings up is dead soil.

That's right, the underground is 100% an undiscovered tomb.

And the area is not small, equivalent to three bedrooms and one living room for three modern people!

It is definitely incomparable to the Mustard Tomb in Moth Mountain, but if this is a Ming Dynasty tomb, its specifications are already quite luxurious, and it is probably not an exaggeration to say that it is second only to the Ming Emperor's Tomb!

You know, under Zhu Yuanzhang's high-pressure policy in the early Ming Dynasty, even the royal family members did not dare to use such a large tomb after their death.

The best proof is that the grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang's great-grandson Zhu Di and the son of Emperor Renzongzhao Zhu Gaochi, King Zhu Zhanbian of Liangzhuang, his tomb is only 31 square meters.

Who is buried underground?

Definitely not the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Tombs are located in Changping District, Beijing. This is the Tengger Desert, not far from the Xixia royal tombs. Which dignitary from the Ming Dynasty would be buried here? Is it really written on the epitaph that Jin Along's beloved daughter Jin Youzi?

The shock was followed by excitement.

what does that mean?

If this tomb has not been robbed, there must be something valuable in it.

Just dig it up and that's it. Now that I've found her, how could I let her go?

"knock off!"

"Go back and eat, the official start will be tomorrow!" I immediately gave the order.

It's not that I don't want to dig quickly, it's because I lack tools. I only have a Luoyang shovel at the moment, and I really can't dig without a cyclone shovel.

The Luoyang shovel can be used to dig a hole as big as a fist, but it is too difficult to use this tool to dig a hole that can be used by people.

So I plan to find a way to modify it and modify the Luoyang shovel.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a fire was lit outside the camp. I removed the shovel head of the Luoyang shovel and threw it directly into the fire to burn.

Liao Xiaomi held the rice basin with both hands. The hot water in the basin was steaming. He blew on it and asked me, "Brother Feng, why are you burning that thing?"

"You don't know that."

"It has to be red-roasted until it is thoroughly cooked. Let me tell you, Xiaomi, you have to make the Luoyang shovel into a flat-head shovel before it can be used."


He nodded in understanding and continued to drink hot water. He seemed to have no interest in my plan.

"Are you okay?" Douyazai walked over panting and holding a stone and asked.

"It should be almost done."

The shovel head of the Luoyang shovel was burning red. I used Brother Yu's javelin to quickly poke it out of the fire. Because the temperature was too high, one end of the stick caught fire, so I hurriedly threw it to the ground and stamped it out.

"Rang, stop hitting you."

Douyazai shouted to me to get out of the way, and then he raised the stone high and banged it! It hit the red-hot Luoyang shovel hard.

"No, there's still a long way to go. Continue." I looked at it and said.

Dou Sprout picked up the rocks again and started smashing them.

After several times of annealing and red burning, the Luoyang shovel finally changed from a cylindrical shape to a flat shape.

If this continues, I can achieve the effect I want in two or three annealings.

The Luoyang shovel is made into a flat shovel. As long as it does not hit big rocks, it is more than enough to dig soil in this type of terrain.

By the time I finished all this, it was already late at night, so I told Dou Sprouts to go and have a rest. Tomorrow I would have to work hard to dig holes for thieves, and I would keep watch first. In an hour or two, Brother Yu would come out and change shifts with me.

Looking at the cooled flat-blade shovel on the ground, I yawned, thinking that I would be able to dig a robbery hole by installing the handle tomorrow.

Two hours was neither long nor short, and I did more than a dozen caving expeditions during the day. I was really tired. Slowly, I began to feel sleepy and kept dozing off.

As soon as I woke up, I looked around. Seeing that there was nothing going on around me, I continued to doze off.

Should it be 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock?


Suddenly a scream came!

The voice was as sharp as a woman's! I was so frightened that I fell to the ground.

"What's wrong!" When I heard it was coming from the Xiaomi tent, I quickly ran over to check the situation.

I was relieved to see that he was fine, and I said, Xiaomi, why did you sleep outside the tent? Are you sleepwalking?

No, I took a closer look and found that Xiaomi's upper body was outside the tent and his lower body was still inside the tent. He looked panicked, as if he was suddenly dragged out while sleeping.

"What's up!"

Brother Yu hurriedly ran over with a flashlight and asked.

Xiaomi's expression almost made him cry. He was frightened and frightened. He pointed to the northwest with trembling hands, and his body was shivering with cold.

Brother Yu hurriedly shined his flashlight in the direction he pointed.

Not only me, I believe Brother Yu also saw it.

When I called him with a flashlight, I saw a man with disheveled hair and bare feet.

He held the quilt with the words Yinchuan No. 3 Middle School tightly in his arms and ran quickly.

Perhaps he felt the light from the flashlight, because this man ran quickly with the quilt in his arms, and even looked back at us.

It's red eyes

This chapter has been completed!
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