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Chapter 255 The sky is round and the place is round

Deep in Tengoli, 4:30 pm.

"Fengzi, sit up!"

Dou Yazai kept waving to me. He and Xiaomi Xiaoxuan were sitting on a wooden board. The person pulling the wooden board in front of them was Hongyan. I had heard of dog sledding before, and the one in front of me was probably a human-pulled sand sled.

The red eyes look like a hard-working old cow. Three people sitting on the wooden board slid across the sand dunes, leaving a long drag mark on the spot.

I followed behind, waved my hands and said with a smile: "You guys are so bad, why are you so deceptive to Huang Dabao?"

"What is a pit!"

Dou Yazai sat cross-legged on the wooden board and said indifferently: "You are a fool if you don't sit in the car! He said he wanted to take Xiaomi away, and Xiaomi called me and Xiaoxuan again. We have been gone for a damn month.

I have lost more than ten kilograms. When I go home, people will no longer call me Dou Sprout Zai, but will call me Enoki Mushroom Zai instead." As he spoke, Dou Sprout Zai took out half a pack of cigarettes, carefully took out one and lit one.

He sat cross-legged on the board, took a deep breath, and puffed into Xiaoxuan's hair, looking indescribably comfortable.



"Get out of here, you're choking to death." Xiaoxuan kicked the bean sprouts down.

"Hey, what a fool," Dou Sprout said before his cigarette was extinguished. He wanted to shamelessly squeeze into the car again, but this time Xiaoxuan and Xiaomi kicked him and prevented him from getting up.



I looked at this scene speechlessly and shook my head.

at this time.

Brother Yu suddenly patted me: "Look at those in front."

I looked up and saw a few wisps of smoke in the air in the distance, as if someone was lighting a fire to cook.


"There's someone ahead!"

No wonder I'm excited, this journey is really too difficult and far.

"Someone made a fire to cook? Isn't that a mirage?" This scene happened so fast that Dou Sprout saw it too. He wiped his eyes and looked at it, a little unbelievable.

We used the old method. Brother Yu and I held Dou Sprout's legs and pushed him up.

After watching for a minute or two, Dou Sprout kicked his legs and said excitedly: "No! It's not a mirage in the desert! It's real... someone is really making a fire to cook!"

"Let's go quickly and try to get there before dark."

Thanks to Red Eyes, I chose a dead horse to be a living horse doctor, and I won the bet. The direction and route in his memory were correct. Two days ago, we found traces of many people camping.

Then I chased him all the way.

The Tengger Desert is a flat plain with no mountains. At first glance, except for the sand, there are sand dunes. From a distance, you can see this wisp of blue smoke in the sky. It doesn't look very far away. When you step on the sand and walk towards it, it is far away.

I saw the smoke before 5 o'clock, and I didn't approach the area until after 6 o'clock. By this time, it was already evening, it was not completely dark yet, and the surrounding light had also dimmed.

"Shhh don't talk"

"Everyone squat down." Brother Yu waved, and then we all hid on the sandy slope and secretly looked ahead.

Under the sandy slope, in the open space not far ahead, there are many camping tents. There are red, blue, square, round, big and small, colorful ones, with different brands, like ours

The ones used were Gaoli cards, and the tents had camel cards, shepherd boy cards, and English cards that I couldn’t understand. At a glance, they numbered at least 20.

Dou Sprout said in a low voice: "Why are there so many people? Fengzi, do you remember? Last time we came here, we only had a few heads. Why are there so many now? Where did these people come from?"

I frowned and said I didn’t know, I didn’t feel very good, so don’t show your head first and wait and see what the situation is.

Our group was hiding on the sandy slope and chatting quietly. Then I saw people coming in and out of the tent in the distance. Some people were holding rice bowls, and some were carrying plastic bags. These people came in and out, and they bumped into each other.

Don't say hello.

It was time for dinner, and everyone came out to light a fire and cook.

"Fengfengzi" Douyazai looked at one place with his eyes fixed and kept shaking me with his hands.

I said, stop fucking me, what's wrong?

After I finished speaking, I looked intently and was instantly frozen in place.

It was almost night, and the light was not very good. I saw an old man in his seventies slowly walking to a fire. The fire was just lit and not big. The old man's hair was messy, his temples were gray, and his hands were

Wearing a tattered iron lunch box, with chapped lips and thin cheeks, he looked weathered.

I couldn't hear what the other party said, I only saw two young people I didn't know pushed the old man, causing him to stumble twice, so that the iron rice bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

"The leader"

We haven't seen him for a month, why is he so thin?

"Wait! What are you doing!" Seeing Douya getting up and rushing over, I grabbed him and dragged him back.

Dou Sprout threw my arm away and said angrily: "You are blind! Didn't you see? You pushed your head away!"

Uncle Liao looked forward at this time, frowned and said: "The other party has not noticed us now, so don't act rashly for the time being. Based on my understanding of Wang Xiansheng, he is just an old fox, and he will not behave like this even on the job. There must be something in this that we don't want to do."

Know the secret."

Uncle Liao stared into the distance and said, "You underestimate Wang Xiansheng."

Isn't there the kind of crawling fighting during the war? A group of us were lying on the sand slope, just like fighting, always lurking, waiting for the opportunity.

There was a small telescope in the bag I picked up before. It belonged to Chaoshan people. I found it and kept looking at it with the telescope. During this period, in addition to the heads, I also saw several familiar figures.

There was an old scholar sitting in a wheelchair warming himself by the fire. Dongbei Xiaokai helped him push his wheelchair and watched over him every step of the way.

Zhu Baokou has a black iron chain wrapped around his waist. Compared to a month ago, Zhu Baokou now has several more people around him. These people have a charlatan look on their faces and look at other people with a bit of murderous intent in their eyes.

Not easy to mess with, he is a real ruthless character.

There was also Jiu Qingshui. This woman was protected by seven or eight people. She only made a brief appearance, then went into the tent and never showed her face again.

Jack Ma is the powerful soil worker who knows how to drill holes with his hands. There are also four or five people around him, talking to each other in low voices from time to time, saying some whispers that I can't hear.

It's okay if I don't look at it, but the more I look at it, the more frightened I become.

so many people

Judging from the movements of these people, it is estimated that they are all helpers brought in by those who returned to prison.

Before we came here, we met a group of Chaoshan people. They were also invited here, but they died in an accident in the desert and failed to gather here in the end.

Alxa is so big, our group of people walked like ants in the desert. It was just by chance that we met Chaoshan people and did not meet anyone else.

The northern faction's return to the customs was first initiated.

I knew it from the beginning!

Once you get started in returning to a level, you will lose control of the situation in the end!

Look at the miserable state of the boss, these people don't care about him at all! I tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen!

I calmed myself down while silently analyzing in my mind.

Nowadays, not only the northern sect, but also some people from the southern sect have come. Some of these people are great earthworkers, great experts, and they must also be great in logistics.

If this group of people get together, if they work together, they may be able to dig into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor in Lishan Mountain!

I was restricted by Jinfenghuang and Changchun Society in Yinchuan during the month I was away.

Alxa, Blackwater City.

There must be "big national treasures".

was born.

This chapter has been completed!
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