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Chapter 24 Cycling at Night


Someone raises chickens downstairs where Mr. Liu lives. I was woken up by the crow of chickens in the morning at just six o'clock.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I saw Xiaomi hadn't gotten up yet so I went to call her.

"Wake up, wake up, it's dawn."

"Oh, I got it, Brother Feng."

Xiaomi got into bed and opened his mouth to yawn.

After going downstairs to have breakfast, we hailed a car and said we were going to Cishan Town Second Street. The driver thought for a while and said he understood and got in the car.

At this time, I had an idea, that is, it would be inconvenient not to have a car.

I can only ride a motorcycle, not as good as Xiaomi, who can not only drive a car but also an excavator.

I decided to wait until the next year when I have free time to learn to get a driver's license. I have money, and I will buy a good off-road vehicle by then. This will make it easier to find tombs and explore places. After all, my goal in the future is to become bigger and stronger.

Passing the White Swan Hotel and heading west, it was basically a small downhill road from Wu'an to Cishan Town. On the road, you can see many large trucks used by steel plants to haul molten iron. Remember https://m in one second.

In my impression, there are many steel and iron factories on both sides of the road. There are many workers going to work in the morning. They walk in groups on bicycles and electric scooters. Those big trucks carrying molten iron roar past without even using their horns.

Press it and scare someone to death.

We went downhill from Wu'an all the way to Cishan Bridge. We turned left and went downhill again. After going down the road, the road became narrow. The driver said that not far ahead was Cishan Second Street, and beyond that was a place called Wannian Mine.

, he asked us where to get off at Second Street.

I said just go to a crowded place, and the driver dropped us off at Erjie Square.

There were many adults and children in Erjie Square, and there were people selling sesame cakes and steamed buns. I asked a lady selling steamed buns on the roadside, and she spoke with a Wu'an accent.

"Who are you looking for? Your last name is Xiang Li? I don't know."

I asked again: "Do you know the antique seller on Second Street?"

"You're talking about Lao Zhang. Zhang Chunlei is a relative of mine. He's gone out of town now and hasn't come back. If you have any questions, go to him. He's the section chief of the Security Section of Xinshan Steel Plant."

At that time, there were a lot of people in Cishan Second Street community. I asked a few more people, but they didn't know where Master Xiang lived. Then we had no other choice, so we went to Xinshan Steel Factory to find the antique dealer's son.

Because his son must be able to contact the antique dealer named Zhang, and this antique dealer must know the house number of the community where Xiang Guang lives.

Xinshan Steel Plant is relatively close to Second Street. When we arrived, the section chief was patrolling the gate. He was a bald man in his thirties, holding a wooden stick in his hand, and kept circling in the guard room.

"Hello, is your father Zhang Chunlei?" I asked.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for my father?"

"I am his friend. Isn't he not at home? We have come all the way here. Can you give me his phone number? I want to discuss some business."

The bald section chief put down his stick and gave me his father's phone number.

I stepped out and dialed the number, and the call was quickly connected.

"Which one?"

"Hello, Boss Zhang. I'm Xiang Yunfeng. I'm also a land shoveler. I'm from Beijing."

"Hey, the big boss from Beijing, what do you want to do with me, buy something?"

I said buy it, and you must go take a look when you come back. Now there is a person who wants to ask you about it. His name is Xiang Guang, who is from Hubei. Do you know where he lives?

"You mean Lao Xiang? You know, he bought several hundred kilograms of copper arrowheads from me. He is an old friend. He had surgery last year and lives in Building 6, 103, Huayuan Community."

After hanging up the phone, I nodded to Uncle Liao and said I found the person.

"Ding dong ding dong" I rang the doorbell after arriving.


A woman in her fifties opened the door.

"You are"

I smiled and said, "Hello, auntie, is Master Xiang Guang here? We can see him if we need anything."

"Who is looking for me?" At this time, a short, middle-aged man wearing glasses came to the door.

This person is Master Xiang Guang, the replicator of Zeng Hou Yi Chime Bell.

I expressed my intention to come, and Master Xiang invited me to sit in the room, and his wife poured tea for me.

"You want to find No. 7 to unveil the bell?"

"No, I only made one set of that thing for Master Qian, and there was nothing extra. That's why I persuaded him not to adjust it because the last bell was not perfect. My current physical condition is terrible."

Liao Bo said at this time: "Master Xiang, we don't need the original bell No. 7. A few years ago, you copied the set of Zenghou Yi chime bells. You must have melted a lot of Warring States bronzes. If you think about it carefully, the chime bells must be made of mud.

It is made by the method of additional casting, then brazing, inlaying, and finally gold inlay, engraving, round inlay, lacquering, and painting. During this period, excess materials will definitely be produced."

Master Xiang was very surprised after hearing what Uncle Liao said. He said that you are also a master, and you even know the sequence before and after, which is a good move.

Uncle Liao waved his hand: "You have given me a prize, and knowing it does not mean you can actually operate it. We only need the scraps from the original batch of clocks. Of course, we will not take it for free. We will compensate you appropriately financially. Look at 10,000 yuan

Is the money okay?”

After hearing this, Master Xiang shook his head and said, "It's really gone. In order to find the most suitable alloy ratio, I did a lot of experiments and exhausted them all."


Master Xiang's wife suddenly said loudly: "You still have a pile of scrap metal under your bed. What's the use of treating it as a treasure?"

After his wife finished speaking, she went directly into the bedroom. A few minutes later, she came out with a sack and threw the sack to the ground.

Master Xiang looked at the bag on the ground with a heartbroken expression.

His wife pointed at the sack and said, "Take it away, just this."

Uncle Liao opened it, took a look, and nodded to me. I immediately handed over a thick envelope with both hands, containing ten thousand yuan.


Watching us take away the sacks, Master Xiang Guang put down his tea cup and sighed deeply.

After coming out, Uncle Liao looked happy. He said: "I didn't expect there were so many left. Although they are not shaped, they are bronze alloys prepared in a batch back then. They are the same material as the set of chimes. Yunfeng, now there are

I know this thing well, even if I can't fix it, I can use these to make an exact one."

Uncle Liao is full of confidence, and his words undoubtedly gave me reassurance. Also, Uncle Liao can even make the Wonderbird, so it is not difficult for him to make a chime.

Since the purpose of this trip was achieved, we rushed back in the afternoon.

Liao Bo has been studying, weighing and drawing drawings in the afternoon. He kept discussing with Xiaomi and said he would make a plan within a day.

There are so many lines separated by mountains. As a layman, I can't help, so I won't bother them. I met Qianlonglong when I went to Lantian to look for Xiaomei.

I nicknamed Qian Longlong the Explosive Dung Boy.

Even though he is older now, if I still dare to call him "Bottom-Bombing Boy" if we meet one day, he will definitely remember me and call me "Brother Feng".

"How about what I told you? Is your grandpa acting abnormal, such as being angry or something?"

Qian Longlong said: "Don't worry, brother Feng, I watched my grandpa closely. I followed him when he went to the toilet. Everything is normal."

"Okay, you fell into the trap. Did your mother beat you later?"

Qian Longlong said he was beaten and whipped me several times with a belt. I didn't dare to go to the toilet to let off the fire anymore.

The plan is to repair the clock tomorrow night, because Xiaomei will be the cover and Qian Longlong will be the internal response. I know that Qianye hasn’t found out yet, which is good news for us.

That is, it was around two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Another strange thing happened.

I live alone in the east room, and there is a rabbit doll on the bed. I have been accustomed to sleeping with the rabbit doll under my arms these days.

I was sleeping when I suddenly heard the bathroom faucet turn on, the sound of running water was very loud, and the TV in the living room was also on.

Did Xiaomi stay up so late?

At first I didn't pay attention, I turned over and continued sleeping with the rabbit between my legs. Later, more than ten minutes passed, and the sound of movement was still there.

I sat up from the bed and shouted twice, "Xiaomi, is this you?"

No one answered outside the living room.

I turned on the bedside lamp, put on my slippers, opened the door and walked out.

There were no lights on in the living room and the TV was on.

You must have seen it, right? At that time, the TV station stopped after one o'clock in the evening. There were no programs to watch. There was only a seven-color circular pattern on the TV screen, and it made a continuous beeping sound.

I went over and turned off the TV and walked to the door of Xiaomi's room.

The door was unlocked, and through the crack in the door, I saw Xiaomi lying on the bed with her back to me, the quilt pushed to one side, and she had obviously fallen asleep.

I quietly opened the door and went in, covered Xiaomi with a quilt, and then came out and closed the door. At this time, the faucet in the bathroom was still on. I thought maybe Xiaomi forgot to turn it off after washing before going to bed, so I walked straight over.

The bathroom door was closed and it was a little dark. I slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open.

There is a mirror on the sink.

At this time, I saw a dark figure in front of the mirror. He was washing his hair with his head lowered in front of the faucet. When I looked carefully, it was Uncle Liao from behind.

Uncle Liao kept rubbing his hair without putting any shampoo.

That's all cold water, the water temperature is very low.

"Uncle Liao, are you washing your hair? It's very cold. Don't catch a cold." I called after him.

After hearing what I said, Uncle Liao stopped washing his hair.

He didn't wipe his head, suddenly turned around and looked at me, blinking constantly.

Uncle Liao just kept blinking.

It's like he's lost his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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