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Chapter 48 Mud

When I saw Xiaomei again, I fell into self-doubt.

Xiaomi was surprised to see me coming. Seeing no one around her, she pulled me aside and whispered, "Didn't we agree to fix the clock at night? Why did you come in broad daylight? What should I do if my godfather sees me?"

I stared at Xiaomei for two minutes, then grabbed her hand and touched it.

Touch, temperature...

Xiaomei took back her hand and her face turned red.

She said she didn't expect you to be so bad and ignored you.

Watching Xiaomei run away, I frowned and knocked on the door of room 302 again.

"Brother Feng, you came to see me! When were we going to play games?"

When Qian Longlong saw it was me, he immediately threw away the toy four-wheel drive car in his hand and ran to ask me excitedly.

Then I went to see the godfather, and I learned from his mouth that after just one or two days, he would leave for Yulin, where he would meet up with the masters from Pi County and work together to capture Xie Qirong.

The godfather put down his teacup and asked with a hint of confusion: "Are you feeling well? You look very bad. I have already told you that I still need to investigate the matter between you and Huili Wu Le."

It's night time soon.

After Uncle Liao woke up, he and Xiaomi came to repair the chime clock. He didn't want anyone to see it, so Xiaomei and I waited outside the basement.

Xiaomei seemed to remember that I touched her hand during the day, and she felt a little nervous during the conversation.

I deliberately brought the topic to singing.

Xiaomei told me excitedly that she thinks the first Super Girl will be held next year, and she will participate in the audition then.

I said, "Xiaomei, wait a minute, is the song you want to sing with these lyrics?"

I learned the lyrics and sang them again.

Xiaomei said suspiciously: "No, whose song is this? I haven't heard it, but the main melody is quite nice."

I didn't speak and fell into silence.

More than an hour later, Uncle Liao and Xiaomi repaired the chime bell, and then the godfather suddenly appeared. He was overjoyed after the audition and promised to help me solve Wu Le's problem.

After coming out of the basement, I didn't go back to the hotel. Instead, I sat on a lounge chair by the road.

I stamped out cigarette butts one after another, watched the traffic lights change constantly, and watched the cars coming and going.

Is that so?

I smelled Bai Risheng's Ecstasy incense and slept for most of the day. I didn't leave Handan at all. Everything I did in Xianyang was just a fantasy under the influence of Ecstasy Incense...

After finishing my cigarettes, there was a small shop on the roadside that was open at night. I got up and went to buy cigarettes and a ballpoint pen by the way.

When I came out of the store, I poured out all the cigarettes and tore off the paper from the cigarette box.

The paper in the cigarette box is silver on the front and white on the back. I drew on the back of the paper with a ballpoint pen and I was able to write on it.

I entered the small shop again, and the boss was dozing off on the sofa.

"What's wrong? What else are you buying?"

I handed the cigarette paper and pen to the boss and said: "Boss, please write down arithmetic questions on the paper. It can be addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. For example, how much does one plus one equal? ​​In this way, do not write out the answer."

The small shop owner yawned and said speechlessly: "Brother, are you sick? Why should I write that?"

He took out twenty yuan and slapped it on the table. I told him to leave it alone and do as I asked. The money is yours.

"Oh, is there such a good thing?"


The boss took the cigarette paper and wrote an arithmetic question.

The reason why I asked him to do this was because I heard someone say something that was said to be very accurate, so I wanted to try it.

This theory is that when people are dreaming, they cannot see clearly the arithmetic problems on the white paper, because when people fall into deep sleep, they lose their logical thinking ability, cannot see the numbers clearly, and cannot calculate simple math problems.

But when I took it and looked down, my face suddenly turned ugly.

You can see it very clearly. You can even see that the ink is not dry yet. What is written on the paper is 333 plus 333?

I used to score more than ten points on my math test, but no matter how bad I was at studying, I could score in an instant.

Equal to,666.

The little boss was no longer sleepy. He asked with a smile: "Brother, do you still write? Give me a piece of this good money-making thing and I will do it too."

I turned around and left the small store.

At this time, a voice in my mind told me that this was all true. The voice said, the incense of Old Sea Dog is too powerful. You should wake up quickly. This is the truth. You have been in Handan all along.

Have you ever watched an old movie?

The movie is called The Truman Show, and I feel like I feel like the hero Truman in the movie.

Doubt, fear, hesitation.

When the whole world tells you it is true, then you will think it is true and will not doubt it.

The sun rises the next day.

"Brother Feng, I'm leaving!"

"You must come to play with me in the future!"

"Let's fire off the cannons!"

The child Qian Longlong lowered the car window and shouted and waved to me.

I got into a car and it was bound for Yulin. My godfather told the driver to leave.

The car drove for a while.

"Stop!" I shouted suddenly.

"What's wrong?" the driver asked me.

I opened the car door and said, "My stomach hurts. I need to go to the toilet."

After saying that, I closed the car door and started running quickly, faster and faster, looking back while running.

It happened that a taxi passed by and I stopped it with my hand.

I got into the back seat, slammed the car door and said, "Let's go to Xianyang."

"Where to go?"


The taxi driver turned around and asked loudly: "Brother, are you going to Xianyang?"

I nodded and said yes.

"It's too far. I've never run there before. Why don't you take the train? I'll take you to Handan West Station."

"No, just drive it. I'll pay you whatever it costs."

"It's not a matter of how much money it costs, it's just that it's too far. I'm not familiar with the road and haven't traveled there before."

I said you just drive along the highway and I will help you show the way when you get there.


"Brother, this is a big job. I'm not afraid of you running out of orders, brother. You have to give me some gas money first."

I took out more than two hundred yuan from my body and gave it all to him.

The driver took the money and called and said: "Hey, honey, don't wait for me at noon, or tonight? Don't wait for me at night. It's more than a thousand miles away. I probably won't be able to come back at night. I've got a big job to run away from."

It's a long journey, you should rest early, um, kiss me baby..."

"Then let's go, brother?"

I leaned on the back seat, closed my eyes and said let's go.

Morning, noon, afternoon, evening.

It was estimated that they had traveled more than a thousand miles, and the taxi lights illuminated the road signs in Xianyang City.

After entering the city, the driver in Handan was not familiar with the roads, so I changed to a local taxi and gave the driver my address. I got off the bus at about 8 p.m.

There are no street lights here, only a row of small bungalows with lights on.

"Bang! Bang!" I knocked on the door.

"Disciple Wang Xiansheng? Why are you here?"

Luo Kashan was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a bowl and eating. She was surprised to see me.

"Aunt Luo, where is Dabao?"

"Aunt Luo? Dabao?"

Luo Kashan looked at me with confusion: "Hey, boy, are we that familiar? Don't get too close to me."

I walked to the window, pointed to a three-story building not far away and said, "Aunt Luo, have you rented that building?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Luo Kashan's eyes, and she said in a low voice: "Investigate me? What do you want?"

I didn't answer and left here.

When I went to the nursing home and asked, the old man who lived on the second floor said: "Looking for Lao Wu? You are late. Lao Wu's wife passed away a few days ago. Lao Wu took her wife's ashes and left. It seems that she went to Guangxi.

, I don’t know when I will come back.”

I have an impression of the old man who spoke. I had seen him playing chess with other old men during the day, but he had no impression of me. It was like the first time I met him.

I tried to push the door, but it was locked and I couldn't get in.

The memories are overlapping and confusing. I feel that if I continue like this, I will soon be a patient with Xie Qirong.

After leaving the nursing home and heading north along Ginkgo Street, I saw another person not long after.

"Brother, would you like some popcorn? It smells delicious."

"Without ingredients, a sweet pot costs five yuan?" I stopped and asked.

"Hey, it seems that my brother has been here before and knows the prices."

I took a deep breath and said, "Your name is Wang Liuxing, from Lanzhou. Do you have a sister named Wang Huili?"

"Damn it! How come you know everything! Which classmate of mine in Lanzhou are you?"

I took out my cell phone and looked at it. I looked through the address book and couldn't find any call records with Little Chicken Feet Lady.

After scrolling to the bottom, I found the saved number and called it.

A familiar female voice came from the phone.

"Hey, Xiang Yunfeng, I thought you had forgotten me. Why did you remember to call me? Haha... don't tell me, let me guess."

"Do you regret it? You want to talk to me about a girlfriend? In fact, if you had spoken earlier..."

"Is your mother dead?" I asked.

"What? Xiang Yunfeng, what did you just say?"

The chick's voice on the phone raised a pitch.

Realizing that what I said was unpleasant,

"It's okay. I just wanted to ask how your mother is doing and whether she passed away."

"You! Your mother just passed away!

"My mother is still alive! I don't want to care about you anymore!"

"Brother, who are you calling? You haven't told me yet, which classmate of mine are you? It's strange, I don't have any impression at all, I shouldn't."

"Brother, don't leave!"

When I arrived at Lao Qian's house, I knocked gently on the door.

"Who are you looking for?" Qian Xinhan asked, looking me up and down.

"Where's your dad?"

"Looking for my dad? My dad and mom have gone out and I just got off work. Why are you looking for him?"

I said it was your father who asked me to come, and he asked me to wait for him.

"You collect antiques?" The girl suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, I collect antiques."

"I'll wait for him in the house." Before the girl could agree, I went directly into the house and sat on the sofa.

The furnishings in the room are the same as before, including a black and white TV and an old sofa.

Qian Xinhan closed the door, poured a glass of water and handed it to me, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, my dad should be back soon. Our antiques are valuable, so you have to give me a good price, so I'll keep an eye on it."


"You sit down and drink some water first, and I'll sweep the floor."

I nodded and said yes.

After the girl left, I sat on the sofa alone in a daze.

Is all this true?

Have I really never been to Xianyang?

Have you really never stayed here before?

But why do I still remember some things...are they the side effects of Risheng Ecstasy? I once again fell into self-doubt.

Can't figure it out.

I instinctively took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth, but my hand slipped and I couldn't hold it, and the cigarette fell to the ground.

I lowered my head and reached out to pick up the cigarette.


"This is......"

I reached under the sofa and pulled out a small object.

He pinched it between two fingers and looked at the light in the room.

It's a popcorn.

After watching the popcorn for a long time, I laughed.

I remembered that night, Xiaomi was watching the Little Muddleheaded cartoon on the sofa, and she ate while watching it.

I'm sure of one thing,

None of this is true.

If I believed this to be true, I would not be able to wake up and would sleep to death.

It will turn into a dream.

This chapter has been completed!
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