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Chapter 65 Tomb Chamber

When I recovered from the brief shock, Tian Sanjiu had already walked dozens of meters away.


"You used a detonator to blow up the burglar's cave?!" I caught up with him and asked.

Tian Sanjiu put his hands in his down jacket pockets, grinned, looked at me and asked: "Xiang Yunfeng, how old are you this year?"

"Don't answer? Then I will treat you as twenty."

He smiled half-heartedly: "You are still too young. I can see that Wang Xiansheng wants to train you, but your future achievements in the industry can only go so far." He gestured to the position of his shoulders.

Then he pointed to the top of his head and said: "If you want to get in here, you still need one thing. Were you wondering before, why did Wang Xiansheng agree to let you work with me?"

I didn't speak.

He said: "What you lack is cruelty. Without this thing, you will never be able to open or close the door."

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and pressed three numbers.

"Hey, I want to call the police."

"There seems to be someone robbing the tomb in Binta Square. Well, come here quickly."


I was scared, I didn’t expect that he would do this suddenly, because I am one of Yang Kun’s team members!

He turned off his cell phone and got into a taxi parked on the roadside.

The car window fell, and Tian Sanjiu said with a smile: "The police will come in fifteen minutes at most. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. The people in the robbery hole are unlikely to survive."

"We will start our formal cooperation. Firstly, I want to show my sincerity, and secondly, I want to give Wang Xiansheng some face.

"So, before I leave, I'll tell you everything."

"I'll kill people, but I don't want things."

"I have another goal."

"You may have noticed that Huang Mao and Wei Xiaogang are my people. The things under the Binta underground palace are identifiable. No matter where they go, those people will pursue them. These underground palace cultural relics are timed gunpowder, Wei Xiaogang

Gang and Huang Mao like to play with fire, so let them play with it."

At this time, the car window was raised halfway, Tian Sanjiu looked forward and said: "At the beginning, I didn't know what Wang Xiansheng was doing in Tengger, and I didn't care. I only care about my people."

"The Chaoshan people are my subordinates. They died in the desert because their skills were inferior to others. I don't blame anyone. I will take care of their family members."


At this point, Tian Sanjiu's tone gradually became lower and colder.

"Xiao Luo, my favorite woman, was forced to break her legs and hide in a mouse hole for three whole days... She must have been in so much pain at that time..."

"If Xiao Luo spends three years in a wheelchair, then I will let the entire Northern Shaanxi Cultural Relics Bureau..."

"Three years of chaos."


He left in a taxi.

The entire conversation lasted less than five minutes, and Tian Sanjiu was just talking to himself from beginning to end.

I was shocked speechless by the series of news.

There was too much information and I didn’t have time to digest it, so I hurriedly returned to the small building. The second floor was empty. Huang Mao and Wei Xiaogang had disappeared. Also disappearing with them was Yang Kun’s iron box, which was full of food.

Binta underground palace cultural relics.

I hurriedly ran downstairs and followed the ladder down to the robbery hole.

After walking for a few minutes in the Robber's Cave, I couldn't move anymore. The roof of the cave was sparsely covered with earth, and about 20 meters in front of me, it had completely collapsed.

At this moment, I suddenly heard intermittent sirens above my head.

After I went up, I saw red and blue lights flashing outside the window, and I didn't dare to run out directly.

What to do...Don't panic...Find a solution quickly...

An idea struck.

I pulled the ladder up from the robbery hole and ran to the backyard carrying the ladder.

The backyard is where we spread the soil, close to Danan Mountain. I leaned the ladder firmly and climbed up.

The ladder is more than six meters long. Considering my height, it can just reach the branches of a tree on Nanshan Mountain. I don't know what kind of tree it is.

In winter, there are no leaves on the trees, so there are no gloves, and the small burrs on the dry branches hurt my hands.

I grabbed the branch and dropped it to the ground, then rolled and climbed up the mountain.

Now friends who live in Bin City should know that Nanshan, opposite Kaiyuan Square, has a row of thousands of steps leading to the top of the mountain. When I climbed there, there were no steps, and the ground was full of gravel, dirt and rotten branches.

Climb to the top of the mountain and look down, you can see the top of the Kaiyuan Tower. If the light is good during the day, you can also see several big wind chimes hanging on the tower.

I climbed up the mountain in one breath and hid behind the big rocks, not daring to move. I was panting heavily and my face was covered with sweat.

There were many people in the square, and I could hear dogs barking, so I peeked carefully.

The burglary hole in the building must have been discovered. I saw that someone had put up a reflective cordon and a dozen flashlights were shining randomly back and forth in Ziwei Square.

At first, only one police car came, and then two more came. I was not familiar with Nanshan. I didn’t dare to run up the mountain in such a cold weather, let alone go down the mountain. My hands and ears were red with cold, and I couldn’t feel anything.


I kept hiding and not daring to move until dawn.

At that time, the outdoor temperature in Bin City was more than ten degrees below zero, which is how I got frostbite. In 2005 and 2006, for two consecutive years, my hands began to suffer from frostbite in winter. I kept applying snake oil ointment to it, but it didn't work.

I went to a Chinese medicine doctor and prescribed some medicine to recover.


Around eight o'clock in the morning, many people gathered in the square, all standing outside the police cordon to watch.

After the news spread, people from all over the country came one after another. Primary school students squeezed into the crowd because people were dug out and dead.

I remember a girl was so frightened when she saw a dead person that she covered her eyes. She was afraid and wanted to see, so she secretly exposed her fingers.

Because I was looking at the square and no one was paying attention, I sneaked down the mountain, mixed in with the crowd, bought a hat from a young man for ten yuan and put it on.

In fact, the Bin City Fire Department came at around 2 o'clock last night and had been cleaning out the stolen cave at the risk of a second collapse. The first person to be carried out in the morning was Ma Aiping. The doctor just looked at it and covered it with a white cloth.

Maybe many people have never had the opportunity to see with their own eyes what it would be like if a person were buried alive.

Let me tell you, people who are buried alive and suffocated have a purple face, their eyes are closed, their mouths are slightly open, and there is dirt on the corners of their mouths. This is what Ma Aiping looks like.

I didn't see Yang Kun's face. He was covered up directly. One of his hands was hanging outside the stretcher. I could recognize him because of the clothes he was wearing.

After watching for a while, Tingting and the water pump were nowhere to be seen.

I had an idea at the time, thinking to myself: "Are Tingting and Water Pump okay? Did they run away? Did they hide in the underground palace?"


Around eleven o'clock, I saw the water pump first.

Around eleven o'clock, I saw the fat girl Tingting.

For fear of causing a disturbance, the doctor quickly covered it with a white cloth, but many people still saw it, and the crowd immediately started talking.

A young man next to me said: "Hello? Have you seen that dead fat girl? Her arms are still standing up. She looks like she is trying to catch something. It's scary to death."

Another person said: "It's not that bad. I just saw it. It's just like Aunt Mei in the old ghoul movie."

"What the hell? Who is Aunt Mei?"

"Aunt Mei, you don't know? She is a ghost who lives in the water. She has maggots on her face. Aunt Mei's hand is raised and she has to wear a bracelet before she can put it down."

"Stop talking, don't fucking scare me."


I lowered the brim of my hat, lowered my head, and squeezed out of the crowd.

Tian Sanjiu is right. He asked me to do this job with him because he probably really wanted me to learn something called "ruthlessness".

I don’t want to learn, I don’t want to learn, and I don’t know how to learn.

Baotou is Baotou, Tian Sanjiu is Tian Sanjiu.

I, Xiang Yunfeng, am Xiang Yunfeng!

The reason why I started this business was just to make money.

Returning to the customs has nothing to do with me. People like Beipai returning to the customs will be shot if caught. Why should I become such a person? Absolutely.

At the same time I also know.

Tingting is not Aunt Mei from the old corpse in the mountain village. She is not scary and she is not a ghost. The reason why she stretched out her hand is because the real situation is that Shui Pump hugged her when she was dug out.

When a person dies, it’s cold and his arms are stiff, so he can’t let go.

I only knew Shui Pump Tingting briefly for a few days. It's strange that after so many years, I still think of her from time to time. Sometimes I just watch the movie "The Old Corpse in the Village" to reminisce.

In Tian Sanjiu's eyes, Water Pump Tingting is just a big ant, and if she is trampled to death, it is just a matter of convenience.

Huang Mao and Wei Xiaogang absconded with cultural relics, everything was according to Tian Sanjiu's plan.

Luofanshan was in a wheelchair for three years because of the Blackwater City incident. Tian Sanjiu persuaded my woman to make the Northern Shaanxi Cultural Relics Bureau in chaos for three years.

It's like the butterfly effect.

The second step of Tian Sanjiu's three-year plan has just begun.

I said in hindsight that the old scholar should not have pursued Luo Kashan in the first place.

The man's revenge is coming.

This chapter has been completed!
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