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Chapter 36 The Garden

Sister Hong and Chen Jiansheng are both in their thirties and forties, and they quarrel whenever they want. If outsiders see them, they will definitely say that these two have no grace.

I don't think so.

They are all gangsters, people from all walks of life, from all walks of life, and they all carry the ruffian spirit of the lower class, which is difficult to change.

I explained it several times, and then Sister Hong finally understood.

"Ha" Sister Hong sneered and said sarcastically: "I mean, no wonder the old scholar talks so much. He turns out to be a 250-year-old fool. Forget it, he is not as knowledgeable as this southern fool."

"That's right," I then pointed to the other side of the river and asked, "Sister Hong, tell me how we can get there?"

"Oh?" She frowned and said, "What did you do in the past? Do you really believe what this fool said?"

After thinking about it, I nodded and said, "Sister Hong, didn't you notice? Where did those dry firewood come from? I think what this person said may be true. There may be other secrets hidden here."

Chen Jiansheng is still being silly and imitating how we talk.

A mole turned around and glanced at him, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Yunfeng, you believe him and I believe you, then let's swim over and have a look to see if there is a cave inside."

"Yunfeng, you're not good at water, right?" she asked me.



"Well, it's not that it's bad, it's just that I can't even paddle a dog," I said with a grimace.

She said helplessly: "I'm not talking about you Yunfeng. If we find Lao San and the others and go out, you will have to practice water in the future. If you don't know water in this business, you will suffer big losses sooner or later."

"Hold me tightly from behind and I'll take you there."

I nodded quickly and said yes.

This section of the underground river is not wide, but the water is very deep. The water temperature is also very low at this time of year. Sister Hong's water quality is good, but she does not dare to overdo it.

"You kid, please point it down. Where did you put your hand?"

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, Sister Hong," I quickly moved my hand down.

Before entering the water, I looked back at Chen Jiansheng, who was confused, and asked, "Sister Hong, what should I do with this man? Leave him here?"

"It's easy to eat carrots and don't worry about it," she said with a cold face, "The southern-style earthworkers will die when they die, so don't worry about them."

"Oh" I didn't dare to talk back.

I turned back and took a deep look at the man, and took a deep breath.

"Plop," I hugged Sister Hong and jumped into the underground river together.

The river water was colder than I imagined, but within a few dozen seconds, I felt my hands and feet were numb from the cold.

"Concentrate, don't let go, just go over there," Sister Hong just carried me and swam towards the river bank little by little.

We were lucky. Nothing went wrong this time. Within ten minutes, we landed safely.

After wringing out our clothes, we walked to the crack.

This mountain crevice is more than ten meters high and looks very deep from the outside. It is only wide enough for one person to pass through at a time.

I checked the power of the flashlight and found that it was still on, but the light source was very scattered.

Sister Hong and I looked at each other.

I nodded and took the lead in getting in sideways.

When drilling along the mountain crevice, I kept my stomach in check because there were some protruding gravels in the mountain crevice. I bumped into them several times and my flesh ached.

After walking for more than three hundred meters, a little light appeared in front of us.

I was overjoyed and sped up by two points.

After I came out, I stared blankly at everything in front of me, dumbfounded.

I thought that after drilling through this mountain crevice, there might be another underground cave on the opposite side.

But I guessed wrong.

When I was in junior high school, I learned a text called Peach Blossom Spring. I forgot who the author was named Tao. There are many reclusive people in the Peach Blossom Spring in the book.

But there was no one in front of me, not a single one. As far as I could see, they were all plants, many, many plants.

There are big trees more than 20 meters high, wild grasses, wild flowers, green vines and withered vines. This place has been isolated from the world for more than three thousand years, forming a world of its own, full of green.

At that time of year, spring had already arrived in Shunde, but let me put it this way, the growth of vegetation on Moth Mountain was far inferior to that here. I had never seen many trees and flowers whose styles I had never seen before, let alone name them.

No wonder Chen Jiansheng, a southerner, would say that this is the back garden of the owner of the tomb.

It's just that the back garden is a bit too big. You can't see the end at a glance, as if the entire underground space of Moth Mountain has been hollowed out.

A mole and I were both stunned by the sight. We didn’t know what to say. We could only marvel at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

I think Chen Jiansheng can survive here for half a year mostly because of this paradise.

I asked: "Sister Hong, what's going on?"

She bent down and picked out a weed and looked at it, then looked around and said solemnly: "In my opinion, the ancients regarded death as life. Qin Shihuang built 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses, made lakes and seas with mercury, and turned stars with pearls.

We have underestimated the pattern of the ancients."

At this moment, applause suddenly came from behind us.

"Pah, pah."

"That's right, the layout is smaller, I agree, I agree," said Chen Jiansheng from the Southern School.

His body was wet, his face was neither salty nor bland, and there was no expression on his face.

"Chen Chen Earthwork, are you feeling well again?" I felt a little guilty. After all, he was the one who told me and Sister Hong about this place, but I had left him alone two years ago.

"Humph," a mole snorted coldly, not looking good.

"Hey, boys from the north, what happened just now? Why did you leave me and run in while I was stunned?"

I thought to myself, brother, please stop talking. You have a mental illness and you need to be treated.

"Ahem," I deliberately coughed dryly to cover up my embarrassment, and then said: "It's okay, it's okay. A little situation happened just now. It's okay now. The three of us are together again. We should cooperate for the time being and think about how to get out."

After listening to my words, Chen Jiansheng looked at a mole and said: "Chen Hong, the logistics officer of the Northern School, right? This guy is right. I have been here for a few months and I know more than you. Our ultimate goal

It is time to go out. As for the grievances in the world, the world will be fighting in the future, do you agree?"

Sister Hong rubbed her temples tiredly, "Okay, but I'm afraid that some people will suddenly get sick and drag Yunfeng and I down."

"Sick? Who is sick? What disease is it? Is there anyone else here?" Chen Jiansheng looked around in confusion.

I hurriedly stood up and said, "No, no one is sick, everyone is fine. Chen Tugong, this place is so big. Since you are familiar with the road, tell me where we should go next."

"Okay, come with me. I've discovered a few suspicious places before. An extra head will open up a new path. I'll take you to have a look, and I'll also help give advice to the staff."

He introduced us as he led the roadside: "This place is not small. I touched it back and forth several times. It should be three or four kilometers. At the end, it is a dead end and there is no way. In addition, I remind you that there are some things that you must not touch."


"Otherwise, just wait and suffer."

This chapter has been completed!
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