Turn off the lights
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I called Dou Yazi and asked Dou Sprout to bring me a cigarette. After giving it to the old man, he described the man's appearance.

He has a square face, short hair, and a beard, which is very similar to Lao Tian. It seems that Lao Tian has really fallen into the water, and it seems that he has never come up before.

"Hey Fengzi, my eyelids have been twitching these past two days. I feel unlucky."

"Don't feel blindly. Your feeling is wrong. Let's go quickly."

After returning home, Uncle Xue was on the phone at the door. He smiled at me. After I entered the room, I whispered: "The head, just three words... is not a human being."

After hearing this, a trace of panic flashed in Tou Tou's eyes. I rarely see Tou Tou showing such an expression.

I've been thinking about what those three words mean.

If it's not a human being, it could be a ghost. This literal analysis has two meanings, one is a real ghost, and the other is a ghost with evil intentions.

I think it should be the latter, but I don’t know who the owner of these three words corresponds to.

Li Tiecheng, Lao Tian? And... I glanced at Uncle Xue outside the door who was talking on the phone with a smile.

He closed his head and eyes, then slowly opened his eyes after a few seconds, and said:

"Interesting... What are you trying to do with such a calculation? Then I'll see if you are a human or a ghost."

"Yunfeng, please inform Wen Bin to come back. That plan is no longer needed for the time being. The specific launch time will be notified by me."


I immediately called Brother Yu to inform him that he no longer had to stay in a hotel in the city and could come back.

"Brother Xiang, Brother Xiang, are you at home?" At this time, Xiao Tang came to see me.

"Here, what's wrong?"

Xiao Tang said: "Sister Yunyun left. Grandma asked me to clean up her house. Can you accompany me? I...I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? There's no one at home."

Xiao Tang shook his head: "Sister-in-law Tang has been hanging around Sister Yunyun's house. I'm afraid of her."

"Tang Gui's Wife"

"Don't you people in the village lock her up? Why do you keep letting her run around in the village?"

"Even if she is locked up, Sister-in-law Tang can always find a way to escape. Some people even give her food because they feel sorry for her. In the end, Sister-in-law Tang even throws rocks at her."

I said fine, if you are really afraid I will go with you.

Tang's wife is really scary sometimes. That night, a big white face suddenly appeared by the window, which scared me so much. Xiao Tang has only just entered high school, so it's normal to be afraid of her.

I followed Xiao Tang to the door of Ya Po's house, and sure enough, I saw Tang Gui's wife with disheveled hair, squatting on the ground.

"Come on, it's okay, let's just ignore her."

Xiao Tang grabbed me and hid behind me, and we walked over together.

Tang Gui's wife had no shoes on and her feet were covered in mud. When she heard the noise, she suddenly turned around and pointed at me, and spit on me.

After spitting, she took off her pants again, squatted down and peed in front of me and Xiao Tang.

While she was peeing, she walked toward Xiao Tang like a crab walking.

"No! Sister-in-law!" Xiao Tang screamed in fright.

Tang Gui's wife grabbed a brick on the ground and tried to hit Xiao Tang.

She didn't have her pants on either, so I went up and kicked her down.


"Huh? Huh?" She got up and pointed at me and Xiao Tang back and forth with a smile.


She lifted up her pants, turned her back to Gao Gao and stuck out her butt.

Oops, it’s so harsh on the eyes.

She was naked and I didn’t dare to eat all day just by looking at her.

I was able to open my eyes, but Xiao Tang's face turned red with embarrassment and he didn't dare to look with his eyes closed.

In the evening, I entered Ya's house. The house was a little dark, so Xiao Tang turned on the light.

Because no one was there, the briquette fire burning in the room was also extinguished. I could see the white breath from my breath. It was very cold in the room.

"Xiao Tang, there's nothing to clean up, right? What did your grandma ask you to clean up?"

Xiao Tang looked at the room and said: "It's just some relics and clothes. Grandma and Grandma Ya have a good relationship. It's our custom here that when someone in the family passes away, the house must be cleaned. No one comes from Sister Yunyun's house, so Grandma asks me to help."

Clean the room."

Looking out the window it was getting dark, I said hurry up, I don't want to stay here any longer.

Xiao Tang swept the floor, made the bed, put a few clothes on Yapa's bed into plastic bags, and then went to another room to clean up the residue from the briquette fire.

"This briquette fire doesn't have a chimney? It doesn't have gas," I asked.

Xiao Tang said: "No, there is no gas. We sleep here with a few windows open at night. You are interested in Brother Touxiang."

I looked up.

Two rectangular holes were opened in the wall under the beams. Xiao Tang pointed to the holes and said, "Every household here is like this. These holes lead to the outside, so people don't use chimneys in the house, and there is no gas in the winter."

After packing up a large bag of Yapo's old clothes, Xiao Tang took out a few pieces, put them in a black plastic bag, and hung them on the door beam with a rope.

I asked what does this mean?

Xiao Tang said that this is also a custom here, hanging clothes on the door beam for three days, which means that people passing by will know that someone in the family has died recently.

I asked again, what about the remaining sack of Yapo’s old clothes?

Xiao Tang said her grandma wanted to take the rest back.

It was past eight o'clock and it was already dark outside. Xiao Tang said that I had helped her and invited me to her house for dinner.

Tang Gui's wife was still at the door. She picked up a branch and waved it in her hand with a smile.

When we arrived at Xiao Tang's house, I asked her to go in first, because I saw Tang Gui's wife still following her from a distance.

After Xiao Tang entered, Tang Gui's wife was dozens of meters away from me. She used a branch as a slingshot and gestured towards me from a distance to aim.

"Here comes the young man. I made fried oil tea. Eat some while it's hot." After entering the house, Grandma Xiao Tang brought me a bowl of oil tea with a kind face.

"Thank you grandma," I took a sip. It was very fragrant. Xiao Tang also blew on the oil tea and drank it.

"Haha, you two eat slowly, the pot is still hot, I'll go take a look." Grandma Xiao Tang slowly stood up, held the door and went out.

"Brother Xiang, Sister Yunyun is so pitiful. You don't know that she is very good at studying and is kind to me. She used to help me make up lessons. Hey..."

I put down the bowl and said: "People cannot be resurrected. Didn't the police station conclude that it was an accident? Everyone is gone, so don't think about it."

"Well... I will also be like Sister Yunyun in the future, study hard, get admitted to a key university, leave our village, and go to work in a big city." Xiao Tang's eyes were firm.

After finishing the oil tea quickly, I said I had something to do at home and wouldn’t leave any more. Xiao Tang said he wanted to give it to me, but I said no, you can go on eating.

When I walked into the courtyard and was about to leave, I suddenly found that the kitchen door was open, and the oil tea was heating on the stove. No one was there, and I was almost confused.

There was another hut to the west with a light on. I walked over and looked inside through the window.

In the house.

Grandma Xiao Tang was squatting on the ground, taking out clothes one by one from the sack.

Grandma Xiao Tang was very quick with her hands and feet. After taking out a piece of clothing, she used scissors to cut open the middle layer of the clothes. She didn't know what she was doing.

I watched secretly.

Clothes were thrown aside one by one. At this moment, Grandma Xiao Tang's movements suddenly stopped.

She slowly turned her head.

Grandma Xiao Tang chewed her dentures up and down in her mouth, and the boss grinned with a look of resentment on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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