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You see, Ah Chun started calling Brother Yu a silly guy, but now he calls him a big guy.

Although Brother Yu pulled out her hair, it seems that their relationship is no longer so tense now.

Xiaoxuan Douyazai and I were in a group, and Brother Yu and Ah Chun followed suit.

We searched separately along the underground river, hoping to find something.

"Be careful, don't trip."

Xiaoxuan turned her head from time to time and shined a flashlight around her.

"Look at that stalactite, does it look like Sun Wukong's golden cudgel?"

The stalactites Xiaoxuan mentioned are long and slender, more than ten meters high, connected up and down. The natural stone surface seems to be carved with patterns, just like the Dinghai Divine Needle in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

After searching around and looking around, Xiaoxuan suddenly whispered: "Hey, let me ask you something. Did you have any relationship with that guy named Bai a few years ago?"

"What? Who are you talking about? Someone named Bai."

"That's it, you know."

"Boss Bai?"

I immediately shook my head: "Look at what we are doing now, why did you suddenly think of asking this? It's nothing. She called me on New Year's Day and I didn't answer it."

"I just suddenly remembered and asked, are you serious?"

"Why did I lie to you? Don't mention it again. It should be half an hour later."

As agreed, I asked Dou Sprout to go to a place with a relatively wide view and wave the flashlight.

Soon, a response came from not far away, and a flashlight flashed.

"Hey, I told you to come over and have a look," Dou Sprout said suddenly, "Well, are you telling the truth?"

"What ghost head? It's a cone head. Where is it?"

"It's right there, do you see it?"

The place Dou Sprout pointed to was a hundred or ten meters away from here, in the northwest corner of the underground river, so it was hard to see clearly.

"Let's go over and take a look."

As I got closer to it, I saw it looked like a cone, a small pointed mound of earth.

The river was only more than one meter deep, so we walked through the water and onto the shore, approaching the small mound.

"Do you have the shovel in your bag? Let me use it."

Dou Sprout opened the bag, took a look and said, "Yes, but I only have two poles here. Xiaoxuan, you didn't bring them?"

"No, I brought a rope and canned food."

"No, two pieces are about the same. Bring them to me."

Dou Sprout unscrewed the thread and handed it to me.

Shoveling dirt in Luoyang looks simple, but in fact there are many tricks. In addition to the three circles for the forehand and two circles for the backhand that I mentioned before, there are two more points that need to be paid attention to.

When drilling vertical holes underground, posture is very important, just like walking forward during military training. If you walk and turn smoothly, you will be disqualified.

If you want to team up with outsiders, Lao Bashi will know if you are a novice just by looking at the way you grab the shovel.

Stand upright with your legs apart, hold the pole with both hands in front of your chest, and when the shovel head is on the ground, it must be exactly between your feet. This is the standing and holding posture.

The Luoyang shovels that can be bought online now are basically large semi-circular shovels, which can be used, but are not very easy to use.

The best thing to use is a small semi-circular shovel. The pig iron layer on the shovel head is edged. Correct posture can ensure that the hole is not crooked. You should also be careful when shoveling.

Generally we say, "Is there a stone or not? Is it frozen? Is it 70% hard or 50% hard?"

If the soil is 70% hard, you need to shovel back less, and shoveling back is the lifting action. If the soil is 50% hard, you need to shovel back more, shoveling down twice, and then lifting it up.

This is all based on the experience of the elders. Just buy a shovel and try it in your own field to find out how useful it is.

There is a test method after drilling. Take a mirror and use the sun to shine at the bottom of the pit. If the mirror can shine sunlight directly to the bottom of the pit, it proves that the hole is straight and qualified.

If the sunlight hits the cave wall and cannot go down anymore, it means that the tunnel is bent and is unqualified.

If you continue to punch down when the hole is bent, you will soon find out, "Oh? Why did I fall down while punching?"

After the two poles were connected, Xiaoxuan squatted on the ground to help me with lighting while I explored the pit and shoveled it.

"This won't work," Dou Sprouts grabbed a handful of soil and said, "This is all dead soil. Take a deeper look."

More than twenty minutes later.


Dou Sprout grabbed a handful of soil and shouted, "This is what I just brought out."

I put it to my nose and smelled it. The bean sprouts grabbed the soil and showed it to me.

"Fengzi, take a look, have you ever seen this kind of soil layer?"

"Why is it so sticky? No wonder it always sticks to the shovel head."

When it was more than three meters deep, the shovel head brought up a layer of gray-white soil, which looked like mud and was very sticky to the touch.

I grabbed a handful and squeezed it hard, and even when I let go, it didn't fall off. It stuck to my hand.

"It's strange... this is definitely not white plaster mud. What kind of soil is this? I've never seen it before. Xiaoxuan, go and send a signal, call the leader and them to come over, and say that we have found something."

After more than half an hour, Brother Yu and Ah Chun came over.

When I saw the pointed mound, my eyes lit up and I said, "This is the conical head."


"It's true," Dou Sprout said, "That's it? I'll cover it with Pao Xiang, it'll be as big as that."

"you are wrong."

Baotou said: "After the Qin Dynasty, the bigger the earthen mounds, the better. In the Han Dynasty, the first level of royal tombs even dug mountains to build tombs. However, in the earthen coffin tombs before that, the smaller the conical heads left on the ground were.


"That head, look at this kind of soil layer, I've never seen it before."

He stretched out his head and grabbed a handful.


He shook his head and said: "So sticky? This is not white plaster mud, nor is it lime mud."

Lime mud was most popular in brick chamber tombs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. White lime was added to the rammed earth to absorb water and moisture, and to prevent excessive rainwater from penetrating into the tomb. This kind of soil is slightly sticky, but it will never be so sticky.

This layer of soil is like glue. I estimate that if it is applied to a person's face, it will not be able to be peeled off after a long time.

After thinking about it, he said: "Wen Bin, you still have poles in your bag, and you are picking one up."

"Yunfeng, dig down one meter and take a look. This is the first time I've seen this kind of soil in my whole life."

As a result, the stick became more and more sticky with the shovel, so I dug another half meter into the ground. Unlike before, it was useless to shovel back and forth, and I almost couldn't pull it out, but Bean Sprouts helped me pull it up together.

He brought his head closer and smelled it first, then dipped a little of it with his finger and put it on his tongue to taste it.

"What's wrong?" I looked at it and my head froze.

Let me taste your head.

I tried a little, opened my eyes wide and said in surprise: "Why is it so sweet!"

"What the hell? I'll try it too," Dou Sprouts took a few bites, spit it out twice, and said loudly, "It's true! It's a bit like preserved egg and lean meat porridge with sugar!"

"Botou, is this Sanhetu or Wuhetu?" I asked.

"No, Sanhe soil and Wuhe soil are all hard. This soil layer is so soft, it must be mixed with water. I guess the white color is due to the addition of rice juice, and if it is sweet... it may be the addition of maltose."

He shook his head and said, "I've never seen anything like this, but I've heard of something similar. It's also a Warring States tomb. The rammed earth was added with sucrose, sap from a certain tree, egg white, and animal blood."

"It seems like this is it."

It was harder for Dou Sprout to laugh than to cry. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's not over yet. We are not afraid of hard soil. We have diamond needles and detonators, but if this is the case, how can we dig down?"

At this time, Xiaoxuan raised her hand and said, "Isn't this a slime?"

"What is slime?" I asked.

"Hmm..." Xiaoxuan thought for a while and said: "Slime is a toy given to me by someone in Hong Kong before. It is just like this, a lump of slime."

Dou Sprout stared and said: "Then according to you, this is not the Hu Cemetery, but the Slime Tomb?"

"I didn't say that, I just said it casually."

There are no stones, let alone the cyclone shovel, even the Luoyang shovel is launched into the water. If it is a tomb, then this kind of tomb is unheard of and unseen.

"I see...."

He seemed to have figured out something. He looked around and said: "It rains a lot in Yongzhou, Hunan Province in the summer. The underground is full of limestone and caves. There are big gaps. The rainwater flows down to underground rivers. This will lead to underground rivers during the rainy season."

The water level is rising.”

He took two steps back, pointed at his feet and said, "A few months ago, the place we are standing on should have been submerged in water, but the water level in the underground river dropped and was exposed again."

"As a result, the water will spread deep into the ground, making the white mud so sticky."

"Head, even if we analyze it it's useless, just tell me what to do," Dou Sprout said.

I thought about it for a few minutes and finally shook my head helplessly.

Let me tell a joke in Xiaoxuan's words.

Who has seen a slime tomb? How to dig it?

This chapter has been completed!
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