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"Why do so many people come to our village? Why do you want to..."

"Who knows, maybe he came to see our Guiziling, but I don't even look like a good person."

"Which one?"

"That little crew cut with a sullen face, don't you know? Only reform-through-labor prisoners in prison shave their heads like this."

Two elderly women at the entrance of the village were whispering.

Master Ji handed me a cigarette and winked at me.

"Come on, brother, get a pack of cigarettes."

"Go on brother."

"Brother over there."

I tore off the plastic paper and threw a few packs of cigarettes at people.

They were not polite, they opened them and smoked them loosely.

This guy with the hairstyle of a reform-through-labor prisoner said to me: "Brother, you're welcome, we're just here to help Brother Tian fight, and we'll leave as soon as we're done."

"Then you know who you want to do?" I asked.

Reform-through-labor prisoner Xiao Pingtou flicked his cigarette ashes and cursed: "It doesn't matter who he asks for, he will do whoever Brother Tian asks him to do."

"Where are you from? What do you do?" I chatted with him."

He said: "Me, I was released from Pengcheng Prison last year. As for what kind of job to do...can't you see? As long as the money is available, we can do any job."

I only remember that this guy was from Hebei, his nickname was Tiedan, he also worked outside, he traveled all over the world, and his brother came with him. His brother was very dark-skinned, and his name was Heidan.

As he spoke, there was a harsh sound of brakes.

A battered black Cherokee drove up.

Tian Sanjiu changed into sports clothes, put on a mask, got off the car and slammed the door.

Tian Sanjiu stepped forward after tightening the mask on his face.

"Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian."

Regardless of age, when Tian Sanjiu comes over, he will always call him Brother Tian.

When he walked up to us, he smiled and asked, "Boss Wang, how have you been these past two days? Have the people who said they wanted to kill me showed up?"

Mr. Tou sighed, and said: "One person showed up, and the others are missing for the time being. But... Mr. Tian, ​​you still have to be careful, you are engaging in such a big battle."

"Oh, there are still more than a dozen people from Guangdong who haven't arrived yet. They want to attack me. I'm afraid that others will be impatient, so I won't wait."

"Iron egg."

"Hey, brother."

Tian Sanjiu patted his head and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for more than a year. Do you have the paper I handed out to you?"

"Yes, I've made a copy, so we all have one copy."

The little crew chief took out a piece of paper from his arms, and when he opened it, he saw that it was a portrait of the owner of the canteen. It must be said that the hairstyle, outline, and so on were very similar to each other.

Tian Sanjiu waved to the older group of people again, and soon a person ran out from the crowd.

When someone came up to him, Tian Sanjiu raised his head and said, "See, that's the village's telephone line. Use scissors to cut it for me."

After saying that, he took out several small black notebooks from his arms.

"You leaders, each of you, take an ID card and tell your brothers to be more restrained when encountering ordinary thorns. Show them your ID card and don't do anything if you can."

Tian Sanjiu glanced at his phone and continued: "After searching this village in the morning, we will have people drive to buy food at noon, and we will gather at two o'clock in the afternoon to go to other villages."

After giving these instructions, dozens of people crossed the bridge and entered the village, and the crowd dispersed.

Some villagers were working and eating in front of their homes, but these people ignored them and rushed directly into their homes.

It was approaching 12 o'clock at noon, Tiedan ran quickly with sweat on his face and said: "Brother Tian, ​​I have discovered something."

Someone pulled a bald middle-aged man over, and Tiedan said: "Your mother...don't you know her? Tell me!"

The bald middle-aged man saw the fierce look of this group of young people and said timidly: "The owner of the canteen is Lao Xiumei. I went to Xiajiang Village and saw her once the day before yesterday, but I didn't know what she was going to do."

"Xiajiang Village..."

"Hehe... I'll give you a cigarette."

After sending this man away, Tiedan said: "The brothers who went to the county to buy food will probably be back soon. It's almost 12 o'clock. Should we eat first or..."

"Stop eating it."

"Notify them, divide them into two groups, and leave a few people here to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain."

"The others got on the bus and followed my car to Xiajiang Village."

After getting into the jeep, I rolled down the window and said, "Brother Yu, if you look out for the leader, I'll follow them."

Brother Yu nodded, leaned into my ear and whispered: "Go ahead, be careful, be careful, and don't rush forward no matter what happens."

I nodded and said I got it.

We have all seen the proprietress of the canteen. She is the ugly old medicine box. If you find this person, you may find others.

I can see that blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents. This time Wu Chou not only blocked Tian Sanjiu's way of making money, but also made him angry.

Dozens of people gathered around the village to cut the telephone lines. This was something that could still be seen twenty years ago, but it is no longer possible. The state beats these people whenever they show up.

Lao Ji was driving, and I asked while sitting in the jeep, "Brother Tian, ​​what should we do if someone calls the police?"

Tian Sanjiu opened his eyes and asked me: "Did you hit someone?"

I shook my head.

"Did you steal something?"

I shook my head again.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

What he said stopped me. You twisted the telephone lines in the village, and even rushed into people's homes to look for people from door to door.

Is this legal?

This is illegal.

Master Ji said with a smile as he drove: "Xiao Xiang, sir, it's okay. Not to mention Yongzhou, our group of people are not from Hunan, they are all from other places. If something happens, they will all be separated. There is no place to go to them."

Because there was a bus running from the village to the county, locals would wave from time to time on the road and wanted to take the bus. However, from a distance, they saw a car full of fierce-looking crew chiefs sitting in the bus. They all hesitated and did not dare to get on the bus.

At that time, Tianguangdong Village was full of tile-roofed houses. On the contrary, Xiajiang Village, not far away, began to carry out new rural construction this year. With government subsidies, many people in the village knocked down the old tile-roofed houses and built small Western-style buildings.

There is a large stone monument with the words "Xiajiang Village" written in red pen.

When I first arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw several three-horse carriages parked, with more than a dozen men unloading pear saplings from the vehicles. When I asked someone about it, they said it was a subsidy from the village, and they were planning to build a thousand acres of snow in the mountains this year.

The slogan of Liyuan is to invite friends from all over the country to come to Xiajiang and eat pears.

"Hey, it's just you. Have you seen this person in your village?"

Tiedan took the portrait and asked a man who was unloading pear saplings.

The man patted the dirt on his hands, frowned and said, "Why should I tell you what you did?"

"What a fool," Tiedan was about to explode when an older man stopped him.

The man smiled and said: "Brother, don't be angry. It's nothing. We have something to do with someone. If it's convenient, just tell us. If it's not convenient, forget it."

"You'd better speak nicer, but I don't know, haha."

"Stop talking nonsense and go into the village to look for him. As long as people are there, you can't escape," Tian Sanjiu said as he got out of the car.

Someone was sent to cut the phone line, and a group of people entered the village in several waves. At this point, almost everyone in the village was having lunch. Seeing so many strangers suddenly arriving, they all pointed at us.

There was a big pot standing in front of the door of the family, cooking a big pot of food, probably for the people who planted saplings on the mountain.

Tian Sanjiu suddenly waved his hand to stop, and someone asked Brother Tian what was wrong.

"Hey, raise your head."

Judging from the figure, she is a woman, with her head lowered and wearing a hat. She is holding a shovel in both hands and stirring a large pot of food with her head lowered.

Tian Sanjiu asked her to raise her head.

As for this woman, her movements slowed down.


She threw the cooking shovel violently, and the person turned around and ran away.

"Get her!"

When Tiedan saw it, he shouted: "Everyone, come here! Come to me!"

The woman ran very fast, and a dozen people were chasing after her. Some were holding sticks and steel pipes, and others were holding half bricks, chasing after the woman.

I ran after Tiedan and said, Brother Dan, can you see the face clearly? I didn't see clearly whether it was the same person.

He ran back and said, "Brother, don't call me brother. You are brother Tian. If you call me brother, it will be a mess. You can call me Tiedan or Danzi."

"I didn't see the person's face clearly, but there was someone running away. Damn it, this bitch ran so fast."

The woman was obviously very familiar with the village roads. She avoided the main roads and hid in alleys. We almost caught her twice.

The alleys in the village are very narrow, and no more than two people can walk side by side at a time. This terrain limits our advantage in numbers. Tian Sanjiu sent some people to chase, while the other people stayed on the main road away from the village.

Tian Sanjiu himself was sitting in the jeep, rolling down the glass, smoking and watching all this.

After chasing them all the way, they turned around and saw no one. Four or five small courtyards appeared in front of them. Tiedan waved his hand with some annoyance and told the seven or eight people to look for them separately.

He, I, and two other people entered the courtyard at the end of the alley.

The door was unlocked, so I stretched out my hand to push the door, and it opened with a creak.

There are two big houses and a small house in the courtyard. We went first to the big house and looked around, but there was no one there.

The tape recorder on the table was playing a song, and it was playing "Love the Country, Prefer Beauty," sung by Li Lifen in 1994. The sound from the external speaker of the tape recorder was a bit broken, making the song sound less beautiful and a bit more weird.

Turning around and looking around, I saw two black hoodies with hollows hanging on the clothes rack.

Tie Dan pulled it off the clothes hanger, smelled it, threw it on the ground and said, "It didn't take more than half a day to wash it. I should have worn it yesterday."

"Can you smell this?"

He nodded and said that he had learned it through practice.

No one from the big house went to the small house. After pushing the door, he found that the small house was locked. Tiedan asked another person to come over and kicked the door of the small house three or four times, and then kicked it open with a loud bang.

"Look at the wall to see if there's a light switch. Turn on the light. It's too damn dark."

Although it was daytime, the windows of this cabin were sealed and the light was very dim. Another person found the switch and pressed it twice. There was no response. The light bulb was probably broken.

I turned on the flashlight on my mobile phone and asked, "Do you smell it? Is it a burning smell?"

I took out my mobile phone for lighting, and then I saw clearly that there was an incense burner and a memorial tablet on the table. It seemed that incense had been burned not long ago, and the smell could still be smelled in the room.

Upon closer inspection, it was written on the spiritual tablet: "The position of adopted daughter Song Mei."

right here....

That's right, Song Mei is the daughter of the proprietress of the canteen. Whether she is an adopted daughter or a biological child doesn't matter now, because she has been buried by Tian Sanjiu.

Tiedan immediately took out his cell phone, preparing to find someone to notify Tian Sanjiu to report the situation.

"Brother Dan, come here quickly and take a look at this thing?"

In the northwest corner of this small room, there is something covered with red cloth. Judging from the outline of the red cloth, it looks a bit like a bird cage.

After tearing off the red cloth, I found that it was not a bird cage, but a small rolled vat made of rough pottery with black glaze, and the top of the vat was covered with a piece of opaque frosted glass.

When I took off the lid, a smell came out.

It was very smelly, with a stinking smell that was indescribable.

"Cough!" Tiedan put down his cell phone because of the smoke, covered his nose and said, "What the hell! Isn't this a shit basin?"

Use the light of your mobile phone to look into the cylinder.

My scalp went numb immediately!

What the hell is this! A rat or something?

It's more than ten centimeters long, has gray-black fur, and has a body like a mouse, but its head... doesn't have a nose or mouth, it's just a big ball of rotten meat with small tentacles.

The tentacles were still moving back and forth, opening and closing like a chrysanthemum. It was disgusting and ugly, and it would spit out some translucent liquid, which was very smelly.

"What the hell...what is this? It's so disgusting."

Looking closer.

Suddenly, a stream of water spurted out from the tentacles on this thing's face and sprayed onto his crotch.

Tiedan cursed and quickly reached out to wipe it.

While wiping his crotch, he made a phone call: "Go to the car and inform Brother Tian that we found that bitch's lair. Damn it, there's a nest of rats here that can spray water, and they sprayed me all over."


The person who answered the phone probably didn't hear clearly, so he asked again: "I didn't hear clearly, what is this? A water-squirting rat? Brother Dan, are you talking about Sister Niu from the barber shop?"

"Get out!"

"How many times do you want me to say it?"

"It's a squirting rat! A squirting rat! A squirting rat!"

This chapter has been completed!
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