Turn off the lights
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People's hearts are impure and cannot be guarded against.

If I were an honest person, if I hadn't accidentally discovered that the sound of the copper coins was wrong, and I'd come looking for it every few days, people would definitely not admit it, and they might even sue me for defamation and frame-up.

In the studio on the first floor, Meimei opened the drawer, handed me a pile of money and said, "Mr. Xiang, let's forget it this time. Don't tell anyone, otherwise..."

I grabbed the money and put it in my pocket and said, "What else? If you cheat people like this, you must have deceived a lot of people, right?"

Seeing that I took the money, Meimei knew that I was not a good person anymore.

She adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses and said with a smile: "Hey, in today's world, either men cheat on women or women cheat on men. If you have money, let's make money together, haha."

I didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence. For these people like us who are fishing for sideways, that's it.

"By the way, Mr. Xiang, where are you from?"

I casually said you are from Beijing, what do you want to do?

Meimei's eyes lit up and she said, "Then do you know about Baoguo Temple Antique Market?"

"You know, why? Baoguo Temple is a place that specializes in selling coins. There is also a Liangmaqiao stamp and coin card market in Beitaipingzhuang." I said.

After hearing this, she smiled and said: "There are a lot of people and money there. I have long had the idea to move the Mei Qian Museum to Baoguo Temple."

"Be the boss?" I asked.

She slammed the table and said loudly: "Yes! I only work for the boss!"

"It's just that it costs a lot. I don't have enough funds right now. If you can buy a share, I'll let you, Mr. Xiang, become my distributor and you can get my latest high-imitation goods. How about that?"

At this time, Brother Yu pulled me and whispered: "This woman is trying to trick you, don't be fooled."

Meimei didn't seem to hear it and waited for me to express my position with a hopeful look on her face.

I smiled and shook my head and said, "Haha, I'm sorry, I have no money."

Meimei may have felt that I didn’t trust her coin counterfeiting skills, so before leaving, she gave me a set of copper coins she made herself to show me her skills. There were more than a dozen coins in this box.

The facial expressions are all the same.

"IQ Tongbao."

These IQ Tongbao are very interesting. She made them according to the style of Xianfeng Daqian and various local bureaus, such as Baoyuan Bureau, Baozhi Bureau, Baode Bureau, Baoshan Bureau, etc.

In those days, there were no subdivisions of editions, so she directly transformed the style of Qian Wen from "Zhiqotongbao" into the font style of Yuan Fifty Dian Dian Bi Xian. This was a very powerful technique.

"IQ Tongbao", as the name suggests, tests your IQ.

It was getting dark when we left Baiwanzhuang Antique Street with this thing. There happened to be a small restaurant on the roadside. Brother Yu and I went in and sat down and ordered a bowl of rice bowl.

While eating, Brother Yu smiled and said, "This money is really interesting, so why don't you sell your money?"

"Hey, don't panic Brother Yu, good things can be sold at any time. As for the money, it's for the boss."

"Haha, that's right," Brother Yu ate a spoonful of rice.

The door opened and I suddenly smelled a strong smell of perfume.

Looking back, I saw a man and three women coming in, talking and laughing.

The man is a skinny guy, and the three women are dressed in a somewhat open style.

The strong smell of perfume hit my head, and I sat a little further away with the bowl in hand.

I heard their conversation behind me.

The thin monkey man said: "Sisters, if you do a good job tonight, I will give you a holiday, and the big boss will give you this number."

Listening to the conversation behind me, I poured some chili pepper on the plate and without saying a word, I mixed the rice with a spoon.

"Brother Guan, it's not that the sisters are unwilling to do it, but didn't you hear those requests? It's so stupid. What kind of clothes are they? How can the sisters wear them?"

"That's right, that boss is a fool or a pervert. He called us to Guiziling. We don't even know where it is. I heard from my ex-boyfriend that it is a haunted place."

Before I even had a mouthful of rice in my mouth, I was stunned when I heard this.

Behind him, another girl said: "I think so, sister. You said that dress doesn't look like a bikini or a tank top. It looks like what a savage would wear."

The skinny monkey man slapped the table and said, "It doesn't matter if he's a savage or not!"

"Savages' money is also money! If it's money, we'll earn it! Eat quickly, and I'll drive you there when it's late. Don't worry, Brother Guan, I can definitely guarantee your safety."

I put down the spoon to Brother Yu, who was also puzzled. What were these three men and one woman doing in Guizailing at night? Judging from their tone, it was not for adventure, right?

Brother Yu lay down and whispered a few words in my ear. What he meant was to take the thin monkey man out and give him a good beating first, and then he would ask me.

I thought for a while, shook my head and whispered: "Don't... don't alert others, I think this is weird, let's go and take a look later."

"Oh, egg fried rice is so unpalatable, Brother Guan, I won't eat it."

"I won't eat it either. It's too oily. It's not good to eat so much oil at night."

"Okay, okay, okay."

"Boss! Boss! Check out!"

They, a man and three women, barely ate a few bites, got up, paid and left.

I hurriedly finished the remaining bites of the rice bowl, patted Brother Yu, paid and followed him out.

In the 1980s, an ancient city building was built here on Baiwanzhuang Street. At that time, there was a fountain pool on Xizhuang Road. Rows of small lanterns would be lit upstairs at night. There were many people in the fitness square, and some elderly people were doing square dances.


At that time, there was no "horse roping man, you are mighty and majestic" in the square dance. The radio played only those few songs, and the song played this night was called "Along with You Across Mountains and Rivers".

After passing through the square dance area and following them for more than half an hour, Brother Yu and I watched this man and three women turn into an alley.

Entering the small alley, there is a row of hair salons. Some have luminous signboards at the door, and some do not.

Looking at the luminous light signs placed at the door, I felt like I had arrived at the Pink Salon in Yulin for an instant.

Skinny Monkey took out the key, opened the door and took the girls into one of the hairdressers. Then he locked the door and closed the curtains. This may mean that the business was suspended.

Brother Yu and I squatted in front of the store and waited, waiting and waiting. During this period, a woman from another store kept calling Brother Yu and me to let us in.

I ignored them, and these people kept stalking us. Brother Yu got annoyed, so he picked up half a brick from the ground and threw it over. No one dared to bother us anymore.



Waiting until about ten o'clock, the thin monkey man came out first, and then the three girls came out each holding a red plastic bag in their hands, which seemed to contain some kind of clothes.

What makes me strange is not this, but their makeup and how they are made up like this.

The three girls had a thick layer of white substance smeared on their faces. I don't think it looked like foundation, but more like lime.

Also, three of them drew a pattern on their foreheads with a red pen.

When I look at it from a distance, it looks like the letter "s" or a twisted little red snake.

We had booked a taxi while we were waiting. The four of them walked out of the alley, got into a van and drove away.

Brother Yu and I got into a taxi and followed behind.

Look at these people going to Guiziling.

What to do.

This chapter has been completed!
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