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As I said before, it's about an hour's journey from Li Naoling Hall to the Internet cafe where I live.

Smoking strengthens a man's courage. I just smoked...but I found that the butt of the cigarette was red and burned very quickly...

On a Lenovo....

Could it be Li Nai lying on my neck?

Are you smiling and smoking my cigarette?

I slowly turned my head...

Where can I find Li Nai?

It's just me scaring myself.

Even after lighting a cigarette, it still burns quickly.

I tried to take a sip, but it choked my throat and I couldn't even take a sip.

No wonder it burned so quickly...

Damn, this is a fake cigarette!

I bought fake cigarettes!

The cigarettes were bought in the village. Many of my friends had never smoked the fake cigarettes in the early years. The ones in the north were like Four Seven, Guanting, Baishilin, and Five Golden Flowers. There were so many fake cigarettes for a while that I started to smoke as soon as I lit them.

Burn half of it yourself, and many people suspect that the tobacco inside is made of paper.

I secretly cursed at the straw egg thing and was so frightened that I immediately threw away the entire pack of cigarettes I had just opened.

Someone must have said: "You are a tomb robber and you are afraid of ghosts. How can there be ghosts? You are a coward."

To this I want to say: "Would you like to try it?"

Compared with normal people, tomb robbers are more likely to encounter certain things. I have heard many stories about this from the boss. It is said that many of them are true. Some of them are scary and can scare people to death. Of course I am afraid.

Raise the flashlight and continue on your way through the night.

Come out of Tianjing Village. There is a very narrow river there. The water is the most abundant in June and July. It flows down from the mountain and leads to the reservoir. Local people often come to wash clothes in the river.

Vaguely, I saw a woman standing by the river. Her hands and feet were moving up and down, shaking regularly. From time to time, she would lift her hair and spin half a circle.

Confused, I walked in to take a closer look.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

This girl shaking her legs by the river was just eating during the day. She turned around and asked me if she was the one who collected the skins. I didn't know her name yet.

"It's you, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" She quickly took off her earphones and apologized to me.

"It's not enough to be scared. It doesn't have to be just seeing Li Nai."

I frowned and asked, "It's almost eleven o'clock. It's midnight. If you don't sleep, why are you shaking here?"

"I was listening to songs, singing silently, and practicing dance steps. After everyone in the family fell asleep, I came out." She said, holding the earphone cord in her hand.

I took a look.

She held a tattered Walkman in her hand, palm-sized, with a cassette tape, and it was from a different brand.

"what is your name?"

"Me? Xiang Feng."

She smiled and said my name is Li Ye, and everyone in the village calls me Ye Zi.

After chatting with her for a while while standing by the river, she told me that she saved money by catching toads and making toad clothes. She wanted to save enough money to participate in the second Super Girl next year.

I remember Xiaomei said something similar. You can imagine how popular the super girls were when they first came out.

However, Xiaomei did participate in the 04 Super Girl audition at that time. Although she later failed, Xiaomei's singing was beautiful and she wrote the lyrics herself.

As for this girl named Li Ye...

I said to her: "Since there is no one around, how about you sing a song and I can listen to it?"

She didn't have stage fright, she nodded, put on an earphone, held the Walkman and started shaking her legs.

The opening words were: "La! La! La!"


"Stop now." I said.

She turned around and said, "Ah? What's wrong? I haven't sung yet."

I said: "You're not good enough. I've heard some good singers, but you only have these two voices. How can I say..."

"By the way, you know how to drive piglets in a pigsty, right? That's it...just like you just said."

As soon as she heard what I said, she immediately said with an unhappy face: "You are such a bad person, please go away, I don't want to talk to you."

"Bye then."

After taking two steps away, I suddenly thought of a possibility, so I came back and asked, "Hey, beauty, are you short of money now?"

She turned around with a straight face and said, "Give it to me?"

I smiled and suddenly felt that this person named Li Ye might be more suitable than Er Pengju.

Er Pengju beat someone, and he might have gone in two days later. Moreover, his brain was still a little slow, but he was not smart enough to listen in all directions and see in six directions.

It's not easy to do this alone. If we team up with a local, the success rate will be greatly increased. As long as she wants money, I'm sure to pull her into the trap.

As the saying goes, don't trust people when you employ them, and don't use people when you are suspicious.

There was a roaring sound of water flowing by the river, so I said directly: "Do me a favor and I'll give you five thousand yuan."

"Give me five thousand?"

"Are you sure? What are you doing?"

"You don't want me to..."

Her cheeks were a little red, and her voice became softer at the end.

Seeing her like this, I shook my head and said, "Are you overthinking this? What kind of person do I look like? I want you to help me rob my tomb."


"What did you just say...grave robbing?"

I nodded: "Yes, tomb robbing."

"Do it or not, if you agree now, I will give you five thousand tomorrow."

The girl named Ye Zi had a wonderful expression on her face, which turned black and white. She was obviously frightened by what I suddenly said.

On the other hand, I didn't panic. I knew that she would most likely agree. Why am I so confident? Because I can empathize with her.

Let me give an analogy: a person is in debt and has no other choice, or he wants to save enough money to realize his dream, but is unable to do so. At this time, someone says that I will solve it for you, but you have to do something for me. I think at least half of the people

Will agree, she is half of this person.

"It's illegal to rob...graves."

"Also, where...where is the tomb?"

She waited for several minutes before speaking hesitantly.

It’s better to choose a different day than to hit it. After thinking about it, I said, “Come with me. Let’s go to the reservoir for a walk now.”


"Not going? Or are you scared?"

I took two steps and found that she didn't follow me and was still standing where she was.

"Don't worry, I'm not an ordinary person. I won't miss a small or medium-sized tomb like this. As long as you listen to me, I promise nothing will happen."

Seeing that she was still hesitant, I continued: "Yi Zi, think about it, if you have no money, you will never be able to leave this place for the rest of your life. You can't join Super Girls. In two years, you can get married, have children and farm."

After saying that, I turned around and left.

I walked very slowly on purpose. After about five or six minutes, I heard the sound of running behind me.

She ran to catch up.

When I arrived at the reservoir, I pointed directly at the dirt bag and turned around and said, "There, do you see it?"

"Then...isn't that Li Nai's grave?"

I looked around, approached her, and whispered, "I've seen it a long time ago. There is an ancient tomb under Grandma Li's grave! It's not a tomb from the Tang Dynasty! It's a tomb from the Song Dynasty!"


Hearing what I said, she was so frightened that she immediately covered her mouth.

After a few seconds, she let go of her hand and whispered: "Are you lying to me? Are you really lying? I catch toads in the reservoir, but I pass by here every day and I have never heard of an ancient tomb here."

I said you don't understand, just believe me. If you have money, we can make it together. I just see that you have a dream and want to help you.

She said hesitantly: "But...I don't know anything."

"You don't need to know how. Just listen to me and do whatever I tell you to do."

After hearing what I said, she suddenly asked: "How much can you give me?"

I said, didn't I just say? Five thousand, there will be more afterward.

I really don't pay less. You know, the local salary here is only more than 300 yuan a month.

She shook her head, looked at me and said directly: "I don't want five thousand."

"I want fifty thousand."

This chapter has been completed!
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