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Early in the morning, Lao Lin carried two pieces of pork and asked Brother Yu and me to follow him to the mine.

On the way he said: "Later, don't talk about looking for someone, just say you want to work in the cavalry team to make money, because at least half of the people in the cavalry team are gangsters, do you understand what I mean?"

I said I know.

What he meant by "black household" was that he had committed crimes before, perhaps murder, fraud, rape, etc., and was still wanted by the society.

At that time, "missing people" were very common in the Luanchuan mines, and being missing basically meant a narrow escape from death.

Now that I understand the serious connection, I am more careful now.

This is someone else's territory. Finding Wang Yuanjie to avenge Mr. Li is important, but his own life is more important.

After walking around the mountain until after 9 o'clock, I saw a row of prefabricated houses with more than a dozen horses tied around them, and several people were brushing the horses' hair with brushes.

"Lao Jin! Haha! The horse is being brushed!" Lao Lin greeted loudly.

"Who do I think you are? It's Lao Lin. I haven't seen you for half a year. Where did you get rich?"

"Hey, no matter how much money you make, your life will soon become unbearable."

"How are your feet? Are you still limping?"

"Who are these two people?"

Lao Lin immediately handed over the two pieces of pork and said with a smile: "These two are brothers I knew before. They have committed some minor crimes recently and can't survive outside, so I thought of asking you, an old friend, to help me. Give him two pieces of pork."

One bite to eat.”

"Oh? That's right, but our cavalry team is not short of people anymore," the middle-aged man looked at me and asked, "What have you committed? I think you are very thin, you are not a murderer, right?"

I quickly said: "No, brother, I just fought with people and broke their heads."

"Good guy, this guy is so strong!" The middle-aged man patted Brother Yu on the shoulder, squeezed Brother Yu's chest, and said with a smile: "Old Lin, this guy is good! Look at him, he's covered in

The big piece of meat must have some brute strength."

He looked at me again and said, "If I don't accept you, you can't do it. Your arms and legs are like a monkey. I will accept this big guy."

My face changed slightly.

Damn it, are you calling me a monkey? You little dog basket, please be careful.

Lao Lin was suddenly confused: "Hey, Lao Jin, look, help me, let these two people join the cavalry. It's just a matter of your words. I'll get you two days of good cigarettes in two days, okay?"

Brother Yu was taken in. For me, after listening to Lao Lin’s words, this man didn’t say yes or no. Instead, he pointed at a big iron bucket a few meters away and said, “Try it. Go and get the iron bucket.”

Get me on horseback."

You should have seen the big iron barrel he mentioned before. It's the kind of big barrel that holds gasoline. It's empty.

It is used to be tied to both sides of the horse's back to hold various ores.

I thought to myself, you are too damn underestimating people, aren’t they just an empty bucket?

I walked over with a cold face, grabbed it with both hands, and lifted it up!

It was lifted, but it was very difficult to lift it higher than the horse's back.

I swayed and raised it halfway up, my face turned red from suppressing it.

The man laughed loudly at this, and several other men also laughed loudly.

"Boy! I told you you can't do it! You're still not convinced!"

"How about it! You can't move it! How can you join our cavalry team if you can't move it? So, you should just go back to where you came from."


Brother Yu frowned and said, "If you want to accept me, you must have him. We are brothers."

"Besides, it's just a broken bucket like you...?"

Brother Yu came over with a cold face. He grabbed a big iron bucket with one hand and lifted it up at the same time! It was almost shoulder-height!

Then, Brother Yu banged! He directly knocked the two big iron barrels in his hands together!

The huge impact force caused the iron bucket to flatten instantly!

As soon as Brother Yu let go, the bucket fell to the ground with a bang.

The whole process seemed very easy, as if no exertion was used at all. The group of people were dumbfounded. One person who was eating couldn't close his mouth.



The middle-aged man said loudly: "Then I will accept you two brothers."

"Our salary here is a basic salary of 40 yuan a day, and a commission of 20 yuan for each extra trip. As long as you work hard and work hard with me! It will be more than 3,000 yuan a month! Absolutely no problem!"

I am smiling on the outside, but in my heart you are criticizing me. You looked down on me just now, but you are so proud of me for only 3,000 yuan?

I don't even look at you when you fall on the road, I just steal a small tomb and you do it for several years!

After hearing this, Lao Lin breathed a sigh of relief and came over to me and whispered: "You two, my mission will be completed once you enter the cavalry. You must abide by what I said last night. After all, safety is the most important thing for us when we go out.

I'm leaving?"

"Okay, brother, please slow down. In the next day or two, if someone comes to us through you, you have to show them the way."

"You said this, I know it."

Looking at the back of Lao Lin walking down the mountain, I frowned and thought to myself that I had underestimated the difficulty of finding someone in the mine before.

There is more than one cavalry team on this mountain, Lao Lin said, there are at least 30 cavalry teams!

But this was the only one he could speak to.

For example, the Xiaolongkou Gold Mine Cavalry, the Tantou Molybdenum Mine Cavalry, and the Xie Ge Crystal Mine Cavalry in Baitu Town all have shotguns and earthen grenades. These cavalry teams compete with each other, because they may haul aluminum ore one day and another tomorrow.

Iron ore.

The horse team I joined is called "Luanchuan Jinzi Horse Team". There are eleven people and about ten horses. The captain is the middle-aged man just now, named Jin Erping, nicknamed Lao Jin.

Our job was to deliver manganese ore. Lao Jin asked Brother Yu and I to write a "safety agreement" each. I forgot what the content was, but we were asked to write a paragraph and press our fingerprints.

The general meaning is that if we die in an accident, the cavalry team will not pay any compensation and has nothing to do with the cavalry team. New

I remember when I was reading the agreement, a man in his 50s smiled and said to me: "Brother, our safety agreement is signed once a year. I had a hard time signing it last year and I don't know what happened.

, my writing is getting smaller and smaller, I can’t control it at all.”

At first I thought he was talking nonsense, but it became clear later.

The reason why he writes smaller and smaller on the paper is a symptom of occupational manganese poisoning, which is medically called "hypergraphia". In the early years of development, he just can't remember things, which is similar to Alzheimer's disease. There is no way to treat it.


I asked him insinuatingly: "Brother, you have been in the mountains for a long time. I want to ask you something. I used to have a buddy named Wang Yuanjie. I heard that he was also in a horse team on this mountain. Do you recognize him?"

"Wang Yuanjie?"

"I don't know. There are a total of 33 cavalry teams here on the mountain. Some are large and some are small. There are hundreds of people. How can I know them all?"


"You are new here today. You have caught up. You can rest if you don't work in the afternoon. We have activities in the evening."

"Oh? What activity?"

He chuckled, showing his big yellow teeth and said: "It only happens once a month, you will know when the time comes."

After lying in the prefabricated room all afternoon, at night, the men in the cavalry team were all screaming excitedly.

At about 9 o'clock, eight women and one man came to the prefabricated house.

Brother Yu asked me in a low voice what I was doing? What kind of activity?

I wondered: "Brother Yu, why haven't you seen it yet?"

"It's probably a gala party."

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