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Chapter 63

I didn't dare tell Sister Hong what happened at first.

I secretly shook my head in denial. This was impossible. Yao Yumen's words were probably just a joke at the time and had no other meaning. Maybe I was overthinking it.

A few people rested for a while. Researcher An Xu was so nervous that she fell asleep leaning against the wall. Regarding the outside world, I don't know whether it is day or night.

Drowsily, I also fell asleep leaning against the wall. It felt like I had been sleeping for a long time, when suddenly there was a sound of movement.

It turned out that the guard was afraid that we would die of thirst, so he used a rope to unload a bucket of water, with a wooden ladle floating in the bucket.

"Sister Hong, Researcher An, come here quickly, there is water! Let's drink some water!" I was very thirsty, so I didn't care, just scooped up a ladle of cold water and poured it down my throat.

I'm not afraid of that group of people poisoning me. If they want to kill me, they won't have to go to such trouble. Since we're here to stay, it must be useful to them. Of course Sister Hong knows this.

Researcher An didn't think so. She looked at the clear water in the bucket with fear and shook her head desperately: "Don't drink it, you can't drink it, the water must be poisonous."

"It's okay. Look, I'm okay even after drinking so much. Look, your mouth is so dry that it's cracked. Researcher An, you really need to drink some water." I scooped up a ladle of water and brought it to her mouth.

"Don't drink!" I don't know where she got such strength, he just knocked the water ladle away. The water ladle hit the wall and all the water was spilled.

"You" I am angry and anxious.


She immediately realized that it was her fault and buried her head between her legs, sobbing like a lost little girl.

"Hey," I sighed, and most of the anger I had just felt was gone. Putting myself in her shoes, she saw all her companions die with her own eyes, and now she was alone. After all, she was a timid girl.

"If you don't want to drink, just drink." I picked up the water scoop and looked at Sister Hong, "Sister Hong, do you want to drink some?"

"Is there something on the wall?" I saw Sister Hong staring at the stone wall intently.

It cannot be said to be a stone wall. The wall below is made of Sanhe soil. It is white, yellow and very hard. It should have been built at the same time as the cave. It is possible that this place used to be a small burial pit, but it was not destroyed due to some special reasons.

Can be used.

Sister Hong suddenly stood up. She walked to the wall and gently slid her hand over it. This area was just wet by water, which was the water from the water ladle just now.

I walked over doubtfully and took a closer look.

The Sanhe soil was rapidly absorbing water, and I saw the outlines of several human faces appearing faintly and vaguely! And the outlines of these faces all had their mouths open and their eyes closed!

I was startled and rubbed my eyes hard to look.

It’s not dazzling, the more you look at it, the more they look like each other.

Sanhe soil absorbs water very quickly, and once the water dries up, those facial contours will no longer be visible.

"What's going on?" I swallowed my saliva and said tremblingly: "Sister Hong, what happened just now? Are we blinded?"

Sister Hong frowned and remained silent. She stood up, picked up the bucket, scooped water directly from the gourd, and poured it on the wall one by one.

The Sanhe earthen wall had absorbed enough water this time. Soon, the outlines of hundreds of faces appeared on the entire wall in front of me! They were so densely packed that it was hard to tell whether these faces were male or female. Their facial expressions were all the same, with their mouths open and closed.

Eyes, all pointed at us.

Researcher An was so frightened that he kept shouting.

"Useless thing! Shut up!" Sister Hong yelled. She turned around and kicked Researcher An several times. I quickly grabbed Sister Hong and begged for Researcher An's mercy.

Then, Sister Hong picked up a small pointed stone from the ground. She suddenly turned around and asked me if I could pee now.

I said with a grimace that I had just drank water and now I had no urine. I was a little embarrassed and asked Sister Hong what she meant.

She shook her head and said: "Yunfeng, I suspect that this place is not an abandoned burial pit. The victims should have been made into bean holes and cast into these walls."

Seeing my confusion, Sister Hong took a deep breath and explained: "It's just a guess now. You might be able to tell if you pee on the wall later. I've seen this happen once before. The bean hole was stuffed in the wall during the Shang, Zhou and Warring States periods.

The name was: after the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was called Soul Burial Pillar, but now people call it Driving Life Pillar."

"Driving raw piles?"

I do know what Sister Hong said. This phenomenon still exists, but it is rare.

The so-called driving piles is actually an extremely evil and terrifying construction method passed down from ancient times.

In ancient times, because engineering technology was underdeveloped, people often died in accidents during the construction of many large-scale projects. The ancients did not know the reason, so they regarded it as punishment from ghosts and gods and the revenge of resentful spirits. Therefore, in order to appease the anger of ghosts and gods, they drove away the lingering resentments.

In order to ensure the successful completion of the house, the head of the household would bury people (especially children) alive under the foundation of the building.

The person who is buried alive is called a "shengzhu" and will stay there for thousands of years after his death. He will never be able to stand up or be reincarnated.

Regarding this matter, there is a saying in people's dharma that people will die if they build a bridge. If you don't believe it, you can look up the history of bridge construction. It is said that a certain famous bridge project was decided at that time, and the endurance range was forty or fifty people.


Also, the Haizhu Bridge was built in the 1930s. It is said that when the bridge was first built, people walking on the bridge at night could often hear the cries of men and women behind them, but when they looked back, there was nothing there.

When it was decided to build the Haizhu Bridge, the warlord Chen Jitang was in charge of Guangzhou at that time. This man was extremely superstitious about all kinds of magic and alchemists. Whenever he encountered any situation, no matter how big or small, he would first divine good or bad luck. He had more than a dozen Taoist fortune tellers in his family.

I don’t know if those Taoist priests are really capable.

Therefore, there were often rumors among the people afterwards that Chen Jitang buried many mentally retarded fools, both men and women, in the concrete foundation of Haizhu Bridge. These fools were used to drive piles.

Sister Hong said that this kind of passed down magic has an evolution process, and it was first called Dou Cao.

After waiting for less than an hour, I felt the urge to pee, so I asked Sister Hong where she wanted me to pee.

Sister Hong pointed at the wall and said: "This middle piece, pee higher." She said that children's urine and vinegar are acidic and can make Sanhe soil soft. I didn't know whether it was true or not, so I did as she said.

I did this a lot when I was in school. There was a wall between the men's and women's toilets in the school. If there were naughty boys in our class, they would pinch the wall and push it up high, just like a high-pressure water gun. Finally,

This often leads to screams and abuse from the women's restroom next door. Afterwards, they will yell loudly at the partition wall: "What's going on, you don't accept it? You guys are allowed to pee here!"

There is a joking saying that back then, I peed three feet in the wind, but now my shoes are wet when the wind blows. This is a joke to make fun of a man who has grown older.

I was in my prime. After Sister Hong retreated, I looked at the Sanhe earth and stone wall in front of me and started to release water. The water rose higher and higher like a fountain, which stunned Researcher An behind me.

However, after three minutes of soaking in urine, the Sanhe soil did indeed seem to have softened.

Sister Hong's face lit up when she saw this. She spotted a spot and started hitting it hard with sharp rocks.

A lot of gray and mud began to fall down, and a small hole was made in the wall by Sister Hong.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon, the Sanhe soil inside became too hard to be smashed. Sister Hong was sweating. She turned to me panting and said, "Yunfeng, we have a chance to escape."

"But it's all up to you."


"No way," I don't know how thick these three-in-one earthen walls are. There may be victims buried in the walls. If we really want to do this,

How can I have so much baby urine? How many ladles of water do I have to drink!

I am a human being, not a water truck.

This chapter has been completed!
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