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This person claims his surname is Lin, and his name only has the word for god, Lin Shen.

He didn't bring any weapons with him. He moved around, retreated and dodged. The scimitars in the hands of the six Sherpa men always missed him by a hair.

Too sure of the opening, he kicked a Sherpa man on the knee. I was still some distance away, and I could clearly hear a cracking sound of broken bones!

This Sherpa is indeed a warrior. He groaned and knelt down on one knee! Holding the knife in his right hand, he slashed forward instantly!

This man grabbed the knife with his backhand and slashed it cleanly!

Immediately blood spurted out, and the Sherpa's throat was cut with one knife!

"Haha! What's the use of having more people! Everyone moves as slow as a snail! Is that all you Sherpas have?"

Brother Biao's eyes turned red, he took out a shotgun from his bag, pulled the bolt, and cursed: "I'm going to blame you!"


Brother Biao shot directly.

The first shot was not aimed well and missed!

The moment the man saw the shotgun coming out, he rolled twice on the grass.

"Bang again!"

Brother Biao immediately fired the second shot!

The light was a bit dark, so I wasn’t sure if it hit anyone, but I just saw this person jumping so high. He grabbed a branch, swung his whole body, and flew more than ten meters away in an instant like a monkey in the mountains.

After arriving in the grass nest, he rolled over twice to relieve his strength, and disappeared when he got up.

"Damn it! Don't run away if you have the guts!" Brother Biao cursed and chased after him with a gun in hand.

I wanted to help just now, but my marksmanship is not good. I couldn't aim at this person in the melee because he was too fast. Brother Yu didn't receive the order to take the lead, so he wouldn't show up rashly to help.

"Brother Yu, what do you think of this man's martial arts?" I asked.

Brother Yu frowned and said: "This man is very strange. His shots are clean and efficient, and his evasive footwork is also good. He can't see the martial arts routines. He is completely based on Sanda."

The sudden appearance of this man was a complete accident and disrupted our plan. The most important thing is that he ran away!

There was no point in hiding. When he saw me standing up, Brother Biao said with red eyes: "You also have guns! Why didn't you help just now! One of us died!"

I said with a grimace: "It was too fast just now. I wanted to help but I couldn't make it in time. Besides, Brother Biao, you asked us to deal with Qiyishui. This person is obviously not Qiyishui. He is not of the right age."

"I know! He is the guardian of Qiyue Climbing! I have seen him once!"

"Bah! Damn it!"

After spitting on the ground, Brother Biao said bitterly: "I didn't expect Qi Qi Chuan to be gone! He would be the one to pick up the corpse!"

"Now that we have been exposed, it will not be so easy to find July Climb."

I said, then who do you blame? It's all the fault of the leader's sister who couldn't hold back and suddenly went out. If she could hold back and not take action, we might not be exposed so early.

"It's useless to say this now. She is just that kind of person. Now we have to rush back to the tribe immediately."

"Why are you leaving so suddenly?"

Brother Biao said angrily: "It would be okay if I just killed the man named Lin. The key is that he is not dead!"

"Next, July Clan may retaliate against the tribe. My wives are all in the tribe! What if I don't go back to protect them! Besides, if the situation gets serious, I plan to run away with them!"

"That's it, see you later, brothers, so be careful!"

After Brother Biao said that, he led his people and left quickly. They did not bury the Sherpa man whose throat was cut, but just covered it with grass.

Unexpectedly, they had only left for a few minutes when Brother Biao hurried back. He handed me the shotgun and said, "Brother, I know you have doubted me, but I have no ill intentions towards you. We are all from the Northeast."

Fellow fellow! You keep this thing for self-defense, I have another one over there. Let’s go!”

After the people left, I looked at the shotgun in my hand and sighed, thinking that if the plan could never keep up with the changes, nothing could be done.

I had been crawling deep into the mountains and forests for several days just for this ambush! Unexpectedly, I didn’t even see the figure of the July Crawler in the end, but some kind of guardian ran out of the mountains!

"Brother Yu, if you were to face the guy named Lin Shen just now, how confident would you be?"

Brother Yu thought for a while and said: "95%, I win, and 5% is an accident."

I said that's good. We still have two shotguns in our team. Even if we encounter this person, we don't have to worry at all. Brother Yu can take care of him by himself.

The main culprit for the failure of this plan is Sister Zami Wang. This wild woman can't keep her temper, so she has to be blamed.

At nearly 9 o'clock in the evening, we found a place to set up camp that was protected from the wind, lit a fire, and sat together to boil water and eat dry food. We did not dare to eat meat because it was night and we were afraid that the smell of meat would attract wild beasts in the mountains.

He looked like he suddenly remembered something. He put down the dry food in his hand, took out the sheepskin picture and said, "Look, do the background of the stone building in the picture look like the background of the mountain?"

"It's really awesome..."

Although it is very dark in the mountains, there is moonlight, so I do see something similar.

Dou Sprout took a bite of dry food and muttered: "Didn't you say that the stone tower is five hundred meters high? If it's not far from here, why can't we see it?"

"The height of five hundred meters is just a legend. How could there be such a tall building in ancient times?" I glanced in that direction and continued: "This area should be drawn on the parchment. We will find out tomorrow when we go there and take a look."

As the fire crackled and burned, Xiaoxuan looked up curiously at the stars in the sky.

Xiaoxuan said: "Wow, there are so many stars. I have never seen so many stars. The stars in the Tengger Desert are not as beautiful as here."

I looked up.

Yes, the night sky at Miyao Mountain is filled with stars, which is very spectacular.

I don’t know if a group of Dangxiang people who fled from the northwest had this sigh hundreds of years ago? Maybe Emperor Li Xian of the late Xia Dynasty also happened to see the stars here and thought about when he would be able to regain the Xixia Empire.

The Xixia Empire used to be bounded by the Yellow River in the east, Yumen in the west, Xiaoguan in the south, and the desert in the north. It covered an area of ​​more than 10,000 miles. But now it has been driven to the deep mountains and old forests of Garze, Sichuan, as the last generation of the subjugated country.

Lord, how does Li Xian feel in his heart?

I'm afraid only the stars in the sky know this question.

Seven hundred years is too long for human beings, but for these stars in the sky, it is only the blink of an eye.

As the sun rose in the early morning, we packed up our things early and headed off.

Climbing over the top of the mountain, looking down, I clenched my head and clenched my fists in excitement.

That moment is something I will never forget.

We stand high and look down.

At the bottom is a very deep basin. The basin is covered with vegetation, and giant stone towers rise from the ground. Some of these stone towers are square! Round! The height is estimated to be more than forty meters.

The surface of some stone towers is covered with vines and they look very old.

He took out the sheepskin map again, put it in front of his eyes for comparison, and sighed: "We have found it. Historically, this was the last place where the Dangxiang people lived."

Dou Sprout shouted excitedly.

Xiaoxuan could not hide the excitement in her eyes. We found out that these stone buildings standing deep in the mountains of Sichuan are no longer a legend.

I emphasize again that this place is not a fabrication, nor is it my imagination. I also drew a circular mark under a stone building.

In 2008, there was a big earthquake in Sichuan. I don't know if these stone towers collapsed. If I still have the energy, I really want to go there again.

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