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This uninvited guest who came late at night, Mr. Jiao Jiu, said that he didn't need any money and was helping us just to open our eyes before he died. I didn't believe it.

Partnering up with unfamiliar strangers is a taboo in the industry.

Xiaoxuan winked and pretended she didn't see it, but it was Jiao Jiuye instead.

He smiled and said: "Xiao Ni'er, there are bugs in your eyes? Old man, can I help you blow them out?"

Xiaoxuan immediately frowned and said nothing.

The old man grinned. He suddenly took out his flashlight and pointed it at the hay nest in the distance.

The next second, a middle-aged man carrying a bag emerged from the hay nest.

This man had an expressionless face and had a row of earrings on his ears. Men wearing earrings these days are all fashionable. He dusted himself off and walked towards the camp step by step.

"Brother Wang, you should know my apprentice Dayang."

He raised his head and said with a smile: "I know, Yang Zhenghe, the little king of your Guangzhou gang."

The middle-aged man clasped his fists and bent down, saying respectfully: "Silver Fox of the Northern School, junior Yang Zhenghe is here to greet you."

This man must be a practicing practitioner. I noticed that he had very protruding calluses on his finger joints.

This is a boxing cocoon, like four little Wangzi steamed buns growing on your hand.

Brother Yu looked at him, and he turned to look at Brother Yu from time to time.

The fire was crackling and it was now past 10 o'clock in the evening. A group of people were drinking water and chatting around the fire. Two strange animal sounds occasionally came from the mountains behind them.

Master Jiao Jiu put down the water glass in his hand, looked at the time and said, "I'm afraid of long nights and many dreams. Brother Wang, let's start cooking early."

Nod your head.

After going down to the Robber's Cave and coming to the Shinto stone statues again, Master Jiaojiu's expression became solemn. He pointed at the foot of these stone statues and said: "The real tomb passage is hidden under the feet of these stone statues. Dayang, move away."


I saw this man approaching. He put his hands around the waist of the stone statue, took a deep breath, and instantly exerted his strength. The muscles of his arms swelled, and the large blood vessels on his forehead loomed! He actually lifted the stone statue off the ground little by little! It moved to the middle of the Shinto.


My eyes widened when I saw it.

This strength is too great!

This thing must weigh at least four to five hundred kilograms!

The man named Yang took two deep breaths, looked at Brother Yu, and pointed at another stone statue of the same size.

Unexpectedly, Brother Yu crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "I can't move it, come here."

Yes, I wouldn't move it if I were asked. Only fools would move it. Just kick it down and that's it.

It took the man ten minutes to move away the four stone statues standing against the wall in the middle. At this time, the blue bricks on the ground were exposed.

Due to the constant weight of heavy objects, this row of old blue bricks seems to have sunk by half a centimeter.

Douyazai and I put on our headlamps and immediately cooperated to pry open the row of blue bricks with a crowbar.

"No, where is the entrance to the tomb?"

Dou Sprouts dug the soil twice with his hands and asked.

The bottom is full of loess. When you pick up a handful with your hands, you will see that the loess is in the form of grains. It looks like the feed eaten by cattle. If you smell it with your nose when you get close, it has no smell.

This is actually a moisture-proof rammed earth technology that originated in the Northwest. The reason why it looks like a single particle is because small particles of gravel were originally added to the clay.

I dug two shovels deep with a shovel and found that there were many wooden sticks mixed in the soil.

The wooden sticks were neatly cut, each one more than 20 centimeters long, and many of them were rotten and rotten.

"Botou, what is this?"

He frowned and said: "They should be wooden bones, used to reinforce the rammed soil layer. These wooden sticks are equivalent to today's steel bars. Everyone helps, dig deep and take a look."

After digging for about an hour, there was a bang! The shovel hit a huge bluestone slab.

After removing the stone slab, a row of slope-like steps extending downward appeared.

It's very dark down there.

The darkness seemed to swallow even the flashlight.

Douyazai wanted to go down, but Mr. Jiao stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "Young man, don't worry, these stairs are not for living people. Dayang, let your daughter go down and have a look."

The man nodded.

He took out an iron box from his bag, opened it, and found a black mouse in the box.

This mouse has shiny black hair and a red collar around its neck.

The man surnamed Yang touched the mouse's head, put it down gently and said, "Go, my dear daughter."

Immediately, the mouse swooped down the stairs and disappeared into the darkness.

Time goes by minute by minute.

After about five or six minutes, the black mouse ran back on its own, spinning in circles on the ground.

What does it mean to ask for your head?

The man caught the mouse and put it back into the box, and threw a handful of raisins into the box. Then he frowned and said, "There is a lot of space down here. The reason it circled just now is to remind us not to get lost."

The head immediately said: "Yunfeng, you lead the team, pay attention to maintain the formation, and look at each other."

Going down the tomb passage stairs, the space suddenly opens up.

There are a large number of cinnabar murals on the tomb walls.

We walked over with a flashlight and saw that these cinnabar murals recorded the life scenes of party people.

This place should have not been disturbed since the day it was built. Passing through the mural area, there is a tall overturned brick tower standing in the middle of the tomb.

"Damn it! There's a tower under here!" Dou Sprout exclaimed instantly.

Master Jiao Jiu frowned and said, "This is not a pagoda, this is a monastery for dead monks."

"Look at the wind chimes on the top, they are double yang and single yin. The wind chimes in the pagoda are even numbers, but the wind chimes in the corners here are all odd numbers."

"Where does the dead monk live?"

Douyazai was surprised and said: "This tower doesn't even have a door, so how can we go up there?"

"There is a door, over there." I pointed in a direction.

This tower is made of bricks, and the outer layer is painted with white ash. It cannot be said to be very exquisitely built, especially the top of the tower, which looks like a tomb bag.

Ah Chun was very agile behind her, so Brother Yu helped her climb up first, and then pulled us all up.

There is a small stone door about 1.6 meters high on the body of the tower. There is a long line of characters engraved on the door. The handwriting is clear. I read it twice before I could read it smoothly.

"The relics of the Great Xia State Burial were unveiled in the Holy Palace of the Jingshe of the Master Ji Xiang of Si Neng."

The time is engraved on the bottom.

"In the second year of Baoyi, the construction and collection was completed."

I was stunned after reading it.

The reign name of Baoyi was only the first year, which was only one year. In this year, Li Xian surrendered out of the city and was killed by the Mongols.

It clearly says "the second year of Baoyi" here, which means that he is not dead! After escaping here, he continued to use the name of Baoyi.

I don’t know what the Hentero Mantra is. I speculate that it may be a mantra or a scripture.

Referring to the cultural relics excavated by Kozlov from Blackwater City, there are also various curses and curses carved on wooden boards, as well as eating curses and toilet curses. These woodcut curses are now in the Ermita abroad.

It is hidden in a museum and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

The text on the door mentioned a person named "Emperor Si Neng". Who is this? It's definitely not Brother Biao.

The stone door is not big, but it is very heavy. It took a lot of effort for several people to push it open.

I didn't notice that there was a rotten rope behind the stone gate. As soon as I pushed it open, the wind chime on the top of the tower immediately jingled.

After all these years, the sound of the wind chimes still sounds clear and crisp, as if telling the owner that someone has entered the door.

The space we entered was not big, and there was a gray pottery jar in the center. We slowly walked around and looked inside, and found a white skeleton sitting inside!

The human skeleton is lying on its back while meditating, with a gilded Buddha placed at its feet. The clothes on the skeleton were all torn into strips of cloth. This person must have been a monk from Xixia who passed away in a vat during his lifetime.

I carefully reached out and took out the Buddha statue to look at it.


The gilt layer is so thick that the golden light can illuminate a person's face with a flashlight! I once wondered if it was made of pure gold.

This statue has a unique shape that has never been seen before. The golden Buddha is dressed in long gauze clothes with a V-shaped neckline. It has two heads, one head tilted to the left with eyes open, and the other head tilted to the right with eyes closed.

I don’t know what the name is, but I call it the Double-Headed Golden Buddha.

Putting it in the bag, I tried to look for anything else, but accidentally cut my finger on the edge of the cylinder, and blood dripped onto the lid of the skeleton.

"Why are you so careless? Yunfeng, do you need me to cover it for you?"

"No, the minor wound is fine," I declined Xiaoxuan's kindness and sucked my finger.

Dou Sprout has always had a sharp eye, and he suddenly said: "Look! There is a treasure in the tank! It's under my feet!"

Due to various problems, the address has been changed. Please save the new address to avoid getting lost.

This chapter has been completed!
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