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Chapter 10 Scamander, are you good at fighting?

This journey starting from London, crossing the southeastern plains of England and the Scottish Highlands, arrived at Hogsmeade Station late at night.

Luo Fu and others changed into robes and followed the crowd off the train. Many freshmen were disappointed when they saw the scene in front of them.

Under the cover of night, Hogsmeade Station stands in the wilderness, surrounded by overgrown weeds, desolate and dilapidated.

As for the big castle and big house that we agreed upon during the admissions process, this is too much. If we had known this was the case earlier, it would have directly resulted in a reduction in admissions!

In the forest in the distance, there were several calls of night owls from time to time, one after another, which was really scary... It felt like I was in an inaccessible tomb.

Many little wizards were so frightened that their legs trembled and their whole bodies trembled.

Neville held Leif tightly, as if this way he felt safe. Hermione swallowed, she really wanted to drop out of school and go home.

Damn your witch dreams!

Even Shirley subconsciously moved towards Rove and didn't get off the train with the baseball bat...it was a mistake.

Luo Fu said amusedly: "Are you scared now?"

Hermione clenched her fists and said, half sternly and half to cheer herself up: "Who is scared!"

"It's okay if you're not afraid. There's really nothing to be afraid of." Unexpectedly, Luo Fu changed the subject and deliberately lowered his voice: "By the way, there once was a Defense Against Dark Arts professor who committed suicide by lying on the train here. His blood stained the train, otherwise

Why do you think the train is painted red..."

Hermione was frightened again.

The young man's face suddenly stiffened. He raised his arm, pointed in the distance, and opened his mouth as if he was saying two words:

"There is a ghost."

Hermione was usually very aggressive, but at this moment she was so frightened that she screamed and hurriedly hugged Shirley.

Shirley comforted the girl first. After raising her head again, she stared at Luo Fu and gave him a harmless look: "Okay, don't scare her!"

"It's not a scare." Rolf smiled and explained: "Some wizards do turn into ghosts after death, and there are quite a few in Hogwarts, but they are generally harmless."

Shirley thought thoughtfully, saying that it was "unusual"; Hermione opened her mouth wide with disbelief on her face, are there really ghosts?

This is something not mentioned in "Hogwarts: A School History"!

At this time, a strong voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"First graders! Come over here quickly!"

An incredibly tall giant came over. He was almost two adults tall, with messy hair and a full beard. He was holding an ancestral dim butter lamp in his hand, and his hands were rubbed until they were shiny.

"My name is Rubeus Hagrid. I am the key keeper of Hogwarts. I am here to pick you up on the ferry and enter Hogwarts Castle."

Seeing such a tall person for the first time, the little wizards were stunned. Although Hagrid looked ferocious, he was extremely gentle to the students. He smiled and said:

"Don't be in a daze, Professor Dumbledore is still waiting. Okay, all first graders, follow and watch your step!"

Hagrid was like a giant tractor, walking slowly at the front. The oil lamp in his hand was shaking slightly, and the firelight shone in the dark night, like a lighthouse in the sea.

The oil lamp could only illuminate a small area. Goyle and Crabbe were tall and powerful. They were protecting Malfoy, who had almost recovered, and occupied the brightest center position with a fierce look.

Unfortunately, there were too many people, and the little wizards were pushing and shoving each other. Malfoy didn't feel proud for long before he shouted sadly:

"Shoes! My shoes! Ahhhh~"

Rolf walked with Neville and the other three on the edge of the crowd. Several yellow-rimmed fireflies came out of his pocket, lingering and circling like a stream of light, emitting a soft light.

After walking along the steep and narrow path for a while, many people were exhausted and complained and refused to move forward. Hagrid turned his head and encouraged loudly:

"Come on, walk a few dozen meters more, and after passing that bend, you can see Hogwarts Castle. Don't give up and miss the most beautiful scenery in the wizarding world..."

The little wizards' appetites were whetted. They continued to go downhill, hurriedly and slowly reached the end, turned out of the steep rock wall, and finally stepped onto a large stone flat. The view suddenly opened up, making people hold their breath.

A large lake came into view. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a majestic thousand-year-old castle, with towering spiers and bright lights. The scene was unlike the human world.

There is no moon tonight.

But the candlelight inside Hogwarts Castle flickered, reflected in the lake, and the blue waves shone like daylight.

Luo Fu stood by the lake, even he felt that this scene was a rare beauty in his life.

Hagrid was very satisfied with the expression of the little wizard. This was his favorite repertoire every year. When he walked to the ferry where the boats were moored, Hagrid shouted: "Everyone takes a boat across the lake. There can be no more than four people in each boat!"

Rolf jumped onto a small boat, followed closely by Hermione, Shirley and Neville.

Hagrid is squatting alone on a boat. He is so big that he looks like an elephant stuffed into a refrigerator. The scene is particularly funny.

"Have you all boarded the ship? That's it... let's send it out!"

The boat was automatic without oars or sails, and it undulated with the waves in the rapids, with waves constantly splashing onto the little wizard.

Neville turned sideways and grasped the side of the boat with both hands, as if he was afraid of falling into the water. His voice trembled as he said, "Why do you need to take a boat? Do you have to take a boat to enter the school in the future?"

Hermione, the humanoid self-propelled encyclopedia, whispered: "In "Hogwarts: A School History", it is said that freshmen crossing the lake is a traditional ceremony at Hogwarts. Every year when first-year freshmen arrive at school, they must

Take a boat across the lake and finally reach the castle.

It was meant to mimic the arrival of the four great wizards who originally founded the school."

Shirley sat on the edge of the boat, reaching out to pick up a handful of water. The lake water rippled slightly in her palms. She suddenly turned her head, and her burgundy ponytail swung into a beautiful arc in the air.

The girl pointed to the distance and said, "What is that?"

Sitting aside, Luo Fu, who was almost hit by his ponytail, explained softly: "It's the ruby ​​shorttail fish unique to the Black Lake."

Luofu took out a handful of bait from nowhere and sprinkled it into the lake. Nearly a hundred ruby ​​shorttail fish were crowded together and the red waves were rolling. The scene was quite spectacular.

Shirley stood in the middle of the boat, looked up into the distance, and whispered: "It's so beautiful."

"Yes." Luo Fu smacked his lips and said greedily: "The meat must be very delicious. Fishing here shouldn't be difficult for the air force."


The boat crossed the lake without any danger and arrived at a place similar to an underground dock. Everyone got off the boat and followed the slope, climbed a cobblestone path, and finally arrived at a flat, moist grassland.

Everyone walked along the stone steps and walked to a huge oak door.

Hagrid raised his huge fist and knocked on the castle door three times. The door creaked open and a man walked out...

Middle-aged old man!

When Malfoy saw the man, he became excited. He immediately walked over to him, lowered his head and said something. After a moment, he walked up to Rolf in a swaggering manner.

That unruly attitude returned, and Malfoy provoked:

"Scamander, are you good at beating? There's no point in beating you. You need to be powerful and have a good background to get around!"

Rolf glanced at Malfoy speechlessly... The sky was clear, the rain stopped, and he felt like he could do it again?!

This chapter has been completed!
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