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Chapter 103 Despicable Snape

Shirley seems to have really developed feelings for her group of fluffy chicks.

She built a nest next to the cabin and warned Luo Fu not to make any plans.

When the hens laid eggs, she didn't have any feelings for them and was not polite at all. She would often boil them and eat them together with Luo Fu.

According to the girl's plan, she plans to open up a piece of wasteland and plant some vegetables and potatoes.

Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, this is how the group of nuns lived in the monastery, and Shirley also continued this living habit into the box.

Hermione also wanted to carve out a piece of vacant land and build herself a small cabin to use as a study, preferably near the reed marsh, so that she would have a lake-view room in the future.

She tried hard and pestered Luo Fe all day long, and the young man agreed, but if she wanted a small house, she had to pay a "price."

In exchange, she becomes an assistant, just Shirley's assistant.

With the arrival of Fire Dragon, the workload suddenly increased. Both Luo Fu and Shirley had classes. They couldn't stay in the box all the time. It was always good to have one more person to work.

What's more, Rolf still had sex with Hermione for free, and it was always fun to have sex for free, and it was always nice to have sex for free.

Neville discovered that Rolf had opened a greenhouse in the box, and he wanted to help, just to take care of the magical plants.

Therefore, in addition to the boss Luo Fu, he already has four employees:

There is one assistant, Shirley, one assistant's assistant, Hermione, and an outside herb grower, Neville.

Although Celia’s magical animal store is a grassroots team, its framework has barely been established.

As time went by, the turmoil caused by Quirrell's death gradually subsided among the students.

Except for the first-year wizards who were somewhat affected, who among the students of other ages was not accustomed to it?

Even experienced seventh-graders opened the market early and placed bets on how long Quirrell could last.

If he could persist until after Easter, he was already considered a good performer and could be given a seven points.

Quirrell did not die in a normal way. He was still a dark wizard, so naturally he was not able to enjoy the funeral and mourning meetings held at Hogwarts.

The black armband that Filch had been drying for several months was useless, so he had to take it back to the warehouse and leave it to the next person.

Because of this emergency, which occurred during the Quidditch finals, the game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin was naturally cancelled.

Snape was very happy. Before the game was interrupted, Slytherin conceded seven goals. They had no hope of winning the championship.

Now that the game is cancelled, Slytherin certainly didn't lose.

Snape also heard from Dumbledore that Rolf had captured a basilisk and cleared Hagrid's name, proving that Myrtle's death had nothing to do with him.

After learning that there was a basilisk, Professor Snape changed his face again. For the first time, he gave Rove extra points in several consecutive classes, hoping that he would hand over the basilisk.

Snape also claimed that the basilisk was the public property of Slytherin since ancient times, but it was a pity that Rolf ignored him at all.

With the arrival of June, exam week has arrived, and many students are engaged in intense and exciting review. Even the Hufflepuff badgers, who have always been lazy, are concentrating... to prepare for the exam.

Professor McGonagall told everyone that the focus of the exam was the content she taught in class. The students flipped through their notes excitedly and found that the content she taught was thicker than the textbook.

Professor Flitwick was a rare and kind teacher. He highlighted the key points for everyone and told everyone that the questions were not too difficult.

The most bizarre thing was Professor Snape, who uncharacteristically drew the key points for review and asked everyone to go back and study hard.

Even Harry and Ron didn't criticize him anymore, especially Harry. After the restricted area incident, he realized that he had wronged Snape, who turned out to be a good person and didn't want to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

Now that the end of the semester has given him the focus of review, Harry's evaluation of Professor Snape has gone up a notch.

Exam week is here, and there are two types of exams: written and practical.

Students are not allowed to bring their own quills and ink, which are prone to cheating, and must use school-issued stationery.

Even so, there are still students cheating. Gore wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. During the exam, the glasses suddenly started to smoke. It was difficult not to be discovered.

Crabbe carried a wand-shaped error correction device, which made a creaking sound when it was running.

Writing cheat sheets is the most practical way, but it is also the easiest way to detect cheating. In order not to be discovered, some students write cheat sheets on their magic wands.

The most outrageous thing is that there are senior students taking the exam for themselves, taking polyjuice potion to enter the exam room.

Unfortunately, Polyjuice Potion only lasts for a limited time. Before the exam is over, the effect of the potion wears off, and the candidate must continue to take the potion.

This kind of weird behavior can be easily discovered by the teacher.

After the written exam for Potions, there was another episode. The students walked out of the exam room and yelled at Snape for being shameless.

Especially Harry and Ron, who were about to rush into the potions office and fuck him.

He didn't test any of the key points outlined by Snape, which was indeed very insidious.

When it was the turn of the practical exam, Professor Flitwick asked the students to direct a pineapple to tap dance across the desk.

Not only did Rove make the pineapple tap dance, but he also directed it to do twenty backflips in a row and perform a striptease that took off its skin.

For this kind of dazzling act, Luofu thinks that an extra twenty points should be added to the full score, right?

After the performance, he shared the pineapple with Flitwick, but after eating, Professor Flitwick deducted two points for damaging the examination equipment.

Professor McGonagall asked the students to turn a mouse into a snuff box. The more beautiful the box, the higher the score.

On the snuff bottle, Rove drew a picture of Fox, the phoenix. Although Professor McGonagall gave him full marks, he thought the drawing was a picture of a chicken pecking at rice, which made him very hurt.

The potion test requires a forgetting potion. When I learned about this question, I cried out again.

Because Professor Snape told everyone categorically in the last few classes that the forgetting potion would never be tested.

While the potion was being brewed, Snape stood behind Rove, staring at him intently, trying to find the mistake.

Just because Rolf didn't give him the basilisk.

History of Magic was the last exam. Professor Binns kept wandering around the classroom. Occasionally he would stop next to a student and let out a sigh.

Many students thought they had made a mistake and changed the correct answer to the wrong one.

But Professor Binns was simply staring at the names, looking for any familiar names. He went around in a circle and found no familiar names.

What about Stika, who had deducted Slytherin points for a whole school year? Why didn't he come to the exam?!

(Thanks to "I Love Tigers", "Su Mou", "You Qi You Me" and "This Is Fantasy" for their tips.

It’s really hard to code in hospitals.)

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