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Chapter 13 Horse-shaped water monster

lake sinoye,

Located in the southwest of the Fire Dragon Reserve, it is a huge swamp.

Seen from the sky, Lake Sinoye looks like a dragon's claw. There have been local rumors that this is a giant crater created by a giant fire dragon that is 100 meters long, and then slowly formed into a natural lake.

However, no wizard has ever seen a hundred-meter fire dragon, so this is considered nonsense.

At this time, two dragon tamers had appeared on the lake. They were nearby. After receiving the news, they rushed over as quickly as possible.

It is said to be a fire dragon sanctuary, but in fact not only fire dragons live here, but also a large number of other magical creatures.

The work of a dragon tamer is not limited to fire dragons. Those precious magical creatures are all within the scope of protection.

The injured horse-shaped water monster was originally lying on the shore. When it saw the wizard appear, it smelled the dangerous atmosphere and instinctively wanted to dive back to the bottom of the lake.

"Dartmoor, don't let it get into the lake!" A short wizard gave the order. He waved his wand and recited a series of spells:

"Chained with chains!"

The silver magic shot towards the water monster, and when it got close to it, four beams of light extended out.

This is a kind of binding magic that can create a cage and completely trap the animal.

Dartmoor and the short wizard cooperated tacitly. He also shot a silver thread, and both parties continued to rotate in circles, adding "fences" to the magic cage.

The horse-shaped water monster looked up to the sky and roared.

For a moment, the lake water churned, and under the pull of the horse-shaped water monster, it set off huge waves and crashed into the magic cage. The light beam swayed and was knocked out of a gap.

The horse-shaped water monster jumped up, dived into the lake, and blasted a spray of water into the sky, splashing on the two dragon tamers.

"Horner, that's not possible." The young wizard Dartmoor squeezed the water from his clothes and said in Romanian with a Norwegian accent:

"That guy can control water, but our method won't work on him."

"Each magical creature has its own weaknesses. Of course, one method cannot work 100 times." The old wizard named Horner shook his head.

"What should we do?" The young wizard was riding a broomstick, scratching his head and saying, "Let's learn from experience. Isn't this your favorite thing to say?"

"Dartmoor, don't you brag every day that you are an outstanding graduate?" Horner said:

"Why don't you even know how to subdue a water monster? That's how good you are?! You're not going to sell your ass to your principal Karkaroff to get an excellent graduate certificate, are you?

You said before that before Krum entered the school, he liked you very much..."

"Fart, don't talk nonsense, I am a serious person!" Dartmoor said angrily:

"Horner, I am an outstanding graduate of Durmstrang, but not an outstanding graduate of Hogwarts!"

He rolled his eyes and retorted: "If I remember correctly, the water monster is a magical creature unique to the United Kingdom. There is no such thing in Norway. Of course, it will not be taught in the Care of Magical Creatures class."

"Aren't you Irish?" Dartmoor asked reluctantly: "Why don't you deal with the creatures in your hometown?"

"It's been decades since I graduated!" Horner coughed and said, "The knowledge has long been returned to Professor Kettleburn."

"By the way, why did the British water monster come to Romania?" Dartmoor asked curiously: "Is this considered a species invasion?"

"Maybe it was smuggled in by a wizard, but he accidentally escaped." Horner said mysteriously:

"Let me tell you, the Equus is the hardest hit area for smuggling. Some wizards have eccentricities and like to experiment with animals, such as goats.

I've also seen some wizards in India try to transform into lizards... they can be as tight as you want."

Dartmoor was fascinated by what he heard and asked with interest: "Is it really exciting?"

"How do I know? I haven't tried it." Horner shrugged.

"What does that have to do with the Equus?"

"The special ability of the horse-shaped water monster is that it can transform into other animals." Horner said with a evil smile: "With a horse-shaped water monster, doesn't it mean that there are most animals?

The best thing is, it's not as dangerous as some animals...such as fire dragons."

"I've learned a lot, I've learned a lot, Horner." Dartmoor couldn't help but sigh: "It's so fun to play, it simply shocked my imagination."

"There are a lot of things you haven't seen, kid." Horner was a little proud: "Learn more from my experience."

"What should we do about this horse-shaped water monster?" Dartmoor sat on his broomstick, resting his chin on his hands, and sighed:

"We don't know the weakness, so we can't drain the entire Lake Sinoye just to seize it, right?"

"Then give up this task and give it to other dragon tamers." Horner said nonchalantly.

He closed his eyes, prepared to take a nap, and fished during working hours, which made him feel very comfortable.

At this moment, a young man who seemed to be watching the fun flew over on a broomstick. He smiled and said:

"Even if you can drain the lake, you still won't be able to catch that horse-shaped water monster. This lake is connected to an underground river, and it would be too easy for it to escape.

But if you know the weakness of the horse-shaped water monster, it will be easy to catch it."

Dartmoor turned his head and stared at the young man. He raised his eyebrows and said amusedly: "So you know?"

"Of course I know, I can tell you, but you have to give me a quarter of the reward for this mission."

In addition to the basic salary, dragon tamers also receive additional rewards from tasks.

After all, those magical creatures have different levels of danger. Adult fire dragons are obviously far more dangerous than baby dragons.

If dragon tamers were all paid the same salary, everyone would just paddle and flinch at the sight of dangerous magical creatures.

Therefore, the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary will issue different levels of tasks based on the danger level of magical creatures.

Rolf is not a dragon tamer, so he cannot accept tasks, but he can earn part of his salary by cooperating with dragon tamers.

Before he went to Hogwarts, he often did this kind of thing.

Dartmoor seems to be new here. He doesn't know Rolf, and he doesn't believe that such a little wizard knows how to deal with the horse-shaped water monster.

He sneered: "Whose kid is here to cheat money... Horner, do you know him?"

Horner, who was resting with his eyes closed, frowned and made money by sharing the weaknesses of magical animals. How could this be so similar to what Newt's grandson would do?

The voice is also very familiar!

He opened his eyes, suddenly widened his eyes, and said in surprise: "Rolf, are you back?"

"Yes, Horner, long time no see." Luofu greeted with a smile.

"Hurry up, do you want to do it? If not, I will save this horse-shaped water monster by myself. Otherwise, other dragon tamers will come later."

"Horner, you don't really believe what a little guy says, do you?" Dartmoor asked: "Is he eleven years old?"

"I believe it!" Horner looked at Luo Fe and said with a smile: "But I won't work for you. You just like to do this kind of thing with nothing.

If you want to catch me, catch yourself!"

Luofu sighed and had no choice but to ride his broom and fly towards the lake.

"Horner, who is this guy?" Dartmoor asked curiously: "Is he so arrogant?"

"The grandson of Newt Scamander." Horner stopped smiling and said with great pride:

"Keep your eyes open, Dartmoor, and you'll soon see what true genius is.

You brag about your Durmstrang Krum every day, but let me tell you, you are nothing in front of Rove!"


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