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Chapter 17 Ordinary Family Scamander

dragon tamer,

As a high-risk profession, every practitioner must obtain a certificate in advance.

Although the process of training Aurors is not as strict, the main targets of the work are fire dragons. Without sufficient strength, it is completely impossible to become a dragon tamer.

The dragon tamer exam is divided into two aspects: written test and practical test.

The content of the written test will involve the magical creatures in the protected area. This is the most basic content. After all, if you want to work here, you must at least know the local creatures well.

In addition, there is also various first aid knowledge, measures to respond to emergencies, and certain geographical knowledge.

These contents are not too difficult for local wizards, but for foreign wizards, they must learn from scratch.

Hogwarts will provide career counseling to students in the second semester of fifth grade, and then decide the subjects to continue studying after sixth and seventh grade.

It was during those two years that Charlie followed Professor Kettleburn and gradually learned about the magical creatures in the Romanian reserve.

Rolf didn't have such worries, because he had stayed in Romania with Newt for a long time and knew the place well.

Apart from the written test, the most difficult thing is the practical exercises.

The content of this part is more flexible. There are no fixed test questions and it is different every year. Just like Charlie last year, they needed to go to the Miasma Valley to save a fire dragon.

But overall, it is nothing more than the use of broomsticks and various magic items, and most importantly...the skills to deal with fire dragons.

Luofu's strength lies in his rich theoretical knowledge, but his weakness lies in practical combat... After all, he is only eleven years old and has only received one year of systematic study in a magic school. He is far different from adult wizards who have graduated many years ago.

The fancy magics rewarded by the system are effective against most magical creatures, but not necessarily against fire dragons.

Just like Rolf's favorite plant binding play, it doesn't have much effect on the fire dragon.

If you want to restrain a fire dragon by spawning vines, you need a lot of magic power. To be able to do this...Rolf has to change his name to Senju Hashirama instead of Scamander.

The scream of the evil bird may have some small effect, but the "petrified gaze" of the basilisk should have a big effect.

But Rolf was going to obtain a dragon tamer certificate, and using magic to excessively harm the fire dragon did not meet the requirements.

He decided to learn some regular magic from Lupine first!

As for why he didn't learn from Newt, the old man not only didn't have a diploma from Hogwarts, he also never passed the dragon training certificate. He had caught countless fire dragons, but they were all illegal.

In Newt's words: He has only successfully obtained one certificate in his life, and that was his...marriage certificate with Tina.

Lu Ping came to Luofu's house for the first time. After entering the door, he found that it was a long living room. The walls of the room were made of neat stones, and there were many black tapestries and golden curtains hanging on them.


The floor was carpeted, and on the other side of the room there was a shelf containing large clay pots in which green rushes and other plants were planted.

He looked around and seemed a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Rove asked.

"Nothing...I thought it would be the same as the zoo."

Lupine found that the living room was unexpectedly ordinary, not what he imagined...there were animals everywhere.

"My grandpa was like this when he was young. Later, my grandma helped him get rid of this bad habit and separated the family and work environments." Luofu laughed.

"Where is Mr. Scamander?" Lupine sat down on the chair and placed a large box at his feet. The box shook violently and hit the ground with a bang.

"My grandpa went to the mine, and Mr. Giggs said that the dwarfs unearthed a fire dragon fossil." Rolf explained while looking at the box curiously.

"What's this?"

"Since we are training how to deal with fire dragons, it is best to face a fire dragon." Lu Ping explained:

"But I definitely can't get a real fire dragon. I thought about it a lot and found a Boggart to turn it into a fire dragon..."

"No need to go to such trouble." Luofu shook his head and smiled: "I have prepared teaching tools."

Lupine didn't seem to understand what Rove meant. He asked in confusion: "Teaching tool?"

"It's a fire dragon. You can teach directly with the fire dragon." Luo Fu's face was calm.

The man looked at Luo Fe, and he was a little surprised and said: "Where did the fire dragon come from? Did your grandfather borrow it from the administrator, Mr. Giggs?"

"No, it's not...I raised it myself." Luofu blinked.


For a moment, Lu Ping was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide and could not utter a word.

The fire dragon I raised... that's a fire dragon. When we talk, we can have a little emotion. Don't speak so lightly, as if we are talking about cats and dogs?!

Lupine instantly felt ashamed of his ignorance just now. He actually thought that the Scamander family was ordinary...

Look, there's even a fire dragon!

Is this an ordinary family?!

Seeing that Lu Ping seemed to have misunderstood, Luofu quickly explained:

"Our family is all good people who absolutely abide by the law. We will never break the law, let alone raise a fire dragon privately.

That fire dragon was actually acquired by Hagrid by accident, but he couldn't be raised in Hogwarts, so he had to be given to me to take back to the Romanian sanctuary."

"Don't worry, I understand, and I won't go around talking nonsense." Lupine couldn't help laughing: "But it does sound like something Hagrid would do."

"Back then, when I was still studying at Hogwarts, Hagrid had always wanted to keep a fire dragon. At that time, Hogsmeade didn't sell our high-strength spirits, not even the Hog's Head Bar."

"Little Sirius..." Lu Ping suddenly stopped. He was silent for a moment and continued:

"Someone used a dyed ostrich egg to trick Hagrid into thinking it was a dragon egg, and got a lot of spirits from him..."

"A few of my friends and I got drunk and went crazy in the Forbidden Forest, running around naked..."

Lupine talked about the past softly, with a warm smile on his lips, as if he remembered certain people and things in the past.

But not long after, the smile on the man's weathered face disappeared, and soon turned into an unconcealable loneliness.

Lupine calmed down and asked: "Okay, since there is a fire dragon, there is no need for Boggart. Where can we train?"

"Let's go to the basement."

Luofu stood up and led Lupine along the stairs towards the basement.

Hearing that it was a basement, Lu Ping thought the space was not big, but when he stepped through a door and entered a vast forest with endless trees, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide and rub his eyes.

This isn't a basement, it's more like a super-large zoo!

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