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Chapter 26 The Stone of Destiny

Luo Fu listened very fascinated. After all, this kind of secret story is also mixed with a little legend... It's really exciting!

"Do you want to see the alchemy book I call the Book of Abraham?" Nico suddenly asked.

"If it's convenient..." Of course Luofu wanted to see it.

Nico snapped his fingers, and the scene in the entire room changed instantly:

The coffin disappeared and the cemetery became a study.

The old man took Luo Fe to the chair behind the desk. The young man found a very thick book placed on the desk.

The old man handed the book to Luo Fu. After the young man took it, he carefully groped the bark of the tree and then started to read it gently.

After only flipping through a few pages, Rove was shocked...because he couldn't understand it at all.

The words in the book were so obscure that he didn't understand them at all. It seemed like he was reading a book from heaven, and he had a headache for a while.

"These words are not English, Latin, French or other words that Muggles can understand, but are written in ancient magic script." Nico explained:

"I think you must have heard more than once that in more ancient times, there existed a splendid magical kingdom."

Rolf nodded.

"Magic text is the text used by wizards at that time." Nico stood up, walked slowly around the table, and said excitedly:

"The magic of that civilization was far more powerful than it is now...much more powerful! For them, the magic stone was only the most basic use, just like the use of electricity by Muggles."

"As far as I know, Hogwarts now offers an elective course on ancient magic texts for the third grade."

Nico smiled bitterly and said:

"But in my time, magic texts had not yet formed a systematic knowledge, and only a few wizards were studying it."

"Moreover, that magical civilization is too far away from us. We can only rely on some excavated ruins and cultural relics to slowly decipher those words."

"I spent a full twenty-one years groping for those words before I could barely understand part of the alchemy... and then I discovered the method of refining the magic stone."

Rolf raised his eyebrows, he was more interested in Abraham than the alchemy book.

It must be fake...unless it also gives him a dream!

come on!!

"Actually, I haven't studied this book thoroughly yet, and many of the magic items recorded cannot be manufactured." Nico said with a somewhat sad expression:

"Because there are too few relics of the ancient wizarding country excavated, some words cannot be deciphered, and I have no idea what they mean."

"It's okay. I heard from my grandpa that the dwarves are also excavating those ruins." Luofu comforted: "You are immortal and will be able to decipher all the words one day."

"Wrong, Rolf, I may not be able to wait until that day." Nico shook his head and said:

"This may also be my last funeral. I have not refined a new magic stone. I plan to use up the stored elixir and welcome death with Perenal."

"Why?" Luo Fu was shocked.

"Everything has its destiny, and everything has its time."

The old man stretched out his arms as dry as old bamboo, touched his frosty white temples with his fingers, and murmured to himself:

"This is the opening sentence of that alchemy book."

"After taking the elixir of life, my lifespan is indeed extended, much longer than that of ordinary people, but my body is still aging irreversibly and cannot return to its youthful state."

"My bones are very fragile now, and they may break if they come into contact with others." Nico sighed and said:

"If this continues, one day my body will also decay... The Philosopher's Stone cannot make a person immortal."

Luofu thought for a while and said, "Can you make a new body for yourself? I saw this kind of magic in the book."

In fact, Voldemort's future resurrection will be to create a new body for himself.

"It's not impossible, Rolf, but the new body involves the transfer of the soul." Nico waved, and another book floated over from the bookshelf.

"Theory of Magic".

Rolf looked at the book, and he knew that the author of the book, Adebe Wulflin, was a great wizard who studied magic theory, and was also regarded as the "Father of Magic Theory."

"Adebe has done a lot of research in this area, and I have had many in-depth exchanges with him." Nico opened the book and quickly explained:

"After extensive research, he concluded that the first basic rule of magic is that the soul cannot be tampered with at will.

Once you do that, you must be prepared to bear the most extreme and dangerous consequences."

Nico sighed: "Recreating a young body is actually equivalent to transferring the soul, which will cause great harm to the soul."

The damage is no less than making a Horcrux.

"Therefore, a wizard with common sense would not undergo multiple transformations of body and soul, including transferring the soul into a new body."

"What if we replace the body's aging organs?" Rove asked.

"Of course, you can use alchemy to replace those aging organs. This is also a way to try." Nico smiled and said:

"But the final result is the alchemy of the whole person, just like a Muggle robot. Are you willing to have a mechanical body to live forever?"

Luofu frowned and said: "Isn't there something similar to the elixir of life that can return the body to its youthful state?"

"Of course!" Nico nodded and said, "There is an alchemical item that has a similar effect to the magic stone. It can brew the fountain of youth and restore youth to the body."


"The Stone of Destiny!"

"The Stone of Destiny?" Luofu raised his eyebrows: "The Coronation Stone?"

The Stone of Destiny is a stone used by ancient Scottish kings during their coronations.

But during the Scottish Anti-British War, King Edward I of Longlegs robbed the "Stone of Destiny" that symbolized the Scottish royal power and brought it back to London as a trophy.

Edward I ordered the stone to be inlaid in a finely carved high-backed oak chair as a symbol of his occupation of Scotland. That chair became the famous "King Edward's Chair".

"The magic potion brewed by the Stone of Destiny has the effect of restoring the body's youth." Nico shook his head and said:

"But I went to check, and what Edward I took away was not the real Stone of Destiny."

"Fake?" Luo Fu was a little stunned.

"Yes." Nico nodded and said, "It is rumored that the monks of Scone Abbey hid the real Stone of Destiny in the Tai River. But with the passing of these monks, no one can find it anymore.

A stone of destiny."

"Is there no way to refine it?" Luofu asked.

"At least there is no record in this alchemy book." The old man said:

"But when Abraham gave me a dream, he not only told me that I would get this book, but also gave me a...prophecy."

"Prophecy?" Rolf raised his eyebrows. He suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu and thought of Helena at a certain moment.

"That's right, Rolf." Nico smiled and said:

"That prophecy was about you!"


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