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Chapter 39: Just touch it and itll be fine

If there is one person left in this world who cares about Harry, it must be Malfoy.

Even though he was very afraid of Rolf, he still came in to take a look under the pretext of treating Golden Snitch, just to make sure Harry was here.

Of course Harry is not here. He is not even on the Hogwarts Express. He is most likely floating in the sky with Ron.

"The wings of this Golden Snidget are injured." Luofu touched the bird's head and said, "Its wings are very soft and will be injured if you apply even a little force."

"Can it be cured?" Malfoy asked quickly.

"Of course I can."

Luofu held Jin Feixia in his hand and rubbed it gently. The bird trembled slightly involuntarily, and its injured wings healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Malfoy had seen the scene of crushing walnuts with his bare hands, but this was the first time he had seen it healing magical creatures with his bare hands!

Not only Malfoy, but also Hermione and Neville were dumbfounded and said you didn't join a mysterious organization?!

Only Shirley was calm. She had seen this magical scene many times. The girl knew better than anyone else how extraordinary Rolf was.

"Okay, let's pay." Rove returned the lively Golden Snidget to Malfoy: "The favor is one hundred galleons."

"So expensive?!" Malfoy was a little shocked.

Of course he can afford it, but one hundred galleons is worth two months' salary of many ordinary adult wizards... How much money does it cost to just treat a bird?

It's not like Malfoy hasn't inquired about it. Many students only charge a few Sikels for their pets. How come they get to him? It's in galleons, or a hundred galleons!

"First of all, you are an endangered magical creature. I use the 'ancient method' to treat it, which consumes a lot of energy! No matter how many eggs you eat, you won't be able to recover." Luo Fu said nonsense:

"This secret skill alone is worth fifty galleons."

"What about the fifty galleons left?!"

"It's money to help you keep the secret." Rolf said matter-of-factly: "Malfoy, it's illegal for you to raise the Golden Wings. Fifty Galleons to keep my mouth sealed...is it expensive?!"


"Scamander, I really picked up this Snitch." Malfoy was rich, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of. He thought for a while and said:

"I have some information for you, and it's also about magical creatures... How about you give it to me for free?"

"What information?" Luofu raised his eyebrows. He changed to a lazy and comfortable posture and huddled in the chair, and said softly: "If it is really valuable, I can consider it."

"When I was buying...ahem, I picked up this Golden Snidget from a magical animal shop in Knockturn Alley, I met someone..." Malfoy leaned close to Rove's ear and lowered his voice:

"Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Lockhart?" Rove was a little surprised.

"Yes!" Malfoy whispered: "He bought magical creatures in that store and then left sneakily."

"What magical creature?"

"I don't know either, the boss won't tell!" Malfoy shook his head and said:

"But buying and selling in that kind of place involves either endangered species or very dangerous magical creatures."

This is true. Normal people would not go to Knockturn Alley to buy pets. It is all related to smuggling.

For example, the Golden Snidget in Malfoy's hands was smuggled.

"This information is good, I will verify it." Rolf thought for a while and said softly: "Malfoy, if you have any news in the future, you can come to me."

In the end, Rove only accepted the "friendly price" of twenty galleons, and Malfoy left with satisfaction.

I finally got on the line with Scamander. Who said selling information doesn’t count as cooperation?

The only question is, where have you been, Potter?!

Malfoy decided to go to the toilet and check.

The carriage became quiet again. Rove stretched out a finger and rubbed the center of his brow... What would Lockhart buy?

With such an unusual move, he couldn't have gotten Tom Riddle's diary, right?

After all, he was at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore that day, so it's not impossible.

Rolf was lost in thought, and after a long time he came back to his senses. He raised his head and found Hermione and Neville looking at him, wondering: "What's wrong?"

"How did you do it?" Hermione stretched out her hand and gestured, and said excitedly:

"When you hold Gold Snitch like this, the wound heals. What kind of magic is this? I've never seen it at Madam Pomfrey's!"

The girl is very curious...she is so curious!

"Awesome." Luo Fei leaned lazily on the large chair and smiled:

"If any of you get hurt in the future, you can come to me. No injections, no medicine, no pain, no scars...the wound will be healed just by touching it."

"Pervert! Scumbag!" Hermione blushed and snorted: "You learned this magic and you think about it all day long?!"

"This is a very serious healing magic. It doesn't leave scars like Bai Xian does, and it doesn't have the side effects of some magic spells... It has many benefits." Luo Fu twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Hermione, how can we care so much about treating illnesses and saving people? How can we not be so dirty in our thinking? Be more noble."

The girl didn't pay attention to this set of fallacies. She kept repeating: "Rogue, rogue, rogue..."

Shirley was convinced. She made a gesture of waving a baseball bat at Rove and said with a soft smile: "I'll give you a stick. If you don't learn well, you will have random thoughts all day long!"

"Shirley, whose side are you on?" Luof said fiercely: "Be careful, I will deduct your salary for this month!"

The girl with the ponytail glared at the boy, but it was not lethal.

"I don't mind, Rolf!" Neville said suddenly.

"Thank you, Neville." Rolf patted the young man on the shoulder with some emotion. It would be great if Neville was 'Naville'.

What a pity!

Hermione suddenly pointed out the window and said, "What is that?"

Several people came to the window and looked towards the sky, only to see an old Ford car looming among the white clouds.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door again, and this time it was two little girls, Ginny and Luna.

"Rolph, do you know where Harry and Ron went?" Ginny asked: "I searched all over the carriage and couldn't find them."


"over there?"

Luofu raised his arm, pointed at the sky and said:

"over there!"


The little girl hurried to the window and went crazy. She shouted: "Ron, what are you two doing? Mom and dad have been looking for you!"

Harry, who was sitting in the car, saw Ginny by the car window and asked curiously:

"Ron, what does Ginny seem to be shouting?"

"She must be envious of us, she also wants to come up." Ron Xianjier translated.

"Extraordinary car!"

Students kept running around in the train to tell each other. Malfoy heard the news as soon as he came out of the toilet. He stood by the window and stared at the car floating in the sky with wide eyes.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He is so sour!

This chapter has been completed!
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