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Chapter 41: Luofu, be careful when you have an affair!

There was a car accident at Hogwarts.

A flying car hit the Whomping Willow at a speed of eighty miles per second.

If the Whomping Willow could talk, the first thing it would say would probably be... First of all, I didn't offend anyone!

And then... I'll die!

Such a spectacular way of appearing naturally aroused heated discussions among the students. Everyone walked towards the auditorium and discussed the matter excitedly.

No one cares about the life and death of Harry and Ron, but everyone cares about the flying car.

Shirley likes the sense of freedom of flying very much. She often flies around in the box with Rove's "Improved Comet 220", so she is also very interested in flying cars.

She and Rove discussed the issue of the power source all the way. After all, if you can fly from England to Scotland, the car must not be burning oil, right?

Hermione has a wide range of knowledge, and she even knows a little bit about the conservation of momentum. She constructed a completely inelastic collision model and prepared to calculate the internal forces.

When the few people separated in the auditorium, Hermione had already had a sudden idea and tried to introduce magic into classical mechanics.

It's a pity that the little girl doesn't study physics. Maybe she can come up with a creative theory of magic in addition to the four basic forces.

Rolf walked towards the Hufflepuff table. When he passed the Slytherin table, he heard Malfoy bragging at the top of his voice:

"I don't like Muggle cars. Only idiots can drive them. But as long as I want it, I can get a car immediately, and it's still the most expensive.

One birthday, my father wanted to give me a luxury tractor...I heard that Muggle prime ministers and queens drove this thing for a ride."

Malfoy didn't say that the Queen drove a van, which Rolf was quite pleased with.

When he sat down at the Hufflepuff table, he saw Justin and Macmillan also arguing. They were discussing whether a car or a broomstick was more comfortable to ride.

Judging from Justin's tone, it seems that he spent most of his childhood racing cars on the streets.

MacMillan criticized the unsafety of cars. Once, a car crashed into his backyard and crushed the doghouse.

Justin pulled out a magazine from a Muggle car show out of nowhere, and it was full of bikini car models with long legs.

MacMillan stared at the big white headlights and immediately admitted defeat in shame, admitting that Muggle cars were more comfortable.

He also made an appointment with Justin to go see a car model at Christmas...ah, a car show!

Hannah and Susan unexpectedly did not quarrel, but worked hard...to make up for their summer homework.

At the dining table of Hufflepuff House, a quarter of the students are making up their homework. They are writing like flies, stimulating their lifelong potential.

Do you think the remaining three-quarters of the students have finished writing?

Wrong! Half of the little badgers are planning to get up early tomorrow to copy their homework, and the other half are planning to stop writing. How do you like it!

The whole auditorium was so noisy that when the Sorting Hat sang a song, the students were busy doing their own thing.

When the song ended, there was only sparse applause, and even the twins stopped cheering. After all, their biological brother secretly drove away the car, and his life or death is still uncertain.

The Sorting Hat said unhappily: "Everyone seems not to be very enthusiastic this year."

This is a song that took him a whole year to come up with. Although it is not as good as his earlier works, the quality is not bad either.

Professor McGonagall took out a large roll of parchment. She said nothing, with a straight face and tight lips.

If it wasn't for the sorting, she would have rushed into Snape's office and asked Potter and Weasley why they would do such a thing!

When the Sorting Hat saw that McGonagall was silent, he hummed a ballad of his own composition without giving up.

Professor McGonagall had no choice but to raise her head and said, "Can you please let me go? I'm in a bad mood today."

"Little Grid, what happened?"

"A student drove a modified flying car to school, and it was seen by Muggles." Professor McGonagall said irritably. "This matter has been published in the Daily Prophet."

"Are you a Gryffindor student?" the Sorting Hat asked cautiously.

Professor McGonagall clenched the parchment tightly. She stared at the sorting hat and said, "Why do you think you are a Gryffindor student?"

"Except for Gryffindor, I can't think of any other house where a student could do such a thing." The Sorting Hat whispered.


Professor McGonagall was a little worried and a little sad. Why is the naughtiest student always in Gryffindor?

"When you sort the houses, can you serve some snacks and sort all the outstanding students who are not naughty but excellent into Gryffindors?" Professor McGonagall discussed:

"Hermione Granger would be great, and Ravenclaw's Shirley Swinton would be pretty good too."

"What about Rolf Scamander?" the Sorting Hat asked quickly.

Professor McGonagall thought of the incident where she was masturbated, and quickly waved her hand and said: "Forget it about Scamander, I still want to live a few more years."

Professor McGonagall ended the conversation and asked the little wizards who had been waiting for a while to start the sorting. One by one, they walked to the three-legged stool and put the old hat on their heads.

Rolf looked at the Sorting Hat and suddenly remembered the third painting in Nico's "Book of Abraham":

In a room, there is a sealed box with a tree growing on it. There is also a wizard holding a sword. Behind him is a green dragon with a hat on his head.

If this picture depicts Gryffindor, the sword is probably the Sword of Gryffindor. Is the hat on the green dragon's head the Sorting Hat?

Rolf was distracted for a while. Professor McGonagall had already finished reading the names of the new students. She picked up the sorting hat and small stool and immediately walked out of the auditorium.

Everyone looked at it in shock. She wouldn't hit someone with a stool, would she?

Professor Dumbledore stood up, looked at all his classmates with a smile, and opened his arms in a welcoming gesture.

"I only have one thing to say to you." The principal's rich voice echoed in the auditorium: "Enjoy the dinner to your heart's content!"

All the empty plates on the table were suddenly filled with food.

"How is this done?" Neville asked with his mouth full of bread and fried fish. He took a big gulp of juice to wash the food down:

"Did Dumbledore use magic to create these foods out of thin air?"

"No, food is the first of the five exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transformation. No one can make edible food out of thin air." Rove explained:

"Professor Dumbledore used a transfer spell to transfer the food cooked by the house elves in the kitchen."

"You almost didn't get to eat these delicious foods." The fat monk floated over.

"What happened?" Luofu raised his head and asked.

"Peeves made trouble in the kitchen and almost ruined the dinner." The fat monk sighed.

"Why did he do this?" Neville asked curiously.

"Peeves wanted to attend the banquet, but everyone thought that if he attended the banquet, he would cause havoc. Bloody Barrow convened a meeting of ghosts... I advocated giving him this opportunity... Bloody Barrow firmly disagreed."

"Is Bloody Baron very prestigious among the ghosts?" Luofu narrowed his eyes.

"More than just having prestige." The fat monk shook his head and said, "He is the only one who can control Peeves, although I don't know why."

"By the way, Luofu." The fat monk whispered:

"A ghost asked me to bring you a message. She will go to the Hufflepuff lounge to find you at twelve o'clock in the evening..."

"Be careful with Barrow." He said cautiously: "There have been rumors that he likes the guy from Ravenclaw Tower... You'd better not let him know... you two are secretly dating."


When you say that, why does it sound like you are having an affair?

Rolf is an innocent and honest man!!

This chapter has been completed!
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