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Chapter 70 The out-of-control Bludger

"The game is suspended. Malfoy seems to have broken his leg."

Li stood on the commentary table, looking a little gloating.

He didn't need to say it, everyone knew that Malfoy had a broken leg. After all, a normal human being... wouldn't be able to pin his leg to the back of his head.

But to be honest, getting injured on the court is nothing to make a fuss about. Even the dead are not uncommon in the game, let alone a broken leg.

That's right, even in the Hogwarts Quidditch League... this kind of low-intensity competition, people died!

Of course, the one who died was a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He was watching a game when he was hit in the head by a Bludger and died on the spot.

For example, Quidditch is relatively safe, but the highest fatality rate is played with a cauldron on your head.

Each contestant tied a crucible to his head with a belt, then rode a broomstick, flew more than 30 meters above the ground, and used the crucible on his head to catch the falling stones... The person who catches the most wins.


Concussions are rare among players in this competition.

After Malfoy broke his leg, he lay on the ground and howled loudly, as if he was killing a pig.

Pansy rushed to the arena with tears streaming down her face. If she broke some important parts... what would she do in the future?

Reading novels

The good news is that the professors are all heading towards Malfoy, the bad news is that the one walking in front is...Lockhart.

He ran towards Malfoy as fast as he could, ready to show off his superb medical skills.

Isn't it just a broken leg? He can aggravate such a small injury...ah, let's treat it.

Just when everyone's attention was on Malfoy, the Bludger rolled around in the air and suddenly flew towards the Gryffindor auditorium.

Harry was sitting on a chair, looking at Malfoy from a distance, wanting to see how he was doing.

He suddenly heard a whistling sound, looked up suddenly, and saw a Bludger falling from the sky, like a cannonball.

Harry was lost for two seconds before he reacted. He leaned back suddenly and spread his legs at the same time.

The bludger fell down, and because it was so fast, it smashed directly through the seat, blasting a big hole.

Harry, who almost suffered a fatal blow, felt his scalp numb. If he had been slower, at least one of his two "heads" would have been broken off.

Who is so cruel and cruel!

Harry didn't have time to think too much, because the Bludger came out of the hole and flew towards him again.

Harry suddenly bent over, and the Bludger quickly scratched his back, scratching his robes. Fortunately, it was only a scratch.

But Ron, who was still looking at the field, was not so lucky. The Bludger hit him in the stomach. Ron bent his bow in pain, and then flew backwards with a bang.

"Ron!" Harry shouted and wanted to chase after him, but the Bludger changed direction again and flew straight towards him.

Harry quickly ducked to avoid it.

The person who was hit this time was his roommate Dean Thomas, who was hit in the buttocks.

Originally it was Seamus Finnegan who was injured. When he saw the Bludger, he was so anxious that he pulled Dean in front of him... I can only say that they are superficial brothers!

Everyone ran to both sides, and some students jumped directly from the stands and quickly moved away from the Bludger.

Everyone ran so fast that there was a stampede.

While running, Ginny stepped on something soft and almost sprained her foot. The little girl yelled: "Who is it!"

Luna, who was holding "The Quibbler" at the side, reminded: "Your brother."


Ginny quickly raised her feet. She thought it was George and Fred, but when she lowered her head and saw that it was Ron, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, two more students ran over and stepped on one of Ron's ribs with a click.


There was a large open space around Harry, and he wanted to run, but the Bludger seemed to be entangled in him, turning and hitting him again and again.

"Someone help me!" Harry begged for help.

The professors were checking Malfoy's injury on the court and did not pay attention to the sudden commotion here.

George found an iron rod from nowhere, and he hit the Bludger hard into the sky. Like a boomerang, the Bludger turned around again and hit Harry's head.

Fred raised his wand and tried to use magic to blow up the Bludger, but accidentally bounced the Bludger towards the little wizard.

Shirley and Hermione stood outside the crowd and saw the Bludger flying straight away, but neither girl escaped.

Because there are other students behind him!

The two of them clenched their wands at the same time. Fortunately, at the next moment, Rolf, who had already noticed the commotion here, came to them in an instant on his broomstick, like an arrow shot from a strong bow.

After the young man landed, the rain that filled the sky was carried away and condensed in front of him, turning into a water ball that was almost as tall as a person.

The bludger hits the water balloon and is trapped inside.

Luofu turned his head slightly and asked softly: "Are you two okay?"

Shirley and Hermione both shook their heads.

"That's good."

Luofu raised his arm and grabbed the water ball. His fingers were like hooks and he exerted a slight force. The water ball and the bludger exploded immediately.

The group of students were a little shocked when they witnessed this scene.

Luo Fu didn't pay attention to the surprised looks of everyone, he just raised his head and looked around.

A little further away, a house elf hiding in the shadows immediately apparated away.

Luofu narrowed his eyes.

The sudden out-of-control Bludger disrupted the rhythm of the Quidditch match and injured several Gryffindor students.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Bludger was heading towards Harry, but as the victim, he did not suffer too many injuries due to his excellent positioning.

The most seriously injured was Ron.

He was first hit in the chest by the Bludger, flew out, and then had his ribs broken in the stampede.

All I can say is... don't get too close to someone who has great luck. He is the "Boy Who Lived" and you are not. If you get too close, aren't you seeking death?

In comparison, the fact that Cedric caught the Golden Snitch and helped Hufflepuff defeat Slytherin seemed a bit trivial.

Cedric catching the Golden Snitch was inevitable because... Malfoy was injured.

According to the rules of the Quidditch game, if one side is disabled, a substitute may not be sent on the field.

Yes, the rules of the Quidditch game are so weird. Substitutes are not allowed, and if players are missing, they must play six against seven.

According to Malfoy's injury, it is impossible for him to come back in a short time. Slytherin has no Seeker and no one can catch the Golden Snitch.

But no one cared about the result of this game. Everyone focused all their attention on the out-of-control Bludger.

Rolf knew that it was the house elf Dobby who did it, and the boy suddenly discovered a problem that he had ignored... Why didn't he catch Dobby?

As a house elf, he usually hides in the corner of the house and has a high probability of hearing his master's conversation.

It was as if Dobby knew that the Chamber of Secrets would be opened. Rolf didn't think it was Malfoy who told him, so it could only be through eavesdropping.

Then, Dobby is very likely to know...who has the diary!

This chapter has been completed!
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