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Chapter 74 Aragog, please come back to the box with me!

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A person's destiny, of course, depends on one's own efforts, but one must also take into account... the system's rewards.

Rolf had absolutely no idea how, as an ordinary little wizard, he still had a chance to become Spider-Man.

But if you say this...he won't be sleepy!

Can you make spider silk? What nonsense. Cataracts and glaucoma must be cured!!

Aragog walked over slowly. As the ancestor of all Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest, he is now fifty years old.

According to the average lifespan of an Acromantula, Aragog has reached old age and has only a few years left to live.

Therefore, although its size is very large and it is the largest of all spiders, its speed is extremely slow and can be described as staggering.

"What happened?" Aragog asked, glaring at Bai Yi.

"I'm Hagrid's friend." Rolf jumped off the Acromantula, and the spider immediately slipped back to the group.

"Hagrid's friend?" Aragog said silently.

Because of the secret room, it was placed deep in the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid fifty years ago, and almost no human knows its relationship with Hagrid.

Since the other party can call Hagrid by his name, then he is probably...a real friend.

"Friend Hagrid, what are you doing here?" Aragog asked.

"I'm here to look for Amanita muscaria, also called hallucinogenic mushrooms." Luo Fu described in detail:

"It's a bright red herb that will cause hallucinations after being swallowed."

"Oh, tell me this." Aragog spit out a filament, which rolled up the dead wood like a tongue, and there was a row of bright red mushrooms growing on the wood.

"That's it." Rolf showed a harmless smile and said in classic nonsense: "Thank you so much, no wonder Hagrid praised you as the Spider of Kindness."


Aragog chuckled and said, "Hagrid's friend, if you want it, you have to exchange it for something."

"What?" Rolf raised his head and asked.

"It's very simple, risk your life in exchange!" Aragog suddenly said loudly.

These words were echoed by a large group of spiders on the hollow ground. They all let out unruly laughter and wanted to feast immediately.

Ronan was very nervous and clenched the bow and arrow in his hand. He hadn't found his fiancée yet, he hadn't tasted sweet love... he couldn't die here.

But all the Acromantulas gathered around and formed a solid, towering copper wall to prevent them from escaping.

"We are friends of Hagrid!" Ronan repeated feebly.

"So, my children and I will not harm Hagrid, but I can't stop other human flesh from enjoying it..." Aragog couldn't help laughing.

Human beings are naive.

"Isn't it just a matter of risking your life?" Luofu sneered, "I thought it was such a difficult request."

"Oh, I think you haven't understood what I mean." Aragog said softly: "I mean..."

"Of course I understand." Rolf interrupted directly. He opened the box and hissed in Parseltongue: "Come out...basilisk!"

The box began to shake, and the Acromantulas sensed the danger in advance, and also smelled a suppressed aura coming from their blood.

The eyes of the group of Acromantulas were filled with unconcealable fear and panic. They formed a mess and ran outside, clicking.

Soon, a huge creature came out of the box. After seeing the huge basilisk, the Acromantulas ran faster.

"I have to pay for it with my life." Luofu took out his wand and said, "Why don't you do it, Ronan?"

Ronan became excited, and with a rare smile on his face because of his gentle personality, he picked up the giant horn bow on his back, quickly pulled out an arrow from the quiver, and fired with all his strength!

The sharp arrows accurately penetrated the Acromantula's body and nailed it to the ground.

There was also an Acromantula that was concerned about Aragog, ramming straight towards them like a truck.

Luofu didn't make any unnecessary movements. His eyes contained a lot of magic power. He said in a deep voice:

"Petrifying Gaze!"

The Acromantula had eight eyes that could not be closed. There was no way to avoid Rolf's gaze... lying on the ground stiffly.

Rolf pulled out a sharp long sword made by centaurs from Ronan's waist. He walked towards the petrified Acromantula and slashed it with his sword, cutting off half of the spider's head.

The young man was seen carrying the bloody spider head and walking straight towards Aragog. He inserted his sword into the ground beside him and threw the head towards Aragog, causing blood drops to scatter on the ground.

Luofu said softly:

"You're going to trade your life for...is that enough? If it's not enough, I'll kill more. It won't take much trouble."

Aragog took a breath of cold air. Although he could not see with his eyes, he could feel the breath of the basilisk and the sight of his children running away crazily.

"That's enough...I'll give you as much as you want!" Aragog said quickly: "Let the basilisk stop and stop hurting my children."

"Look, I said it's not difficult to negotiate." Rolf smiled, stretched out a foot, stepped on Aragog's head, and then wiped the sole of his shoe on its face to wipe away the dirt.

"By the way, I have something else I want to discuss with you."

"What happened?!" Aragog said in a trembling voice.

Luofu smiled calmly, squinted his eyes, glanced at the moonlight, and said slowly: "I would like to invite you to my box... to stay for a few days."


Luofu smiled brightly and said in a relaxed voice: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to treat your eyes. Aragog, I am not a butcher and I will not kill you."

Aragog sniffed the bloody smell in the air: "Then you are?"


Rolf put Aragog and the Basilisk into the box, and of course the corpses of the Acromantulas were not spared either.

These are all treasures. If you sell them casually, you can earn hundreds or thousands of galleons.

Just making extra money... wouldn't it be enough to collect Shirley's salary for a year?

Of course, when facing a little assistant, you still have to cry when you are poor.

Rolf also dug up a lot of Amanita muscaria. He worked really hard to get the ingredients for the Veritaserum. If he had known better, he would have stolen Snape's medicine storage room.

Luo Fu and Ronan separated, and he was about to go back to school to sleep, but when he passed a fork in the road, he suddenly stood upside down with all the hair on his body.

Capturing Aragog will give you the magical "Spider Sense", which can alert you to danger through tingling in the back of the brain and increased adrenaline secretion.

Unexpectedly, Luo Fe just got this magic and put it to use immediately.

"Who is there?" Rolf raised his wand, pointed it at the grass and said, "Come out quickly."

After a while, a female centaur came out. She looked very surprised that she was discovered.

Rolf looked at the tall Nymeria. He had to say that Bain's fiancée was really beautiful, especially with a wild beauty.

The only regret is that none of the horses wear clothes, but she is wrapped in a grid of vines and holds the plump and juicy fruits.

"Are you waiting for me here?" Luofu asked.

"I divined it myself. It has nothing to do with Ronan this time." Nymeria quickly explained.

"Oh, I know, you can tell by looking at the stars." Luof glanced sideways at Melia's bulging landscape, then looked up at the sky and said:

"The moon is really big and white tonight."

As Bain's fiancée, Nymeria is actually young and very innocent, so she didn't catch the other words. She retorted:

"It has nothing to do with the stars. We watch the sky at night to predict the overall destiny of a species or a nation.

The vast universe does not reveal inconsequential personal issues."

Nymeria whispered: "I used other methods to divine that you would pass by here."

"After considering it for so long, you still don't want to trade with me?"

After a brief silence, Luofu suddenly said: "Speaking of which, I really have something I want to ask."

Nymeria smiled.

Luofu closed his eyes, pondered for a moment and said:

"Please help me divine the location of a diary!"

(Thanks to "Ji Ai Wa Lang Shui", "Book Friends" and "Book Friends" for their tips.)

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