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Chapter 90 Obscurus

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After the entire scene disappeared, Dumbledore took hold of Rolf's arm, gently pulled it, and the two returned to the principal's office.

Dumbledore sat down again behind the table, and the old man said in a hoarse voice: "Rolf, do you understand?"

"The silent one." Luofu said softly.

"That's right!" Dumbledore looked at the young man with admiration, somewhat surprised by his erudition.

There hasn't been an Obscurial in the magical world for many years, and he still knows this word.

"My sister Ariana is indeed the Obscurus." Dumbledore nodded:

"After she was attacked by those boys, fear was like a seed that took root in her heart. She began to reject magic and was unwilling to use magic anymore.

But the more this happens, the more frequent magic riots become."

"Furthermore," the old man said in a serious tone, "Every time Ariana's magic riots occur, people around her will be injured... My mother, brother, and myself have all been injured."

"Arianna is a kind child. After she woke up, the memory was still lingering in her mind. She realized that she had hurt us and it became even more painful."

"Because of the Statute of Secrecy, we have to restrict her freedom." Dumbledore sighed softly:

"Otherwise, given her condition, once discovered by the Ministry of Magic, she will definitely be imprisoned in St. Mungo's Hospital for life."

"These all deepened Ariana's uneasiness, and the seeds of fear began to take root in her, eroding her life..."

Dumbledore's always shining eyes were dull.

"I have always said that love is a powerful force for wizards, and it is not illusory...Similarly, the power of fear is also extremely powerful."

"It will hide in the heart of the wizard, swallowing life, twisting the soul, and finally giving birth to another life form in the wizard's body... Obscurus!"

Dumbledore whispered: "That is a powerful force that is extremely unstable and difficult to control!"

"So, that person is making Obscurus?" Luofu's eyebrows curled.

"That's my guess, but my guesses are generally not far off." Dumbledore raised the bottle on the table, shook the black mist inside and said:

"Torture Mrs. Filch and Pince, use an ancient magic to induce fear, and collect it.

Apart from making the Obscurus, I can't think of any other purpose for that person."

"Who do you think could have done it?" Rove asked. He really didn't know who the diary might be on now.

But Dumbledore is different. His eyes are all over Hogwarts. Those ancient portraits are all his little birds. If there is any disturbance, he will immediately report it... maybe he knows?

"Rolf, making blind guesses without complete evidence is a fatal mistake and can easily lead to misjudgment."

Dumbledore's eyes stayed on the young man and said, "But one thing is that the attackers will definitely not end here."

Rolf raised his eyebrows.

"Oscurus is usually conceived in the body of a wizard. This is an extremely long process." Dumbledore said calmly:

"If that person wants to create Obscurus himself, he needs to collect a lot of fear...it will definitely continue to attack."

After getting the answer he wanted, Rove quickly stood up and left the principal's office, leaving Dumbledore alone.

The old man leaned back on the chair, took a sip of tea, and then continued to pound the pensieve with the tip of his stick.

I saw memories passing by like running water, and the pictures slowly changed, and finally settled on a simple funeral.

Young Dumbledore stood in front of the tomb, looking at the tombstone with the names of his mother and Ariana.

Aberforth, who had buried his sister, rushed over, punched Dumbledore on the bridge of the nose, and shouted:

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault that Ariana died!


There were many wizards attending the funeral, and they all looked confused and frightened.

Dumbledore's nose was broken, but he did not fight back. He just sat in front of the tombstone and looked at the small words on the tombstone with empty eyes:

Where the treasure is, there is your heart.

In an instant, Dumbledore, who had just grown up, felt empty in his heart.

I couldn't help myself, and burst into tears.

After leaving the principal's office, Rove returned to the Hufflepuff common room alone.

He was the only one in the entire lounge. He sat on the sofa and meditated alone for a long time.

Tom is gathering the power of fear and preparing to make the Obscurus... This incident is indeed beyond the boy's expectation.

But it is also understandable that the secret room was burned down and the basilisk was gone. What do you think little Tom should do? He can't just sit around, he has to come up with some new tricks.

I just didn't expect this trick to be so big.

The Obscurus is of course a very powerful force, and since Tom is secretly making it... then Rolf is not polite, he will definitely snatch it away!

The next morning, Rolf first went to Snape's office and gave him the basilisk venom in exchange for twenty points.

In order to save materials, Luofu also deliberately blended half of the bottle of water. Anyway, it was just snake venom...diluted venom is not considered venom?

Snape may make a profit, but Rolf will never lose!

When going to the auditorium for breakfast, Rolf also met Shirley, who had returned to Hogwarts from Professor McGonagall's house.

"Why are you alone?" Rolf walked towards the Ravenclaw table and asked curiously: "Where is Hermione?"

"She just returned to the Gryffindor lounge." The girl with the ponytail said a little embarrassedly while eating the cake, "I caused you trouble yesterday."

"You were just drunk and pulling my sleeves. What kind of trouble is that?" Luofu said with a smile.

Hearing that the boy was helping her recall the embarrassing scene yesterday, Shirley was a little embarrassed, and her hands holding the cakes were slightly stiff.

Of course, compared to Hermione's crying and dancing, Shirley's drunkenness was nothing but nothing.

Rolf was just waiting to see Hermione and laugh at her fiercely.

"You can't find her." Shirley laughed and said:

"Professor McGonagall helped her recall it last night. She said that she would not be able to come out of the dormitory this Christmas holiday."


Seeing the young man wearing a scarf and looking like he was going on a long trip, Shirley asked softly: "Rolf, are you going out soon?"

"That's right, I want to go to the Borgin-Bock store in Knockturn Alley." Luofu picked up the box in his hand.

"Continue to investigate the house-elf portraits left behind by Hufflepuff."

Shirley and Hermione searched old newspapers and determined that the items in Smith's old house had been packaged and sold to Borgin and Burke's. He had to go and take a look.

Shirley stared at the young man's smiling face. She blinked and said, "I have nothing to do. How about going with you?"

Luo Fu thought for a while, and it was not that dangerous as he was not going to the Forbidden Forest, so he nodded and said: "Okay."

"Then let's go now." Shirley stood up happily and said happily: "How should we get to Knockturn Alley?"

"Ride...the Knight Bus!"


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