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Chapter 92 Shirley: Rolf, my legs are numb!

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If the Hogwarts Express is a smooth and long journey, then the Knight Bus is synonymous with bumps and torture.

The Knight Bus jumps from the highway to a quiet mountain path. There are many dangerous turns along the way. The car goes left and right. Occasionally, it will jump from a hill several meters high... Lingyun Speeding!

This is not just a roller coaster, there is also a jumping machine!

Shirley now felt like she was like a blanket spread on the table, being pulled by someone's hand and shaken vigorously.

Rolf seems to be enjoying it!

Fortunately, there were tree vines that fixed her and the chair in place, so she didn't fall...it was just that the binding was a bit tight!

Both Rove and Shirley were safe with their "seat belts" on, but the passengers on the first and second floors were not so lucky. Their chairs were thrown around and kept hitting the inner wall of the car, making a banging sound.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were playing “office chair racing” and “bumper cars”.

Of course, it can also be a "violent motorcycle"... There are already irritable wizards kicking each other on the chairs.

Get out of here!

The driver Ern Plan also showed off his driving skills. He drove onto the Muggle highway while reading the "Daily Prophet" he had just received.

The Knight Bus squeezed in through the gap of less than half a meter between the two large trucks, and squeezed out again like a noodle.

The statement that there had been no car accidents for a week made Rove seriously doubt whether he was lying.

Fortunately, top-level torture brings top-notch speed, and the Knight Bus arrived at Diagon Alley in a very short time.

The car finally screeched to a halt outside a store, and all the passengers let out a sigh of relief.

After the vines slowly loosened, Luo Fu stood up and picked up his small black suitcase.

Shirley also struggled to get up and sat back down. She pursed her lips and whispered to the boy: "Rolf, my legs are numb."

Luo Fu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to support Shirley, slowly get out of the car, and then find a chair in a nearby shop to sit down.

After Shirley sat down, she rubbed her legs. She bit her lip and said, "You're still laughing because you tied her up too tight!"

Luofu quickly stopped his smile and reached out to help the girl gently tap her calf.

"I have no experience this time... I will tie you looser next time."

"Is there a next time?" Shirley raised her eyebrows and said, "I will never take the Knight Bus again."

"Nico's car doesn't have this problem. It doesn't shake at all when you sit in it." Luo Fe thought for a while and said:

"In the future, I will get a car from him to use as the official car of our Celia Magical Animal Store."

The girl with the ponytail pursed her lips and smiled, joking: "Be careful of getting caught."

"Don't worry." Rolf also smiled and said, "I'm not idiots like Harry and Ron. I can still be seen by Muggles while driving a flying car that can turn invisible."

After resting, the two of them walked west along Diagon Alley. When they passed the fork in the road, they walked towards another alley.

There is an old wooden street sign hanging at the entrance of the alley, which says Knockturn Alley.

Compared to Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley is extremely dirty, and the snow that has not completely melted has turned black.

There are also black magic shops on both sides of the alley.

The first shop to sell candles. The magic candles they sold had poisonous smells after being lit, or could stun wizards, and some even had the effect of intoxicants.

In the second shop, a large cage was filled with huge poisonous spiders, which were eating a dead wild boar.

The third shop is a coffin shop, with moving human skeletons placed at the door.

Are these items illegal?

It can only be said that they are on the edge of crime, and they will hide anything that is truly illegal and only sell it to acquaintances.

"What a beautiful little girl."

Suddenly an old voice sounded, and a short, ugly old witch blocked their way. Her skin was covered with pimples and she had a pair of ugly double chins like pebbles.

"Are you lost, my dear? Do you want me to take you home?"

The old witch has lost all her teeth. If you get closer, you can smell the smell of disease. When she speaks, the stench she emits is strange and strong.

Luofu glanced at her and said coldly: "Get out!"

"Ha~ This is the first time someone dares to talk to me like this."

The old witch said in a terrifying deep voice: "Little boy, I'm going to cut off your tongue and drink it with you. You shouldn't have come to Knockturn Alley..."

She suddenly opened her mouth, curled up her slender, mossy tongue, and spat out a large ball of corrosive spit at Luo Fe.

This attack was so insidious and so close that even an adult wizard would probably be caught off guard.

But Luo Fei just raised his hand slightly, and the spittle returned along the original path, and sprayed it on the old woman's face.

The old witch's body has obviously adapted to that kind of saliva and will not be corroded, but having the spit spit on her face is enough to make her angry.

The old witch's ugly face twisted, and she screamed: "You kid!"

She suddenly shut up, and her body was as cold as falling into an ice cave, because the melted snow on the street, under the control of Luofu, condensed into a water jet, which was pressed between her eyebrows.

Just a little bit of penetration!

The magic from the horse-shaped water monster allows Rolf to easily control the surrounding water.

The old witch was stiff and cold all over. She didn't see the boy using the wand at all...was he casting a spell silently without a wand?

The old woman subconsciously believed that the "young man" in front of her was not a young man at all, but a powerful dark wizard who had used Polyjuice Potion to transform himself!

She suddenly held the wand in her right hand, quickly raised it, and shot out a red light.

Luofu just tilted his head slightly to avoid the curse.

The water jet pierced the old witch's eyebrows. She had no time to dodge, she raised her hand to block the water jet with her palm, and tilted her head at the same time.

The water jet penetrated the entire palm and drew a deep blood mark on her face.

Luofu kicked out and hit the old woman in the stomach, causing her short body to fall to the ground.

The snow on the ground instantly wrapped around her arms and ankles like shackles, pulling them down hard and nailing them to the ground, making it impossible to get up.

Luofu walked over, squatted next to the old witch, stretched out his fingers to hold the water knife, gestured to her mouth, and whispered: "Did you just want to cut my tongue?"

The old woman's face was covered with blood. She looked at the young man looking down at her in horror. Toothless's mouth trembled and she wailed:

"Don't kill me...let me go, please let me go..."

"What are you talking about? Murder is against the law, and you will be sent to Azkaban... I am not a dark wizard, how could I kill you?"

Luofu gently tapped the old witch on the cheek with the water knife and said with a smile: "I am a good person."

The young man's tone softened and he smiled:

"By the way, I'm going to Borgin-Bock's to buy something, but I don't have any galleons with me. Can you help me pay for it? I can temporarily forgive you for your offense to us and give you a chance to change your ways."


(In the recent special period, it’s a bit uncomfortable not to show the chapter comment... But you can also see it in the background. Everyone makes more dirty talk, Crow Crow likes to see it.)


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