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Chapter 20 Late Admission Notice

Luofu said that he was not doing it to make money, but just to make friends, but he took a few more tail feathers from Fox's nest.

He planned to take it back to make quills.

The quill pen made of phoenix tail feathers is warm in winter and cool in summer. It has a self-cleaning function and is the firebolt among pens!

Of course, if you have any leftovers, you can also ask Ollivander to make a batch of wands with Fox's tail feathers as cores, which are twin cores to Voldemort's yew wands.

In this way, when Voldemort is resurrected and Rolf fights with him, since the wand cores are the same, a "flashback curse phenomenon" will automatically occur between the wands... Even if Voldemort is not his opponent, we can force a 50-50 split.

It’s simply a life-saving item!

Dumbledore looked at Rolf picking up tail feathers and couldn't help but have a kind smile on his face.

He felt that the boy was quite interesting, unlike Newt when he was a child, who didn't like to talk and was a bit autistic. He would blush after teasing a few words.

The old man let go of the young man's hand on his shoulder, turned around, sat down on the chair, and motioned for Luo Fu to sit down too.

"I'm already a little hungry. How about some midnight snack, Rolf? How about lemon ice cream or honey cake?"

"Eating too many sweets at night is bad for your teeth and can also make you gain weight." Luo Fu shook his head and refused, "Just a cup of tea will do."

Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped it lightly, and a rotating tea tray and a plate of ice cream immediately appeared in the air.

"I have some pain in my right tooth recently. Madam Pomfrey also warned me not to eat too many sweets, otherwise I will get tooth decay."

Dumbledore picked up a piece of lemon ice cream, took a bite, and blinked, "But it's really delicious."

Luo Fu picked up the tea cup with ice cracks, took a sip of tea, and advised: "If you don't repair the small hole, you will suffer the big hole. It's better to go and have a look early."

"The potions used in the campus hospital to treat toothaches were all made by Professor Snape, but those potions..."

Dumbledore shook his head and deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was revealing a terrible secret.

"They all taste terrible."

Rolf raised his eyebrows. Even Dumbledore said it tasted bad, so it really tasted bad. It seems that he should be careful when going to the campus hospital in the future.

The young man thought for a while and said, "In fact, other treatment methods can be used."

The old man leaned forward and asked curiously: "What method?"

Rolf originally wanted to introduce his Celia Magical Creatures Store, and then use the opportunity of treating Dumbledore's teeth to promote it with hard-core advertisements among students.

Look, even Dumbledore came to see me for medical treatment, why don’t you hurry up and send the pet over?

But Luo Fu suddenly remembered that he was a veterinarian and had offended the Sorting Hat and many old principals. The current principal should take care of it.

Otherwise, what should I do if I really get fired?

The young man had no choice but to cough and wittily changed his words: "You can go to a Muggle clinic. Their modern medical treatment is actually beyond the imagination of many wizards."

"Hermione's father is a dentist, and I heard from her that his medical skills are very good."

"Oh, Miss Hermione Granger? I will definitely go see her father when I have time!" Dumbledore looked at Rove and suddenly asked: "You seem to have high regard for Muggle things?"

"It's not that we praise each other, but we have our own advantages and disadvantages." Luo Fu stretched out his two fingers, held down the thin, sweet and white clear tea cup, looked down at the tea noodles in the cup, and said softly:

"Many wizards' magics are indeed convenient, such as the Traceless Stretch Spell, but there are also many places where they are far inferior to Muggle technology.

Just like Hogwarts, which still uses candles and oil lamps that were used in the Middle Ages today, Muggles entered the electrical age early.

Wizards' astronomical telescopes can only observe the solar system, while Muggles can already detect galaxies billions of light years away..."

Hearing this, Dumbledore let out a light sigh, seeming a little surprised.

Most children from wizarding families are arrogant and arrogant towards Muggles. Even if they have a slight fondness for Muggles, they will not take the initiative to understand their lives and technology.

Even the Weasley family, who are famous for their love of Muggles and are as fanatical as Arthur Weasley, know little about Muggles and make a lot of jokes.

Even their Muggle Studies professor couldn't tell the difference between a telephone and a tape recorder, but they both made sounds anyway.

Rolf was born in the Scamander family. He was so knowledgeable at such a young age, which really surprised Dumbledore.

He was also middle-aged, and after encountering a series of changes, he decided to settle down and get to know this equally great group of people.

The two chatted for a while, talking about Muggle technology, and Dumbledore talked about interesting anecdotes about the magical world. Both of them listened with great interest.

Dumbledore had been looking at the young man carefully. Seeing that his expression was calm and his thoughts were clear, the old man nodded secretly, as if he had discovered an interesting existence.

After the chat, Rove took out a golden letter from his arms. One end of the envelope was sealed with wax. There was an embossed wax seal on the wax, with the image of a sniffer printed on it.

"Professor Dumbledore, this is the letter my grandfather asked me to send you."

This was also the reason why Dumbledore called Rolf to the office on the first day of school. He was a messenger.

The principal removed the sealing wax, opened the envelope, and quickly read the contents of the secret letter, his brows gradually furrowed.

Rolf sat on the chair and didn't make a sound, just drinking tea quietly. He had not read the content of the letter, but he also knew what Newt wrote.

Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon glasses, raised his head, and said slowly:

"Rolf, this summer, you followed Newt to the Albanian forest?"

The young man nodded.

During the summer vacation, they accepted the invitation of the Albanian Ministry of Magic and went to the Albanian forest to investigate the cause of the large-scale death of snakes.

Rolf knew that Voldemort was hiding in that forest. He turned into a wandering spirit and possessed the animals, which would drastically shorten their lifespans.

Of course, Rolf knew better that Newt was actually sent by Dumbledore as his little spy to find out the news.

"By the way, I also met Professor Quirrell, and he also entered the Albanian forest." Rove said.

"Yes, I understand." Dumbledore smiled and changed the subject: "When you returned to the UK from Romania, you were inspected by the Ministry of Magic?"

"They checked my box but found nothing wrong." Rove shrugged.

"This is actually your grandfather's fault." Dumbledore said with a smile:

"Newt likes to run around with a bunch of magical creatures. He has been to many cities and there have been incidents of magical creatures running around.

When his grandson comes back from the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, the Ministry of Magic will of course be a little nervous, afraid that you will become a Fire Dragon or something."


Luo Fe was speechless. Even he could not refute this terrible "slander" and "inherent prejudice"!

After all, they are all...facts!!

"So, Rolf, I don't want the magical creatures in your box to run around, you know?" Dumbledore restrained his smile and said:

"I allow you to raise magical creatures in Hogwarts, but you are not allowed to attack students again." Dumbledore said seriously:

"You have to restrain them. I don't want to see you get expelled like your grandfather."


The portraits of the old principal had stopped arguing for a long time. They all pricked their ears and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two. When they heard the expulsion, Phineas even hummed a few times to express his support.

Dumbledore raised his sleeves, changed his sitting position slightly, took out a letter from the table and said:

"This is your admission notice. You have been in Romania and also went to Albania. The owl cannot cross the sea to find you... Although it is late, I still have to give it to you."

Luofu took the letter and saw that it read:

From Mr. Rolf Scamander, Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts.

On the reverse is a wax seal, a shield of arms, and a capital "h" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Rove took out the letter and read it:

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizards Association, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin).

Dear Mr. Scamander: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...

Luofu smiled with satisfaction. Without this thing, it really seemed like something was missing.

However, a late admission notice, which is also a notice, is better than someone's notice that may be always late.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "My child, when you have nothing to do, you can come here and sit here often. I like to listen to you talk about Muggle things."

"I understand, goodbye principal, goodbye Fox."

Luofu stood up, bowed to the old man to thank him, and waved goodbye to the old principals on the wall.

What a polite boy, so lovable!

Dumbledore's expression became more and more amiable, he smiled and nodded gently: "Go ahead, go ahead, you should still be able to catch up with Hufflepuff's prefect introduction ceremony."

The boy turned and left the principal's office.

Dumbledore stood up, watched the young man leave, closed the door, and then sat back down.

The old man looked out the window, overlooking the night scene alone. He looked at the letters on the table again, and his smile disappeared little by little.

This chapter has been completed!
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