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Chapter 113: Abnormal Percy

After Merkus persuaded them, Rolf and the others had a dinner at the mermaid tribe.

Although mermaids, like centaurs, have refused to be classified as "human" by the Ministry of Magic, they are indeed a highly intelligent species similar to wizards. They eat cooked food and are not in a state of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

Mermaids use a special magical fuel to boil food in water.

Most of the dinner is river fresh food, and the most delicious one is mixed with cuttlefish liver. The method is also very simple. Peel it, cut it into strips, remove the intestines, mix it with the cooked wine, and season with salt.

The wine-steamed clams and red clam sashimi are also good, the grilled squid is salty and fresh with a hint of curry; the baked meat crab with ginger and scallion has a rich aroma of charred ginger and scallion, and the crab meat is extremely tender... Luo Fu was extremely satisfied with the meal.

During the dinner, there was also a mermaid singing and dancing performance. Although they were all ugly, their singing was more beautiful, even with their eyes closed.

Myrcella was ill, but to show her gratitude, she still showed up at the dinner and had a pleasant chat with Rolf.

In the next few weeks, he would have to help her with multiple follow-up visits until she was completely healed.

Now that Gryffindor, one of the Big Four, was involved, Rolf also began to take a liking to Messiah, which was also the main purpose of Dumbledore bringing him to treat the disease.

As for Lockhart...it's just a convenient addition.

After returning to Hogwarts, Rolf plunged into the library and began to look up information about mermaids.

Merkus calls Myrcella the golden mermaid, and she is also a two-tailed mermaid. These two characteristics alone are enough to investigate a lot of information.

Sitting in the library, Luo Fu held a copy of "The Distribution and Types of Mermaids" in his hand and started reading it carefully.

According to the book, the so-called golden mermaids have golden hair and scales, and have special double fish tails.

In the name of their beauty, they live in the Aegean Sea between the Greek Peninsula and the Asia Minor Peninsula.

Myrcella can swim from the Aegean Sea through the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, all the way to the Black Lake, which is quite impressive.

The book also mentions that this group has oral traditions that they guard an island and use their magical songs to confuse the voyagers who try to land on the island, causing them to eventually hit the rocks and sink.

Of course, the credibility of this myth is not high, after all, every ethnic group has similar legends.

The Jews also firmly believe that God will eventually send a "Messiah" to revive the Jewish nation; the Celts also say that King Arthur will return as a king.

Luofu worked hard for several days, but could not find any more valuable information. After reading the last book, he left the library.

The boy walked west along the stairs and passed through a vaulted corridor when he happened to meet the twins and Percy.

Percy was chasing Fred and George, and the three of them were running around the pillars, making a lot of noise.

After George saw Rove, he threw an object over from a distance.

Luo Fe reached out to catch it. He looked down and saw that it was a prefect badge, but the words on the badge had been transformed into "idiot" by the twins' magic.

Percy changed direction and ran towards Rove, and Fred shouted: "Throw it to me, Rove."

The boy didn't throw it away. He stood there and waited for Percy to run over, then threw the prefect badge back to him.

"Thank you, Rolf!" Percy didn't notice that the words on it had changed, and he hung the badge on his chest again.

Percy calmed his breath and quickly regained his composure. He straightened his chest, fiddled with the badge on his chest and said sternly:

"George, Fred, Gryffindor has deducted ten points for your prank. I hope this can teach you both a lesson on how to respect a good prefect!"

George and Fred walked over, looking unconcerned.

Seeing the looks on the two people's faces, Percy was furious. He yelled:

"I will write to my mother and tell her... your behavior at Hogwarts has put Gryffindor at the bottom. You don't have any sense of honor and deducted points from the house... I am really ashamed of you.


Rolf looked at Percy, and he suddenly thought of Mrs. Weissley...the tone was exactly the same.

"It's not our fault that Gryffindor is at the bottom!" George retorted loudly:

"How many points did we deduct... and then look at how many points Ron and Harry deducted?"

"That's right." Fred nodded and said, "They both deducted at least four to five hundred points. Compared with them, the two of us are not worth mentioning at all."

This is true. Compared with Harry and Ron, no one is worth mentioning... Not long ago, they were deducted two hundred points just for giving Malfoy poisonous mushrooms.

And most students may not be able to deduct two hundred points after seven years plus one dollar.

While others are scoring machines, Harry and Ron are ruthless point-deducting machines. Even the twins are inferior to Harry and Ron!

"I'll make them both be more honest these days, and so will you two! Anyway, I'll continue to keep an eye on you!" After Percy finished speaking, he strode away.

"How did you get into trouble with him?" Luo Fe asked curiously.

"Percy has something wrong with his brain." George snorted, "We were just about to send a letter, but he stopped us and refused to let us go. He also said that the owlhouse caught birds and snakes last time and it was very dangerous there."

"Then let me lend you my owl?" Luo Fu suggested.

"No, no, your owl will be recognized." Fred said with a evil smile: "We have to use a public owl to avoid exposing our whereabouts."

"Who are you writing to? You are so cautious." Luofu raised his eyebrows.

"An innocent little boy, he has done something wrong recently and needs encouragement." George said with a smile: "Of course, we seem to have gone too far and made him fall in love like never before."

"In short, this is the greatest fun we have during this time." Fred grinned.

"Are you going to the owlery later?" Rolf asked.

"Go ahead, just avoid Percy." Fred sneered, "He's just worried that we will play pranks and ruin his chances of becoming the president of the Boys' Student Council."

"I heard from Ginny that Percy got twelve .ls certificates last year. With such good results, he will definitely be the next president of the Student Union." Rove said noncommittally:

"No matter how much you play pranks, it won't affect him."

He can obtain twelve .ls certificates and is considered a super academic. Hogwarts has not seen such a student for many years... The last one was Bill Weiss.

"It's hard to say." George shook his head and said, "If it was really so certain, Percy wouldn't be unhappy at all."

"How do you say that?" Luofu raised his eyebrows.

"During the summer vacation, Percy got twelve certificates, but he didn't show off at all, and he didn't look very happy." George replied:

"He also locked himself in the house all day long and refused to come out."

"What is he doing?" Luofu asked curiously.

"I don't know, we blew up his room, leaving him without a place to sleep for several days." Fred said with a smile:

"But even so, I couldn't find out what he was doing hiding in the house all day."

Rolf narrowed his eyes, so there was something unusual about Percy... He couldn't really have the diary in his hand, right?

(The second chapter will be posted around one o'clock.

ps, the original book said that Percy got twelve .ls certificates, but did not mention twelve "o"s (excellent). This is considered a classic rumor. Some people like to say that Percy got twelve o's.

, it’s not okay to belittle Hermione’s grades. Passing an A is enough to get a certificate, and the requirements are not that high.

Similarly, Bill and Barty Crouch Jr. both have twelve certificates. Dumbledore is definitely not twelve, because he did not take divination when he was in school.)

See I got kicked out of Hogwarts?.8.2...m.:

This chapter has been completed!
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