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Chapter 132: Luofu: I look like her long-lost father

Hufflepuff students and the Head of Gryffindor go to Ravenclaw Tower together. This is indeed a magical combination.

Rolf followed Professor McGonagall, thinking she would criticize him, but no, she instead talked about the past of the James Four.

"They are very smart, but they are also very annoying. They like to cause trouble and do all kinds of mischief, like..."

"Fred and George," Rove said.

"That's right!" McGonagall sighed: "Of course, Lupine is still good, he is very quiet and very stable. Professor Dumbledore also made Lupine a prefect, hoping that he could restrain Potter and Black


"Later on, Potter and Black did change a lot. They no longer played pranks or used magic on others. Especially Potter, they became outstanding.

In seventh grade, Dumbledore made Potter the Head Boy."

"After they graduated, they joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought against the mysterious man. They performed very bravely until... they died."

Professor McGonagall looked dejected and said:

"Peter Pettigrew is the most inconspicuous of the four. He worships Potter and Black as heroes and always follows the three of them like a little brother."

Her voice was stiff, as if she had suddenly caught a cold and said: "How could Peter do such a thing...to become so terrible..."

"Professor, Peter has actually not changed from the beginning to the end." Luo Fe lowered his voice and said:

"When he was in school, he admired Potter and Black because they were powerful and if he followed them, he wouldn't be bullied.

After leaving school and encountering the more powerful Voldemort, he will of course switch sides and join the Death Eaters camp... Peter is Mu Qiang from beginning to end!

He will follow whoever is stronger!"

Professor McGonagall was silent. After a moment, he sighed: "Fortunately, you caught him."

"You don't blame me anymore?"

"Why should I blame you?" Professor McGonagall shook her head and said:

"You caught Peter, clarified an affair from the past, and avenged Blake's injustice... You are a good boy.

Of course, if you encounter danger again, it is best to inform the professors first and not act alone."

"Definitely next time!" Luo Fu grinned.

As they walked through the corridor, they passed by sets of armors. The soft footsteps made the helmets rattle. When they turned a corner, they encountered a ghost.

Helena was wearing a floor-length dress, standing by a floor-to-ceiling window, looking into the distance with melancholy eyes. The clear moonlight fell on her body, and there was a faint flow of brilliance... It was very beautiful.

After hearing the footsteps, Helena turned her head and looked, and her originally expressionless face instantly revealed a peony-like smile.

She floated over, and after nodding calmly with Professor McGonagall, she looked at Rolf and asked softly:

"You...why are you here? Are you here to find me?"

"Well, I have something to do and I need to go to the Ravenclaw lounge." Rolf explained awkwardly.

"I'll show you the way!"

"No need." Luofu quickly waved his hand and said, "Thank you. I know the way. Goodbye."

Helena stood there with some disappointment, watching the boy go away.

After walking a certain distance, Professor McGonagall asked curiously: "Are you so familiar with Ms. Grey?"

"It's just a nod of acquaintance." Luo Fu said coquettishly, "Actually, we're not too familiar with each other."

"Really?" Professor McGonagall glanced at him and said with a strange smile on his face:

"I have known Ms. Gray since I was in school. She has always been cold and indifferent to others. Why is she so enthusiastic towards you?"

"Maybe... I look like her long-lost father."


Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the two quickly passed through a long spiral staircase and arrived at a door. There was no handle or keyhole on the door, only an old wooden board with an eagle shape on it.

bronze door knocker.

Luofu knocked on the door, and in the silence, the eagle's beak immediately opened, but instead of making a bird call, he called out with a whispering sound:

"When a person recites silently in his heart, whose voice is the voice he hears?"

"Sound is a sound wave produced by the vibration of an object. When you speak, your vocal cords vibrate, thus producing sound."

Luo Fu thought for a while and continued: "But when we recite silently, the vocal cords do not vibrate, so no one actually speaks.

The reason why auditory hallucinations occur is that when reciting silently, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for language is activated and sends a signal to other areas of the brain that I am going to speak.

Therefore, even though you don’t actually make a sound, your brain can still recognize the signal content, thus creating the illusion of your heart’s voice…”

Bronze door knocker: "..."

Professor McGonagall: "..."

"What's wrong?" Luofu scratched his head and asked, "I didn't understand. Can I say it again?"

Luofu wanted to explain again, but the wooden door hurriedly opened with a creak, and it said in a clip tone:

"That's a good answer, don't answer it next time."


Rolf felt that his IQ was being looked down upon. He wanted to answer a few more questions to prove his strength, but Professor McGonagall quickly pushed him in.

Hey, little ancestor, no wonder you weren’t sorted into Ravenclaw!

Rolf walked into the lounge, which was a large circular room with elegant arched windows and blue and bronze silk hangings on the walls.

The ceiling is domed, with stars painted on it, and the dark blue carpet below is also covered with stars.

There are tables, chairs, bookshelves, and a tall white marble statue in the alcove opposite the door.

It was Rowena Ravenclaw, with a smile on her face, and a delicate ring made of marble above her head, with tiny words engraved on it:

Extraordinary intelligence is mankind's greatest wealth.

"Do you know where Miss Swinton is staying..."

Professor McGonagall asked half-way through and then shut up. How could Rove know which dormitory Shirley was in? Didn't he ask too much?

"When you get to the second floor, turn left. The seventh room is Professor." Luo Fu said softly.


Professor McGonagall glared at Rolf, "Why are you so familiar?"

If it weren't for the fact that boys couldn't enter the girls' dormitory, she would have wondered if Luo Fu had sneaked in!

Professor McGonagall was about to go in along the stairs, but Rolf saw the ponytailed girl by the fireplace.

Shirley sat on the sofa and dozed off with her head tilted. When her head tilted to a certain extent, she immediately sat upright and continued to tilt her head.

Luofu walked over, shook her shoulders gently, and said softly: "Shirley, wake up."

The sleepy girl rubbed her eyes and said, "Rolph, you're here."

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"I'm waiting for you!" Shirley sat up straight and said, "You suddenly asked Uduka to give me the box, which made me a little worried. If you don't come, I will go find Professor McGonagall."

"It's okay." Luofu gave a reassuring smile.

"What happened?" the ponytail girl asked curiously.

"That diary held Harry hostage." Rolf sat on the sofa and whispered, "I'm telling you, tonight..."

"Ahem!" Professor McGonagall stood aside and coughed a few times. She pursed her lips tightly and looked at Rolf speechlessly.

There are still a lot of people waiting in the principal's office. Have we finished the serious business? You just sit on the sofa and chat with Shirley?!

Seeing that he was coughing, Rolf didn't even react, so Professor McGonagall knocked twice on the sofa.

Shirley curled up on the sofa and couldn't help laughing. She reminded in a low voice: "Professor McGonagall!"

Only then did Luo Fu come to his senses. He stood up with a sullen look on his face, picked up the box, blinked and said:

"I'll talk to you later!"

The girl with the ponytail blushed and glanced at Professor McGonagall's narrow eyes. She nodded vigorously and said:

"I'm waiting for you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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