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Chapter 137 Final Examination

Since the school is out of danger, the biggest fun for students every day is to look for the "student who caught Peter", and some even offer rewards.

Especially when the Minister of Magic said that he would apply for the Order of Merlin for the young wizard, the amount of the reward increased instantly.

Most of the people offering rewards are female students. They want to know in advance who such an outstanding wizard is!

Looking at the ever-increasing amount of bonuses, Luo Fu couldn't help but want to surrender.

However, looking at the destructive eyes of the girls, Luofu had serious doubts. If he confessed frankly, he would be beaten unconscious by them with a stick that night, and then taken to the woods and eaten alive.

After all, Rove's looks are very good. If you add the title of the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, he is simply a walking hormone.

Fortunately, with the arrival of June, students can no longer engage in this frantic search for someone because exam week is here!

Compared with exams in previous years, everyone is more confident this time, and the reason is very simple...too many attacks have left many students with no place to go on weekdays, so they are forced to go to the library to study.

If you spend every day in the library, can your grades be bad?

But they never expected that the difficulty of the test questions would suddenly increase... After finishing the theory test, most students were in a very low mood, like a wilted eggplant.

Hannah even slumped down on the sofa in the lounge, her eyes dimmed.

Susan was still answering questions. She realized that she had got it all wrong, and she immediately didn't even want to take the practical exam.

MacMillan, who was the loudest speaker before the exam, didn't even review, thinking he was sure of success, but in the end he found out that he couldn't do most of the questions.

Of course, he really doesn't know how to do it. It's very annoying for someone like Hermione who obviously knows how to do it but keeps saying that she failed in the exam...

The most annoying thing is that Hermione insists on asking you to answer questions. When encountering something different, the girl will look sad and insist that she is wrong.

Rolf really thought he was right, but he went to ask the professor and found out that Hermione was right.

So irritating!

The theoretical exams are so difficult, but the practical exams in each subject are even more difficult.

During the Transfiguration exam, Professor McGonagall asked everyone to turn mice into shoes, and they had to wear them to fit their feet.

Luo Fu originally wanted to conjure up a pair of sneakers, but when he heard that he was wearing them, he just conjured up a pair of sneakers.

He also carefully put a Hogwarts school emblem on the shoe:

A shield coat of arms with a capital "h" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Professor McGonagall gave Rove full marks with satisfaction.

Neville also conjured shoes, but the tops of the shoes were the mouths of mice. When he tried to put them on, his toes were bitten.

There was also a slender rat tail on the back of Hannah's shoes. She insisted that it was a trend and was deducted twenty points by Professor McGonagall.

Susan's shoes look good, but they are so small that only a three-inch golden lotus can fit into them.

During the Charms exam, Professor Flitwick asked the students to work in pairs, with one person using the Hiccups Curse and the other using the Hiccups Breaking Charm.

Rolf cooperated with Neville, and when he cast spells and unspells on Neville, everything went smoothly, but when it was Neville's turn to cast, there was a slight problem.

When Neville uses a magic spell, the Spider Sense will frantically remind Rolf to avoid it.

Rolf moved away obediently, and the spell fell on Professor Flitwick, who was watching Hannah and Susan cast the spell.

He originally had thick white hair, which instantly turned into a bare Mediterranean hair.

Luo Fu secretly felt lucky that he had escaped in time, otherwise he would have been the one without hair!

Macmillan and Justin did not cast the hiccup curse or dissolve the hiccup spell at all. They deliberately pretended to hiccup, but Professor Flitwick saw through it at a glance.

Both of them got zero marks and had to take the make-up exam together with Neville.

The Potions exam involves brewing a hair-growing potion. Snape walked around the exam room, and from time to time he would stand behind the students and watch closely.

The students could feel the cool air and whooshing air on the backs of their necks... that was the smell of Snape's fermented hair.

Neville's cauldron exploded again, and Snape stood aside and watched, looking gloating. Before leaving, he wrote a few words in a notebook, which looked very much like zero points.

Hannah sat behind Susan and kept asking her in a low voice how many rat tails she needed to add.

Luo Fu was the most relaxed, and the whole process was leisurely.

Because Snape gave him full marks at the very beginning of the exam, before he even started the fire in the cauldron.

What is outrageous is that in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, when Rove was preparing to deal with the color-changing ghoul, Snape had already given him full marks.

It can only be said that after successfully catching Peter, Rove stepped into the classroom with his left foot first, and Snape could give him two points!

The astronomy exam was at midnight. They had to go to a high tower and identify all the moons of Jupiter. They also had to fill in a blank star map with the precise positions of stars and planets observed with a telescope.

But unfortunately, it was raining all the time, and the little wizards didn't see anything. The wind blew on the tower for half the night.

The herbal medicine exam was the most interesting. Professor Sprout asked the students to identify the only edible non-poisonous mushroom among a bunch of poisonous mushrooms and eat it.

Many students have suffered from poisonous mushrooms. Although it is not fatal, there are also various bad symptoms.

Hannah held her stomach and went to the bathroom twice; Justin lay on the floor and fell asleep.

MacMillan took a hallucinogen, mistook a cactus for a girl, hugged it, kissed it, and finally pricked his mouth with thorns.

After the exam, Rove quietly asked Professor Sprout for a lot of mature mandrakes.

Mandrake can brew a very powerful restorative, which can restore a cursed or deformed person to his original state.

The boy was going to use it on Nagini to see if he could restore her human form in a short time.

The last subject is the history of magic.

Professor Binns examines wand legislation and breaches of the Statute of Secrecy, the reasons for the founding of the International Confederation of Wizards, and explains why Liechtenstein wizards refuse to participate.

Since the legend of the locked room appeared this school year, he also asked some stories about the locked room and asked the students to comment on it.

In view of Professor Binns' inexplicable dislike of Slytherin House, Rolf wrote half a page of bad things about Slytherin.

When Professor Binns was on patrol, he accidentally saw Rove's paper and was immediately shocked. He gave it full marks on the spot.

It's just that Professor Binns looked at Rove and was a little confused. Isn't this student named Skadi from Slytherin College?

Why are you still talking bad about Slytherin?!

(Thanks to the boss "Cheating Tiger Spot King" for the tip.

Chapter 2, tomorrow...noon.)

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